Reflections of Apollo

Listening to ElixirU right now. Just one. Could we flip flop with our Ultimas? I wonder.

I was going with SanguineU but I am not feeling too good right now. I may have overworked yesterday and I am no longer a young spring chicken. Cockfighting Rooster but no spring chicken.

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Iā€™m going to take a rest day for 2 days. Zzz :sleeping:

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Brah, run Ascension with DR while you figure it out. :slight_smile:
The combo will make your next path/steps/ very clear

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Been thinking about Ascension, but what do you think of AM?

I was wondering if this is whatā€™s creating that rock solid, inner calm in EQ, the Ascension and in Mogul in it?

Iā€™m thinking of these combo:

DR, AM, PS + StarkU


DR, AM, StarkQ (Iā€™m going to miss PS though)


DR, Khan (has PS, right?), Stark

About the pathways, youā€™re right they almost go on different directions, but thatā€™s the puzzle in my mind, how do I get to that with these stacksā€¦ perhaps an entirely different archetype that is a combination of Stark and EQ ā€¦ is it Khan?:thinking:

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because you never specified your goals in personal transformation or external results. If you said new career, moving up in career, entrepreneurial venutre etc. AM would have come to mind. Your basing your choices on how you think theyā€™ll make you feel. So AM will make you feel directed, powerful, clear and it will be simple. Its called Ascension because you start ascending everywhere in your life.

I recommend getting clear on exactly what is priority for you and what you want-even if you want it all-then specify that.

The indecisiveness your experiencing now (likely) is partially your commitment to finding the best thing for yourself, partially fearing youā€™ll lose out on the effect of one thing or another/ i.e. a form of perfectionism :), , and partially recon.

You will not be able to make this decision without having some sense of what is priority for you either in personal transformation, life experience you envision, or external measurable results. Or you could make it intuitively but most people are too conflicted to accurately read there own intuition-it just shows up as a shadow of their fear or desire. (of course trust your gut and yourself -I would never recommend anyone against doing that-I just say this if there struggling with not being able to do that clearly)

Itā€™s not Khan

I would say

Khan is social/sexual/romance oriented-via power/sexuality/ambition/dominance

Emperor is purpose/freedom/ work/ big picture oriented via focus/drive/ intelligence/ personal sense of worth/greatness

Stark is innovation/impact/ social oriented via- charisma/ performance/ intelligence/ uniqueness


Those are really good points and gave me something to think about. I liked what you said about Ascension. Here I was thinking it might be a step back or too basic cause I already have EQ, Stark, Khan and PS.

Iā€™m holding on to DR for a long time, I think this will help straighten me out.

Iā€™ll reflect on my options further, but I know Iā€™ll crack this code eventually. Thank you for the thoughtful post brother :fist_right:

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Hi Apollo,

I think it would be good to understand how far you are towards your most immediate goals for the moment and see what is best towards working towards those immediate goals.

We all want to be rich, handsome, good with women, smart, admired by everyone, powerful, etc.
However, not all of us have been born or blessed with all these qualities at once - some people have it better than others (e.g. less trauma, less financial issues to worry about, grew up in a pleasant family environment) .

Life isnā€™t fair and most of us would have to work towards each of these goals step by step, and itā€™s always good to build the foundations first while deciding what we actually want.

Just my two cents.


Thanks fellas. I appreciate the insights, I know itā€™s coming from a good place and with the best of intentions.

I know many of my issues are my fault, I have to be honest with myself. and thereā€™s self hatred in there I just know it because I should have achieved something worthwhile by now. I do not lack ambition, I have plenty. Thatā€™s also a main source detriment, if only I didnā€™t look too far Iā€™d probably be happy where I am.

Iā€™m not. It will always claw at me.

If I have to take the first step, I think itā€™s my lack of focus and indecision. Thatā€™s a big part of my problem. From our subs here what would you suggest for this issue? I opted for EQ for its Quantum limitless lite module as well, I am just not sure if thatā€™s enough.

I bought regen and elix but DR might be more in-depth so Iā€™m committing with that one for a long time.

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Recon is palpable, although Iā€™m almost certain this is now from DR. Been having flashes of memories Iā€™ve long forgotten, what they mean if they even mean anything, I am not sure.

