Reflections of Apollo

I noticed more compliments on Qv1, I’m going to run nothing but Qv2 this coming week to compare my results.

Khan makes me a lot more interested to appreciate beautiful women. I wasn’t feeling like this, even on EQ and PS.

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I have some problems I still need to deal with this coming week, and yet so far I do not feel too… affected. No solutions has yet to appear in my mind, but somehow I feel that it will present itself.

Diet could be better, I’m still eating too much than I used to. Motivation to workout is still not as good as before, but I was only able to run one loop of Spartan last week. I ate too much cheeses this weekend… and lasagna too… oh well.

I’ll be running Spartan on the side at least 3x a week, right after I played my stack and an ultima.

Day: 26

Dragon Reborn ST 3

Khan ST 1


All Qv2

I had a strange dream but I don’t remember most of it now. I tried to as soon as I woke up, but I recall there was infidelity, and strangely enough there was also a touch of a ghost story or something. I wish I remember, what a trip.

On a sidenote, I’m feeling older and my body no longer feels it can take the extra strain I’m putting it through. Hopefuly Spartan not only has a fat burner but age reversal too, or at least the like. I want to feel strong once again.

I don’t know if DR sweeped a lot, but I’m honestly not having such a tough time on Khan ST1. Except for the feeling lazy to workout and eating too much kind of recon, occasional mild irritability and sadness, I’m doing pretty okay.

It’s tempting to jump to ST2 after day 30 because it seems that’s when the fun starts, but it’s the price I have to pay for running such a heavy stack. 2 months each is the current plan, I hope that’s enough for everything to work as it should.

So both DR and Khan are mainly doing the healing, and I suppose Stark is doing the heavy lifting for now, and that’s good; I’ll get to appreciate what Stark can do before Khan starts to shine. I’m keeping an eye out, specially this week I’m running all Qv2.

Attraction, nothing concrete. I suppose coming from EQ and PS, this taking a step back is to be expected. Hopefully only temporarily.

Drive, yes definitely. I am dreaming of bigger things, and somehow I feel like I’m being pushed to grab life by the horns. I like it.

Fitness. Tsk tsk.

Edit: Running 1 loop of Spartan Qv2

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I posted this on the DR thread, but I don’t want to pollute that with my personal thoughts:

I just re-read this, and this is exactly what I’m going through on ST3. I’m more optimistic and I find myself dreaming of bigger things. I want to get myself out there and enjoy what life has to offer. At first I thought this was Stark or Khan’s doing, but seeing this now, there’s no question, DR ST3 is definitely the main driver right now in my psyche.

I can’t wait to reach DR Reborn in June.

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Dealing with some slight recon right now. Some anxiety, I also didn’t like my voice when I was speaking earlier. I suppose I miss that strong confident Emperor voice too.

Could just be recon and I’m noting it here on my first clean slate of all Qv2.

On a different note:

Performance in intimacy also took a step back compared when I was on EQ PS. Maybe it will come back. Noticeably more dominant, but… performance is so so.

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Done with my loops for the day. Still feeling some recon and some slight fatigue. I’ll compare how I feel on Friday, and hopefully I’d be acclimated with Qv2 by then.

This isn’t about my observation about Qv2, it’s too premature for me to say anything substantial about that, but this observation is about myself and how I’m personally processing an upgrade. I began my journey with Q and this is my first upgrade from SC.

So far, I feel like I started over, with Stark, perhaps with Khan as well, without the initial thrill of running a new sub.

I’m starting to see some results with Stark a week or so ago, but right now I don’t find those results to be quite as prominent. In anycase those are just really minor ones like better looks (the way I see myself), compliments etc.

It’s only the early stages of a heavy stack and I expected that, so no worries there.

It’s not that I lost those initial indicators of results, but it feels like it halted temporarily, a pause. Perhaps my subconcious, noticing the new way of programming, needs some time to adjust, as it normally does hence why we do loops.

I’m not bothered, but I’m noting it in my journal for my future reference regarding my transition and how my mind reacted to an upgrade. Hopefully in a few days, the ball gets rolling again, and the results would manifest smoothly.

If this post isn’t too coherent, I’m also going through some mild brain fog so there’s also that.

Still out of it. I feel like I have a slight hangover or something. No anger, no negativity, I just feel “blank” for the most part.

There’s probably lots of reconciling to do up there in my head.

