Reflections of Apollo

With Marty Jannety right? Those were the days. Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelow, Taker, Andre, Ultimate, Mankind, Jake, Macho. WWF man, the golden era.

and Bret Hart!

HBK… bro I’m not kidding, I got into trouble in school cause some kid told me his specialty is weak, so I gave him some sweet chin music. Principal had to call my dad :laughing:

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Yes with Marty Jannety . This was pre WWF in the old AWA. I graduated from the same high school as Jesse The Body Ventura. Not the same year obviously.
A funny story about him. One day a few years ago I went to a local Walmart to pick up a prescription for my mother and I hear this voice and I’m thinking to myself " that voice sounds so familiar ". I didn’t look around to see who it might have been but then I heard the voice again and turned around and Jesse was with some Walmart associate and he looked right at me just as I turned around but I have this thing about any type of celebrity in that they probably get the shit harassed out of them so I don’t say or do anything.
Even if I saw the Undertaker at a place I was at I wouldn’t bother him

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Same! I wouldn’t wish to bother my favorite celebrities at all… Except maybe Al Pacino… that I really have to.

Jesse’s voice is so distinct, next to Macho, you’d know quickly who was speaking.

Aaand you probably broke his heart though. He’s probably thinking why didn’t that guy ask me…? :rofl:

Not going to approach Taker. Now Paul Bearer when he was alive maybe, but not Taker. Oh yess

You still watching wrestling? I lost interest in it a long time ago, I don’t even know the new ones now. I enjoy watching reruns on YT though. Nostalgia and the old school vibes somehow gives me comfort.

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I was watching New Japan Pro Wrestling for a while. Those guys are unreal. The matches between Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada are some of if not the best matches I have ever seen

I haven’t seen the matches between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley in AEW but i have seen highlights and they don’t come close to the matches with Okada

Some of the folks in NXT are so talented and there wax a guy in NXT Aleister Black who is now on Raw or Smackdown and I feel bad for him because he’s such a great talent but WWE has no idea how to book him.
WWE focuses on Bray Wyatt , Roman Reigns, Randy Orton or all these wrestlers who’ve had parents or other relatives in the business. Why are people like Goldberg or Brock Lesnar even a discussion in 2020? I’m tired of seeing wrestlers that do the same shit all the time. I don’t understand bringing in celebrities or ex UFC fighters like Rhonda Rousey . I’m done ranting

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Sorry for the slow reply, I overwhelmed myself with the actual wall of text haha.
Not your fault, just my brain haha.

I’m glad this one resonates with. This is a great one for self esteem and alpha strength like you said. I can see why you want this one, this was the first sub I bought and used - but not for the long term. I tried to stack it with Stark.

That makes sense to be honest. This is probably the one I’d say you don’t need as much - but don’t just trust me on that as I actually don’t know much about the sub…I feel like Stark helps you with this much more than you think on the social front, as well as persuasive front too.

Great sub pick. This one is currently interesting me and is something I’d use with Stark too, it’ll be in my custom as a major for sure. I’d choose it for the exact same reasons as you.

I truly think you could swap out EQ for E:HoM and still gain the benefits of EQ in a certain way, if you know what I mean? I relate to not being ruthless but I do think this could be the mix you need.

If you don’t need the seduction part of Khan, but mainly the alpha part then I’d choose HoM and Stark (as I know you want the charisma and social aspect). If you also don’t need seduction anyway I would drop PS too as I’d say Stark pretty much has everything you need.

Khan gives you a confidence I can’t describe. It’s an openness to really have a sense of power and be valued and learn how to say no. It’s a great sub for sure.

I get pissed off a lot easier on Khan and at times I’m very close to telling people about themselves and putting them into their place. Being alpha comes with a price as you tend, in my opinion, to have a 0 tolerance for bullshit.

This one, I truly think will fit your goals, along with HoM. For all the obvious reasons.

This is just my opinion of course, PS I haven’t used so I can’t truly speak about it but if seduction isn’t your goal I don’t see you needing it, as well as Khan even though it offers more than that but can be replaced with HoM (again, in my opinion).

I could be wrong about all of this, it’s just something I’m coming together with after using most of the subs you’ve mentioned in one or another.


This is commander- it event references them in sales page
Emperor +Commander even more so
or Khan + Commander

But if your worried about being too intense or not social liked (respect different than like)- I wouldn’t run it :joy:

Appollo what are you main goals
for self Transformation and for external results?

I wouldn’t stack Emperor with PS until you’ve run Emperor solo for three months at least. PS is huge, and it’ll be harder to adapt to Emperor adding that in so soon. Emperor also over powers other subs

If you want Emperor to be more social add PCC-it makes it MUCH more social and still fits with Emperor’s goals. If you want to be social with Emperor for sales or to have more fun-stack it with Daredevil. Although PCC is fun too :slight_smile:

Let me know the main goals for self and results and maybe I can support on finalizing a choice that really fits for you.


