Reflections of Apollo

I was referring to Swisher Sweets lol. so, not tons better


Padron 5000 really good for price

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1x Rebirth, 1x EQ in the morning.

I have this intense desire to improve myself, to learn more and to just grow as a human being. Could be EQ, but something in PS is making me feelā€¦ good (lack of a better word) about myself.

Itā€™s subtle and I am sure other subs are at play but Iā€™ve been observing my feelings while on it, and I think this is definitely doing something inside. Itā€™s like itā€™s making me remember things I have done in the past and making me realize I am not exactly the poor image I thought I was. Itā€™s making me remember past romantic incidents that is now making me smile, and making me tell myselfā€¦ yeahā€¦ I did those things. That was pretty magnificent. I was the catch I can do it again. This feels good. I wish this feelings will get stronger and drive me over this hill I am trying to conquer.

As of this morning, I feel like I am more centered, and Iā€™ve noticed I am paying more attention to my thoughts rather than to automatically respond when something or someone is trying to get a rise out of me. ie someone close to me is doing their usual passive aggressive routine, and I ignored it for the most part, and only remembered the incident while typing here on my journal to document. Yoda must feel wonderful with his inner peace.

This will be my routine for the day:

Morning: 1x Rebirth, 1x EQ (add PS if I still have time to finish 1 loop)

Mid morning: 1x Regen, 1x Elixir

Noon: 1x EQ, 1x PS

Afternoon, night time: 1x Sanguine, 1x EQ, 1x PS

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1x Sanguine, 1x EQ, 1x PS

Not sure if reconcilliation but some unwanted emotions are popping up here and there, like worry etc. Itā€™s pointless to worry and I am sure everything is going to be okay, but I certainly donā€™t like the way they make me feel.

Edit: Oh, and still not smoking.

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1x Rebirth, 1x EQ, 1x PS this morning.

Feeling kind of lazy, nothing of note. Not too many negative thoughts, probably even lazy to think. Looking forward to a nice day however.

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Still the same routine for the day:

Morning: 1x Rebirth, 1x EQ (add PS if I still have time to finish 1 loop)

Mid morning: 1x Regen, 1x Elixir

Noon: 1x EQ, 1x PS

Afternoon, night time: 1x Sanguine, 1x EQ, 1x PS

I decided not to take a break today, I feel my mind can take it, and I havenā€™t really gotten up to speed yet with my subs yet. I will take a break on a weekday if I feel too much fatigue.

Edit: I might try ST1 from Khan for the first time, later on today, to see how it would make me feel.

Yesterday I decided to do the same, instead of two days off I took one only and from using RegenQ only since the general recommendations doesnā€™t mention any breaks if it come so the use of Ultima. The reason was the same, I felt I didnā€™t need a longer break and that I could handle itā€¦ and I did. :slight_smile:

Ah, youā€™re being tempted again, this time by Khan :stuck_out_tongue:


What if you had never joined the club? :sunglasses:

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Love that show. My favorite part is when John Cleese was correcting Brianā€™s latin grafitti. Turns out John really did know latin.

I will probably stumble upon something. Iā€™ve been in a never ending quest for self improvement sinceā€¦ probably the 90ā€™s? From Anthony Robbins to Napoleon Hill etc, I remember my first foray into subliminals is a small pc program where it flashes random good affirmations on your monitor.

Also delved into PUA and Pheromones and been using YT subs for years. I donā€™t even know why it took me this long to try SC. I guess time will tell if this is the start of something great in my life, but I have a good feeling.


Yes, I wasted a lot of time on PUA too but at least I improved my English a lot :wink:
I guess weā€™re always on the path and only death puts an end to it. The most important thing is we have great tools for self-improvement and we have to avoid spoiling that awesome opportunity to grow just by the mere lack of patience.

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Was that patience thing a jab? Haha :rofl:

I hear you brother. Patience is key. When do you plan to shift and what subs are in your sights?

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Iā€™m trying not to rush things too. Youā€™re not alone. :slight_smile:
I shall apply what I said in this post.

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1x Sanguine, 1x EQ, 1x PS (If I can)

Tried Khanā€™s ST1 earlier todayā€¦ and funny enoughā€¦ I got irritable. I find it funny, and I am laughing at myself because I know I did this to me. I was foolish, but ah well.

These subliminals are truly powerful, thatā€™s for sure. This is definitely reconciliation and for some odd reason, I am thrilled. I am observing myself, and I was kind of having a non-chalant day, until around half an hour after I finished ST1.

It shifted my mood so quickly, and now I am wowed. Anyway I trust this will make me feel great after a while, but Iā€™m still sticking with my playlist for now. See you in 2-3 months, Khan.

I think in 2-3 months you may want to stick to Emperor no matter what. Youā€™re going, just keep the wheels on the road and fasten the belt. :slight_smile:

Emperor should be a great foundation for Khanā€¦ even for EoG and QL as it contains wealth programming and QL Lite. Thatā€™s why I vacilate betwen Emperor and QL and I think I would rather go with Emperor and add BLU to it at the right moment.

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You know it. :sunglasses:

Listening to EQ as I type right now. Btw, Iā€™m observing myself with PS, and Iā€™m leaning towards it being a gem as well. Still premature to conclude anything, but I have a good feeling about it.

I must admit that your stack looks to me as if it was a really solid custom and certainly, you need a lot of time to let it kick inā€¦ and thenā€¦ oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! :smiley:

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1x RebirthQ, 1x EQ, 1x PSQ

Had an interesting dream, but whatā€™s most remarkable is I remember it. I usually forget about them or donā€™t remember even dreaming at all.

I noticed libido us up, but itā€™s like Iā€™m on nofap and I donā€™t wish to let go of my streak even through natural means. Iā€™m not too strict with myself in that regard, but I just donā€™t feel like it right now. Perhaps subconsciously I am transmuting the energy to something else? Weā€™ll see.

I will review my whole journal before the years ends to check for some changes in my circumstance, thought process and demeanor.

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1x SanguineU, 1x EQ, 1x PSQ

Not feeling too good. A bit under the weather, it could be fatigue. As per my thoughts, I was mellow today, I know I have some things to worry about but they did not bother me much, so thatā€™s good.

I think itā€™s the combo between Sanguine and PS thatā€™s giving me this much appreciated equilibrium.

1x RebirthQ, 1x EQ, 1x PS

Woke up feeling better. My thoughts calm and more fluid instead of the usual worry filled chaos. I hope this becomes my normal.

Again I remember my dream, which is interesting because I almost never do. Not a lot of details this one, just the gyst of it. Interesting nonetheless, perhaps PS is responsible.

1x SanguineU, 1x EQ, 1x PS

I was more sure of myself today so thats good, however there are some thoughts that are somewhat bothering me, slightly annoyed and peeved but I guess it is what it is. Anyway short and sweet, just to note my thoughts and feelings at the moment.

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