Done with my first set of three loops. I’m feeling better, more grounded and planted. There’s still some brain fog and I’m finding it slightly difficult to grasp the words I’m looking for to translate into the screen exactly what I meant.

I recall I had another dream, it was like an action movie plus some intimate moments in it. I am guessing this is Khan making itself known. I don’t recall what the dream was exactly, only the gist of it and the feeling it evoked when I woke up was remarkable enough to note here in my journal.

Perhaps when the Limitless modules in Stark and Khan becomes more active, I will find it easier to remember these dreams and to decipher what my subconcious is telling me.

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Running RICH v2. I took an hour or so before playing another set of loops. I can still feel fatigue in Qv2.

There’s a part of me that’s tempted to go back to Qv1 in the meantime or at least mix them up until I get acclimated, but I’m curious how one week of Qv2 undiluted would go.

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I’m moving my reply to you over here so I don’t derail the Q upgrades thread with my long message.

I’m glad to hear that you’re safe, it’s a good idea to always take precautions and stay on the safe side. I keep reminding my family members too, specially now that this seems to be raging again in many parts of the planet.

I hope this nightmare would end for all of us soon and that we can all get to enjoy our lives again. Keep safe brother.

Just to add, they say vitamin D and C are very good to have on hand, and HERO if we’re lucky to have a standalone version.


I agree to everything you said. Fortunately, am an introvert so I don’t feel so bad :grinning:

Thanks a lot for those kind words and tips. Am keeping myself healthy with social distancing, strict self
-lockdown, fasting, Paragon and occasionally playing Aegis Initiative: Covid (especially when there is no choice but to step outside)


Hah same I’m also an introvert but I miss traveling and I worry for my family. We’ve always been tight-knit and close, and it’s been so long since I’ve seen many of them.

Doing OMAD here as well but man I need to lose some weight. After I changed from EQ and PS I’ve been slacking and been eating too much.

I just had hotdogs, fries and a glass of red wine… haha… I’m pushing it, I know… :rofl:

Cheers my friend, I hope we get to see the Seductor and Hero soon, and fully enjoy our new powers when this is over :beers:

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Yup. Would love to solo travel but money arghh. Running Emperor for that

Hope you get to see them safe and sound

Haha same here. Although there are some times that i binge eat, it is still better than before when I used to eat 3 meals AND binge eat. At least now if I am not losing weight, I don’t gain any haha

A big amen to that. Hope to see Hero soon. Can prepare ourselves during these times to be sexier and healthier.

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Same here, but I’m currently running Stark to add to Khan’s wealth, productivity and cognition.

I hope Stark is also strong with wealth accumulation like EQ. I’m aiming to fix this part of my life as soon as possible. I’m not getting any younger and I want to enjoy this life.

Indeed, that’s my only consolation for now. I binge within an hour… haha…

To be fair I didn’t gain as much as I thought I would, but when I was on EQ, I probably only missed a day or two of workout since the year began. EQ is a hell of a sub. I remember you’re one of guys here that recommend that I try that. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

Ah… sounds like you’re own your way, as for me, wish me luck on that department… I bought Spartan and EF but my stack is just too heavy right now.

If a Hero does come out, that’s definitely another stacking dilemma. Stark probably takes a backseat.

Change of plans, I’m going to mix them up again this week to see how I react. Maybe next week I can better handle it.

I noticed an increased in irritability and anxiety, and I’m not interested in any romance right now.

I’m running Spartan Qv2, one loop.

I’ve wondered if subliminals, especially DR, consume a lot of energy and thereby might inhibit sexual performance.

How about reducing your number of loops?

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Probably, but I’ve seen a remarkable improvement in my performance around month 3 of PS and EQ, and for awhile that was the norm, felt like a champ, until two to three weeks with my new stack and it was just so so.

Could be the combination of fatigue, recon, or the SM in Stark and Khan hasn’t been activated yet.

The thought crossed my mind specially with Qv2, I’m just stubbornly holding onto my routine because I’m used to it since Novemeber last year. I’ll keep this in mind, but I’m going to switch things for now and gradually transition to Qv2, maybe that could work. Thank you my friend.

Which got me thinking, @Meng123, my apologies again my friend for tagging you, but would you know if SM is in Stark, and Fat burner in Spartan? Just in case, but regardless thank you very much for the faqs it’s very helpful.