RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

This was exactly why I got into it. I know there’s some element of truth, but I felt so low about myself that I used it as my base in society.

As I get mentally stable and healthier on subs, I’m reminded how low I felt. Low choices, low prospects, low goals. Knowledge was the only leverage I had, so I used it. My focus was medical conspiracy, and I even seriously looked into being a nutritionist (to help people–so I could feel special). But…I also felt like a victim, and that step up would have made me… do better than my mom. The possibility of leaving her behind scared me, so i didn’t follow it.

I also felt like an imposter, an actor around honest people. It takes a lot of work to keep up that front.

I just wanted to feel valuable. Needed. Special. Unique. Loveable. It was a never-ending, never satisfied goal.

Thanks for putting this “anything” thread here @RVconsultant. It might get really busy here

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I am not sure if people in China today are still obsessed with local conspiracy theories. My interaction with them has been that they care more about practical issues and improving their quality of life rather than thinking about whether Chairman Mao signed a treaty with the Aliens , the Communist Party is hiding some sort of secret technology to enslave the Chinese people , or if Sun Yat Sen was a freemason (rather than just a member of the Green Gang)…

But yea, with over 4000 years of history, it’s hard for many history enthusiasts in China not to wonder about unexplained stuff that happened in the distant past that smacked of conspiracy theories like who
poisoned the Guangxu Emperor or the 17th century Wanggongchang Explosion.

Ok, for the really hard-core conspiracy theory buffs, you can check out Unit 749, which is supposedly China’s equivalent of Majestic 12. Apparently, it exists. Unfortunately, there is hardly any material about it in English.


Perhaps @Sebastian_Po can get some idea for his writing by reading this.

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Think I’ll just shut up about this one. :wink:

@RVconsultant so what I understand is that you were only consulted for rvX subliminal, and not for the apX. Is that so?

Also I’d like to know if you need any energy awareness training for doing Remote Viewing?

thanks for tagging me…what you said is pretty much the truth…as far as I know …we dont talk about conspiracies that much in China…those are usually frowned upon…the only conspiracies that we talk about probably will be something related to the entertainment industry…all I can say is we are practical materialist…we seek for the actual improvements something that will bring honor to our family and personal life…


Hi @RVconsultant, could you tell us your experiences on the original Blue Skies?

So today i was just surfing youtube and a channel came across for Dating. Owner’s name is Brian and hes such a great teacher of energy work and women attraction. https://youtu.be/FbVFVaqAlFA This is the video that motivated me to go to his channel. I am surprised and excited how women feels our energy during interactioins, and we dont because of too much thougts and non-vulnerability. @pacman I read your comment that how women say to you dont be NICE. Its because it feels fake, sometimes needy even cheap. I am not targeting you we all do this because nobody didn’t tell us what is not being NICE and what is NiCE. Its confusion all over RIGHT ? The main reason is not the subs affecting you, yes it is a factor but not the huge one. A person(man) will be called nice example: This is so nice of you, you’re so nice thank you. Sounds nothing wrong right, but women say this because a person is being needy, wanting attention of a girl. If you are needy you’re(man) almost saying i need your attention and the energy of neediness is so repelling. I would suggest you all guys to watch that channel and its stuff IF you really wanna be good and at ease with women. THANK YOU


Thank you @seeklight
Really appreciate that resource.

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No problem brother. We gotta learn the stuff regarding women, Its essential in this Era.


Yes you righy…
Any good books you recommend ?


You are welcome!


I would say that Emperor Fitness Supreme has been my favorite! And the music for the non-Ultima Beast Unleashed is AMAZING!

How about you?

Stark and Khan have been my favourite for sure. I really loved them so far. They’ve both offered me two things I’ve needed for sure.

Ultima wise I love BLU. It really helps me with dance and choreography and being creative etc!

Just tagged you in my journal.

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Yes, only for the rvX. I know almost nothing about astral projection or oob.

In terms of energy awareness, I don’t think so. Being aware of what you might be experiencing at any given moment I think would help. So for me, I focus on modules such as Alchemist, All Seeing, Informaticon, Information Releaser, Inner Voice, Intuition Enhancer, The Merger of Worlds, Unlimiter, rvXQ, Atman, Limit Destroyer, The Flow, and Quantum Limitless. Basically, anything that I think might help remove my limits, or that would improve my perception or my awareness of what’s in my unconscious.


Although I keep a journal, I do summaries once every 2 weeks or so. So I don’t know when was the first original version results, and which have been the Ultima results.

If you want something that might mimic a number of the effects:

I would say that it’s not so much what Blue Skies is doing. It more of what Blue Skies is undoing. It’s as though negative thoughts and/or cultural ideas and/or preconceived notions of reality just disappear. It happens so gradually, it some times takes me a few weeks to notice what’s just not there any more.

Then there is my reverence for plants. Never felt it before Blue Skies.

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I dont really know books about dating or about women, but in general there are many communication books. one of them is How to win friends and influence people.

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Thanks for the tag!

Here is something about what Khan did for me:
[Mod EDIT - link was dead, fixed it with correct one].

Although I’m more introverted, it got me more talkative.

I wanted to post something on spiritual modules. I think this is something that I would consider very individualistic.

If someone wanted to create a spiritual subliminal, I would actually encourage them to first look at the regular version of Alchemist, and think about running all 4 stages. My reasoning is that Alchemist is about organizing ones spiritual life. Once organized, then selecting spiritual oriented modules for a custom might be easier. I wonder if doing so might lead to better selection of spiritual modules for longer-term plans or goals.

Also a custom is supposed to be listened to for 6 to 12 months.

If one’s spiritual ideas are not sorted, or if one thinks their spiritual ideas are sorted but they aren’t, then what might happen after 3 months of listening to a custom spiritual subliminal?

For me, I went through all 4 stages of the Alchemist. Listened to As Above and So Below (non-Ultima versions) for about 6 months. Personally, that was most of what I wanted with spiritual subliminals. Although I am running Spiritual Freedom, Atman, Energetic Development XI, Blue Skies, and The Architech, I realize they could be spiritual, but from my perspective I’m running them for their practical benefits such as health.



You’ve been using subliminals and you are married. What modules or programs would you recommend for people in ongoing romantic relationships?

I’ve been having great fun with a Libertine V1 and PS.
The first time, I woke up to her being in the mood.

This morning, I was more handsy and that led to fun times.

I just got my BILLionaire wealth/money Custom yesternight, so jury is out on that.

I’d like to eventually do a custom of PS, SM and Stark cores