RECON - My perspective on it, what I learned from it, why I believe it happens, how to stop it

So, I had a really interesting experience with Recon on ZP. I was cognizant of it, enough to be able to clearly write out my thoughts on what happened.

This was after 2 loops (back-to-back) of Mogul ZP. The first 24 hours of listening to Mogul were euphoric, and then 24 hours later, I hit a massive wall of recon, which only lasted for an hour, because then I went to bed.

Here’s what happened.

Stage 1: I listened to Mogul ZP, which was powerful enough to rewire my subconscious in one day. The subconscious is where I store all my dreams, ideals, judgements, values, justifications, preferences, likes and dislikes. It is where I react with delight or disgust. It is what drives me to be who I am. After one day of Mogul ZP, my new ideals were greater productivity, greater action taking, greater prioritization of my wealth goals.

Stage 2: Despite my SUBCONSCIOUS mind having certain preferences, my UNCONSCIOUS mind is still hardwired to act and behave in certain ways that go against those preferences. Binge-watching TV or YouTube instead of working or sleeping early.

The unconscious mind is the habit center of the brain. The system that deals with automatic processes like breathing, your heart beat, and that moment when you unthinkingly look at your phone the moment you hear it ring.

So even though my subconscious mind was thriving, euphoric, and full of joy because I was living in line with Mogul’s and my newly-adopted preferences…

I still took actions that were more in line with my unconscious rather than subconscious mind, due to unconscious conditioning taking longer to reprogram than conscious conditioning.

I watched 5 minutes of a movie with my parents, and then, once I started, the unconscious habit took over, and I ended up watching 3 hours of TV with them. I didn’t stop until 11pm, even though I prefer to have my lights out and be either meditating or trying to sleep by 930pm.

Stage 3 Anger and Recon set in.

My subconscious mind, which still preferred productivity, deep rest, full play, and a life of intention and meaning rebelled and was disgusted at the actions that I had taken in a moment of unconsciousness.

My subconscious saw that I had wasted three hours doing something that only drained my energy and made me more tired, and recon set in hard. I was upset at myself, shameful, afraid of what might happen if I was always that way.

Essentially, my reconciliation was the result of my subconscious mind wanting me to be a certain way and knowing it could be that way, actually enjoying that way more, but being angry at the unconscious patterns that i took instead of the conscious actions that my subconscious wanted me to take.

Any time that you have one set of preferences but act outside of those preferences, recon will set in. This is why some people get so much recon for subs that aren’t congruent for them… they subconsciously want something, but have unconscious conditioning that take them in the opposite direction.

I was incongruent with my core values, beliefs, and preferences, and it disgusted me.

Recon will always be present so long as these unconscious habits are still being acted upon.

I think that the way to overcome Recon for me moving forward will be to be as congruent to Mogul ZP as possible and any time I get recon, ask myself what were the actions that immediately preceded my recon, and then figure out how to avoid those actions as much as possible.

For example, I get recon when I end up watching TV with family after work, so a new action I can take to avoid that unconscious action is to go for a tech free walk or car ride after work instead of spending time with my family. I get recon if i stay up late because waking up early is so important to my success.

Also, another thing that will help with Recon is meditation. When you increase your ability to act consciously instead of unconsciously, you will be less likely to take unconscious action, which your subconscious mind will hate.


Yes, I suspect the same. The cause of reconciliation seems to be most often the unconscious or conscious mind, not the subconscious.

This would explain why people overexpose themselves with too many loops even if they clearly run into reconciliation that way. However, that would also mean that your subconscious seems to see itself as a separate „entity“ to the other parts of your brain because it acts „egoistically“ in that sense.

Question: Is it possible to influence the unconscious mind through other means than taking action? If the subconscious mind communicates with the unconscious mind, why is it so bad at „persuading“ the unconscious?

nice explanation! this is why Saint always says how important it is to “take action” in accordance to the subliminal you are running

The unconcious mind is your reflexes, essentially. Your habits. Your automatic responses.

Its your leg kicking if I tap your knee with a medical hammer. It’s instantly going to youtube during a moment of stress before you even realize what you’re doing.

You can influence the unconscious in two ways: action, or non-action.

With action, you influence the unconscious by acting the way that you want to act in the situation over and over again. When you want to eat ice cream because you’re sad, you eat an apple instead.

The subliminals help action-induced reprogramming because they’re able to change your instincts and make you prefer the apples consciously so that the next time you’re in a moment of unconscious, there’s a higher chance you’ll grab the apple even in your unconsciousness because you’d done it so many times before that already. You formed a new habit that co-exista with the old habit.

One example of this is every time I wanted ice cream, i would buy a coconut water instead. I soon lost my ice cream craving entirely. This is habit replacement.

The second way to change the unconscious is non-action: specifically meditation. In meditation, unconscious habits, desires, and cravings arise. And you simply watch them arise while not reacting to them at all…

In this case, you’re not replacing the habit, but you’re not acting on the habit. And because the habit wasnt conditioned, it became a bit weaker after arising and falling.

This is why meditation can make it easier to quit smoking, but also make you less angry. Smoking and anger are both responses to an inward feeling.

You don’t persuade the unconscious mind, you sculpt it. You design the habits you like, doing them consciously. Your subconscious would be what determines which habits you “like”. It changes your preferences so that your consciousness acts different, which over time will change your unconscious.