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Thanks @King

Okay I’m on computer now to check the link. Man I wish that happens.

Thanks brother, I’m coming up with some choices, I’d like to know your take on it.

Right now, I really do miss the solid feeling of EQ. Something came up over here and I felt avoidance once again.

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@Azriel I think you’re right… Brandon also adviced me to delay PS. Perhaps I should drop ps for now. What do you think of DR EQ PCC? Much better?

It’s strange I’m feeling palpitations right now. Perhaps too stressed

Edit: Squeeze in SanguineQ and ElixirU with this stack, bad idea?

Ah damn. Brock Lesnar. Can you believe it? Takers undefeated wrestle mania streak went to Brock?? What :exploding_head:

They should have let him retire with his streak intact man. That’s the undertaker.

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Feeling unease. Some palpitations. I think stress is getting to me. I’m running sanguineU

For the first time in a while, I could use a cigarette.

Bad idea though.

How about running Ascended Mogul.
You get that inner power and financial scripting as well.
Smaller stacks are best in my opinion.
What i am starting to discover with my new routine. One loop every 2 days seems perfect.
I will observe it more and report.


Thanks bro. Been very tempted to try AM for sometime now, it’s just the added expense kind of bites. It’s my fault though… got too excited.

I have EQ, Khan and Stark. Alas if it’s what’s going to truly help, I’m always open to it.

I’m changing my strategy again for next week, I didn’t think PS was too heavy. I’ve always thought of PS as a major but easy to drive like Ascended from what I’ve read.

I think I’ll go try a lighter EQ again. DR, EQ and PCC instead of PS.

Fingers crossed that works for this rusty brain. I like EQ but I find myself turning more inward in it, and though I’m not feeling too aggressive, I’m not feeling too charming either. Just some strong grump that wants to be left alone. That’s how I feel on it so far…

After this lighter stack and If there’s still turmoil inside, I’m going with AM.

Glad you’re close to finding your goldilocks, all these testing will pay off for all of us, no doubt about it.

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Thanks brother. Yeah I’m being hit right now with some pretty strong recon… haha…


What is it with Stark. I was fine cruising along with EQ, then Stark (I’m assuming) is knocking me out.

Yeah not a good idea to stack them though, right? I don’t know, something is stopping me from mixing them together in a stack. Somehow there’s a disconnect there, but a combination of these two would have been perfect. PERFECT.

Right, I think I should drop PS for now. I didn’t think it was going to be too heavy. I mean it’s all there, on the info. I might have derped on that one. :drooling_face:

Yeah, gave voytek the macho vibes. He’s really rocking his stack now. I’d like that too but I don’t know exactly what HoM is. What is it exactly? Like PCC but with wealth? Is it only for traders? Stock market etc? I don’t know, my mind is very scattered.

Wait… Limitless? What do you think? DR, EQ, Limitless or BLU.

Does BLU have social? If I added that with PCC I’m going to go overboard again, I think.

No, it’s nice to be seductive, but I think I’d better work on the inside. It’s my me project. I am sure I will still be okay romantically, but that’s the thing, I don’t like me. Not so much. Super vain but I don’t like myself. I have such high expectations of myself, and I’ve been a terrible disappointment. There it is.

This has drawn me to Khan. This is what I want to feel all the time. That sense of power. Rock solid confidence, open, no nonsense chatter in my mind, assertive yet not hot headed. I want to be cool as cucumber and chill as a sauerkraut. They chill those, right?

Hey man thank you for that thoughtful post. That’s really something. :fist_right:

Edit, btw: DR, EQ, PCC. What say you amigo? Better?

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Emperor PCC/ DR would be good
PCC and Emperor go well together and it’s a relatively ‘light’ script.
I would do Emperor+PCC for a month then add DR back in
but if your really digging DR, do you :slight_smile:

@pacman is right- smaller is better. (gadgets and sub stacks only :joy:) If you look at the journals here you will see many make progressive steps with larger stacks. But the life turn around stuff is all 1-2 subs.

If your looking to experience fast results 2 subs tops. If your cool for the long game 3+


My condundrum is mixing EQ and Stark. The strength and confidence of EQ with the social savvy and smarts of Stark (and his billions). I can’t mix them both cause they are too much… so that’s the puzzle I’ve been trying to crack.

At first I thought okay, EQ and PS should do that.

Then… Stark and PS could do that. Nope. Fell flat on my face. Falling right now, flat. on my face. Like wile e coyote.

DR + Stark + Khan? Hmm

Reading up on PCC right now. Interesting sub. I hope this is the key to make EQ lighten up for me. I want genuine friendliness and genuine interest in others, like Stark.

3x DR 2x EQ 2x PCC tomorrow. Can’t wait

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