RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I put the great info @RVconsultant shared (thanks!) in a table so that I can use it as a reference. Posting it here in case you guys find it useful



Wow! Thank you! When I posted my ideas in this post about subliminals and customs, I was hoping people could find some useful ideas that would save them time.

You have just done something to help people save even more time!

Thank you!

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Not a problem! I did it so that I could see what modules help across topics. Glad you find it helpful!

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Just so I don’t take up the Libertine thread - I’m currently using Khan stage 1 and stage 2. I really want the healing of stage one to be with me in every stage. How would you stack it with how many loops?

Of course there emphasis would be on there later stages.

I’ve been using to o many loops so my stack is:

KS1 x1
KS2 X2

Is this enough?

I also use BLU and Libertine.


Since you posted those charts, I made a few updates. Would you please do some updates to your charts and re-post them?



added: Blue skies

added: Inner circle

deleted: Instant spark


added: Blue skies

added: Inner circle


added: Inner Circle

added: Blue skies

Manifesting skills:

added: Inner circle


added: Seductress (women)

added: sex manifestation

added: gorgeous manifestor


First, I’m guessing you are using the Q format at the regular store.

For number of loops, I will reference this article:

I would also monitor for fatigue, headaches, or any sign I might need an extra rest day.

Regarding BLU and LU. Again, I currently listen to multiple Ultimas and it seems fine for me. I just monitor for fatigue, headaches, etc.

If it were me, this is what I would do:

Khan stage 1 at 3 loops a day. If I could do more, then I would. I’d take it up to 6 loops a day if I could. I would listen to Khan stage 1 for 60 days.

After 30 days of listening to Khan stage 1, I would add Khan stage 2 at one loop per day. Notice its effect. If I feel ok, then add 2 loops. If I could take up to 6 loops a day, then I would. So notice at this point, I would be running stage 1 and 2, up to 6 loops of stage 1 and 6 loops of stage 2 per day if I could handle it.

At day 60, I would discontinue Khan stage 1 and continue Khan stage 2 for another 30 days.

So after 60 days of Khan stage 2, I would discontinue Khan stage 2 and start Khan stage 3. I would run Khan stage 3 for 60 days, as many loops as I could handle, but no more than 6 loops per day.

And after 60 days of Khan stage 3, I would go to Khan stage 4 and run it for 60 days minimum, but possibly even longer after that if I liked the results.

This whole time, I would keep running BLU and LU. I would run them each at 1 loop per day.

I would take rest days as per the article’s instructions.

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Some sort of community-maintained spreadsheet is going to be needed here, otherwise all this info will become stale fast!

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I just created my own when the Q Store was first opened. And I update it whenever new modules are released.

It’s great to have this one for some cross-referencing.

Why would you run each for a 60 day minimum?

For some reason that feels so long to me. I think I’m just over 30 days for Khan Stage 2 as I added an extra two weeks (I’m on week 5/entering week 6) due to me using Khan Stage 2 every other day when I was stacking it with other major programs.

Not sure I could handle that many loops, I accidentally left my playlist on repeat on Friday night and I woke up yesterday exhausted. When I got home I ended up having a three hour nap, and was still tired. Definitely can’t get up to 6 loops as of each yet.

I think it ran:

KS1 x 2, KS2 x 3 and then re-ran KS1 twice before I woke up and had just started KS2 again, which I turned off in the first couple minutes. - Updated my playlist to follow the former for tomorrow night’s overnight session too.

I always rest from Saturday day time to Monday day time so besides using BLU & LU today my major programs won’t be used again until tomorrow night.

BLU & LU will only be x1 per day.

What other Ultima’s do you use and how many per day?

I know the general guidelines are 1-2 Ultima’s per day.

Sure thing. Here it is:


I agree with what @SubliminalUser said. @RVConsultant, if there is a way to send you the actual spreadsheet let me know. I could only post files as an image


Could you comment about your philosophy or rational behind your spreadsheet? I’m interested in any over arching ideas behind it, as you seem to be very analytical.

For me, I tried to consider how modules might directly or indirectly facilitate a goal or experience. For example, for college/university/students I included obvious ones such as Quantum Limitless (learning) and Inner Circle (friendships). However I also included some less obvious ones such as Codename: Umbra (for safety).


Thank you for posting your updates!

I might look them over again this week and think about it more.

Also, the idea about uploading or sending spread sheets is intriguing.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire is there a way to upload or at least make available spreadsheets for people to exchange and get ideas for designing customs or playlists?

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I ran Khan each stage I think for 45 days each, and I wished I had run each stage longer. I think the original recommendation by @SaintSovereign or @Fire was to run each stage of a multi-stage program for 30 days minimum. I know 60 seems like a long time. I sympathize. Of course, you could do 30 days. Or 45. Or 39. :grin:

From my perspective, 60 days per stage is a way of re-assuring myself that the message should be clear to my subconscious with that many days of input. So that is my rationale.

If you can’t do 6 loops, no worries. Q is a dense format compared to the previous technologies like PrimalTech. Perhaps 1 loop a day is all you truly need. Perhaps 1 loop a day for 30 days is all you need. That’s the thing about subliminals, there doesn’t seem to be any definitive way to do them, although some methods seem better than others, which is why I refer to the article on recommended listening methods.

It’s possible 2 to 3 loops might be all you need. This is where monitoring results could be really helpful. I personally push as many loops as possible, and only reduce the loops if I have headaches, fatigue, overwhelm, etc.

As for Ultimas… remember I’ve been using this technology for a while so I think I’ve adapted to be able to use more.

I run Ultimas of Blue Skies, LU, Dreams, and Beast Within. When I run them, I do only 1 loop of each. This means that some days I’m listening to 4 different ones a day.

Remember, just because I do something, doesn’t mean you should. :grin:

Since in this case I’m not abiding by the guidelines, I carefully monitor for overwhelm, fatigue, etc.


It would be fascinating to have a Regeneration Ultima to go along with Elixir Ultima. Run that for a year



I wonder what would happen if 20% of the world’s population did so. How much different of a place might it be?


@SaintSovereign and @Fire

I officially vote for Regeneration Ultima, if that becomes possible. However my guess is that they are working on a technology now that could be used for Regeneration that will make Ultima look like a tricycle.


The mental and emotional maturity alone would be so much fun to experience and learn from

Yes please @SaintSovereign @Fire

Can @RVconsultant and I test it?

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@RVconsultant What does the RV stand for?

Remote Viewing :slight_smile:

@RVconsultant when you do a RV sessions yourself, do you feel a rush of energy all throughout your body, just before the oob experience?

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