When I was doing 3 loops I was fine, then now down to 2 loops Iā€™m getting clobbered.

To be fair this is now whatā€¦ my 2nd week on DR? So itā€™s probably digging in now.

Man, I hope this midnight of the soul is worth it.

if you woke up tomorrow and one thing could be completely different in your life what would it be?
One thing :slight_smile: You donā€™t have to answer but itā€™s a nice inquiry.

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Iā€™m reflecting on Azrielā€™s question. What would I changeā€¦ I would like to change my past. But Iā€™m not satisfied with that, thatā€™s like beauty pageant answerā€¦ everybody wants to change something in their past.

What is within my grasp right nowā€¦? To make life worth living?

Hmm. I need to clear my mind. It was dark night of the soul and I even messed that up. Itā€™s almost as if my mind is racing and yet the thoughts are not very useful.

Iā€™m not feeling apathy, Iā€™m actually feeling extreme empathy, and yet somehow thereā€™s this numbness inside.

This DR once it hits is no joke. I knew I need a lot of healing but I am being surprised right now. And itā€™s my rest day.

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I sympathize. Iā€™ve dropped my loops down overall to adjust.

I would actually encourage you to think about 2 loops of DR or 1 loop of DR. Itā€™s working well for me with just 2 loops.

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Thanks buddy. 2 loops. I guess youā€™re right, maybe I should streamline it a bit more.

Iā€™m sticking with DR for the long haul but I might be replacing EQ with AM for the meantime, hopefully it makes things lighter. Iā€™m also dealing with some personal stuff and maybe the added intensity Iā€™m getting from EQ is not optimal right now.

Still not sure, a part of me is saying donā€™t let go of EQ just yet.

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You could reduce the number of loops or listen 3 times a week. Or AM is an options. You have some things to think about.



Hey there mate, deleted my response on the other thread so I donā€™t leave my clutter there :grinning:

Yeah saintā€™s stack is awesome, thatā€™s exactly the archetype I want. Thatā€™s months down the road for me cause I still need to finish DR. I need to free a spot.

Right now Iā€™m making my stack lighter while staying with 3 majors.

DR is semi permanent. Healing. I think this is the most important right now.

AM in place of EQ for inner masculine strength, confidence and sense of direction. Lighter sub but Iā€™m hoping itā€™s the source of EQā€™s solid feeling.

Stark in place of PS. For social skills, intelligence, and ideas how to get out of this rut.

Still drawn to EQ, specially with quantum limitless lite. Hopefully it becomes easier to manage once Iā€™m acclimated with AM and once DR has healed insecurities and emotional damage.

Stark also has daredevil, and PS Iron throne. Hopefully it retained Sanguine from that so thatā€™s a win win.

Hopefully in a week or two Iā€™d have an idea what a sub or stack is doing for my mindset. Christmas is also coming so Iā€™d really like to lighten my mood and get rid of the dark clouds.

Btw best of luck in your search. Youā€™ll knock it out of the park :fist_right:

Hereā€™s something for you that Saint posted by the way. Looks like Emperor and Stark can be ran together.

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Yeah been reading that fascinating thread.

I once entertained the idea of combining both EQ and Stark while Iā€™m running DR, soā€¦ I donā€™t know it might make my head pop. :exploding_head:

Good lookin out amigo


I have been reading your post about EQ and that it makes you cold and anti social and slightly aggressive.
Why dont you use the aggression dor momentum rather than attacking peopleā€¦i commented on this in my journal.

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Hahaā€¦ no Iā€™m not attacking peopleā€¦ hahaha :rofl:

holy shit broā€¦ Iā€™m old now, canā€™t be doing thatā€¦ There was a time that was cute and fun I guess, now Iā€™d probably get my butt handed to me 9/10 times!

But yeah I know what you mean. Use it, transmute that power into something else. I just find myself being too serious with EQ, too intense, and I retreat back into my head rather than having fun, joking around, even intimacy took a backseat.

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Use EQ to shift up your life fast as possible with no distractions. After long on EQ you may have different goals. There is nothing wrong with coming of as serious but as long as your life goals are serious to you the rest doesnt matter. Emperor keeps you in the drivers seat of your life. Women and sex come because of your dominance and achievements. :blush:

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