Regeneration + Elixir | Woman's Journey ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

Jan 18, 2021 - Day 1

Regeneration 1 loop (early AM)
Regeneration 1 loop (noon)
Elixir 1 loop (before bed)

Day was pretty much the same. Nothing unusual to report. However, while listening to Elixir, I felt the following physical sensations:

  • In response to an anxious thought, memory or work related task, I typically feel this anxiety characterized by a “dip” in my chest like a heavy object sinking deep into the ocean.
  • About 23 minutes into the track, I started feeling a slight pressure in the same area; almost as though that metaphorical hole was getting sealed off or a heavy weight placed on my chest.


I’ve always been the kind to have very vivid dreams with a minimum count of 3-4. However, I had many more dreams/scenes (which I can recall more clearly) all belonging to different timeframes and subjects. Few to name are:

  • I saw my high school ex and his dad (took me back to my breakup days when I didn’t feel good and felt like I was holding his feet while he had me under a trance)
  • I saw my second grade crush, and how I wanted to give him a peck on his cheek with another girl that was his girl for a few short months giving me the glare
  • I saw a collage of 6 pictures among which I saw my high school ex and my childhood bestie that cut off contact with me because she couldn’t do long distance friendships after highschool. In the dream, I remember telling myself, “how I am going to change what you think of me now” while smirking.
  • Another dream pertaining to my current timeline; showing around a new guest in my basement. This one makes no sense and is distorted.
  • Kylie Jenner LOL, and me helping her out by emotionally supporting her. This was so bizarre…

That concludes Day1.



You and @Lisa

might have things to discuss as you are both listening to Regeneration.


Jan 19, 2021 - Day 2

Regeneration 1 loop (early AM)
Regeneration 1 loop (noon)
Elixir 1 loop (before bed)

Nothing unusual to report. Felt the same as yesterday.


  • More bizarre and nonsensical dreams. Lots of faces from high school…I’m beginning to wonder if these dreams might be metaphors and symbolic of something? I’ve usually dreamt of HS many times but this is two nights in a row. Maybe it happens to be of some significance to me?
    I also saw three of my ex crushes.

In terms of physical sensations, I had a headache yesterday. Idk if it is related or if it was just the work stress. I also woke up today with a bit of a headache and feeling heavy. I typically listen to 1 loop of regeneration while I’m still half asleep and 1 loop of elixir before bed as I’m falling asleep.

I use the speakers on my phone (Pixel 3).

Any feedback on the use of speakers or listening windows will be appreciated if it’s not quite aligned with best practices (:

That concludes Day 2.


Jan 20, 2021 - Day 3

Regeneration 1 loop (early AM)
Regeneration 1 loop (noon)
Regeneration 1 loop (evening)
Elixir 1 loop (before bed)

Day was pretty much the same. Added an extra loop of regeneration towards the evening. I found myself dancing to some 90s songs very briefly which seemed odd.

I then switched to listening to some soulful songs which took me back to my high school days and started weeping. It was cathartic. I picture younger me and was able to observe her innocence, love and excitement for life and just how strong she was. I found myself tightly wrapping my arms around and telling myself that I love you and will always be here for you no matter what.

I’ve had moments like this before where I really slip into this state almost involuntarily. I’d like to have more such moments voluntarily.


  • Bizarre again. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore. However, I was in a different body feeling some familiar moments (not being chosen by a romantic partner) or not feeling attractive enough. Struggle to not be bitter and still choose to be kind and gracious. These dreams were different because I wasn’t in this physical body that I know myself to reside in.

No headaches or chest sensations of any kind.

That concludes Day 3.


Sounds like Regeneration is working.





any ideas?


I found on Regeneration that dreams are part of dealing with our past, negative experiences and traumas. If there has been something really traumatizing in your life Regeneration and Elixir should tackle it.

Your listening routine and the way you tackle that matter (increasing the number of loops and observing what happens) is flawless.


@Enchantress I can’t speak solely about Regeneration as I’m using it in conjunction with the Stage 1/Breakdown of Khan. I will say that when I listen to these, I end up having dreams about the same house.

Not a house I know of IRL. Just a very familiar house and I dream of different parts of it. Sometimes I dream about certain rooms more than once. Sometimes I’ll have dreams about new parts that don’t look as if they’d be part of the same house, but they have that same feeling of familiarity, so I know the dreams are all related.

Other times I dream about being back in the Navy…and usually I’m late for getting back to the submarine for one reason or another. And it goes to sea without me.

The other night I dreamed both elements in the same dream. I was at The House and realized I was supposed to be on the submarine for a 24-hour duty day, but then I figured “Screw it. If they don’t realize I’m even missing, I don’t need to be there.”

All I can say is stick with your routine, give it time…take the rest periods so your SubC mind can process.

Journal and notice the changes over time.

A friend at work commented today that I seem “happier” in general…and that my responses to people have changed. So SOMETHING is working.


Thanks for your input!

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I have had some insane dreams especially since starting Dragon Reborn. It’s as if my subconscious wants to release all this pent up baggage.


Some of mine are so fucking weird, I don’t know what to think.


I sort of go up and down at times depending on how the sub is impacting me at the time or even later in the day or while I’m sleeping. I ran a loop of Dragon Blood today just to see what would it feel like and towards the middle I felt somewhere between bleh and apathetic. It wasn’t a bad thing at all and made me want to run Dragon Blood more. As someone who has had a hard time just letting go the feeling was almost weirdly euphoric


LEU or EU seem to help me with that.

Yes! I have noticed this too! That’s how I often feel with DR.


I could probably have said the same about my dreams instead of the essay I wrote :joy::rofl:

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Weird, yes. Scary, usually not. Usually they are pleasant or neutral. But still… Just really really odd!

@Enchantress I apologize for rambling in your journal

Thank you for your input. That’s how I’m interpreting the dreams too. Pent up and repressed emotions being released in some sort of form.

Especially in the relationship department where I used to feel like I wasn’t even worthy of being someone’s girlfriend because for whatever mythical reason, I just wasn’t cut out.

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I know that feeling.

I typically feel that sense of familiarity with many scenes in my dreams too. It’s just a knowing. Infact, a lot of the times I can’t even see the visual landscape, it’s a feeling that everything is tied too. Idk if this is how everyone dreams or just me.

Dreams with recurrent themes intrigue me. But then again, everything is subjective!


I resonate with this so much. Maybe if I remembered them all and sat down and made notes, I might be able to find some sort of symbolic meaning to it but with 5-6 scenes that switch and jump all over the place, I think it’d be a bit of an overkill

Oh no, please don’t. I truly believe there’s something of value we can all take by sharing our experiences so I welcome your thoughts/feedback


Sometimes, I want to use one of those 3D architect software packages and build the house in the software as pieces of it come to me. I think that taking a 3D Virtual Reality tour (like with an Oculus) might trigger me to make more sense of the house.

I also dream frequently of a building that can best be described as a very large shopping mall…same thing where the pieces of that seem familiar too.