Raphael's Ultimate Author T + Chad T + Iron Khan Q + Quantum Artist Q

WEEK 4: Monday Night
Godlike Masculinity x 2
Ultimate Author Terminus x 1
Chad Terminus x 1
Aegis Initiative : C19

-Last week, played my Terminus stack 2 nights out of 7. Rest days were 5 out of 7. And played an extra dose of Aegis Initiative: C19 on the days when I was traveling.

-This week, will be running my playlist 3 out 7 days. And restdays for the rest of the days.

-Taking time to rest my eyes after the first procedure. There’s some healing going on for sure. Can already “see” some difference (pun intended). But there is still time for the full effect of the healing to take place. Not to mention a second procedure tomorrow.

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Great news!
All the best for the next procedure

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@pacman - fingers crossed here too, buddy.

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That is good news bro! Best of luck for the next procedure.

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@d1gz - Thanks, man. Hope to be as fully healed as possible, with respect to my eyes. Need to get on with my life and success goals


Raphael would you be so kind and elaborate more which results you saw with Iron KhanQ?

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@friday - to be frank, I hadn’t journaled during playing my custom IronKhanQ since my mind wasn’t into the subs during those 2 months. But will definitely do so in 1 or 2 weeks time when I add it back to my current playlist and replace Godlike Masculinity with it.

As far as I can remember, I became Dominant Charismatic. Will definitely describe more when I get results later.

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It doesn’t matter how young or old you are when you find the truth or your purpose or the way to your happiness. Spend the remaining time you have living life passionately chasing your dream and have no regrets for the past. For the past has bought you here and to your enlightenment. And your present is the only place you can control anyways.


WEEK 4: Wednesday Night
Godlike Masculinity x 2
Ultimate Author Terminus x 1
Chad Terminus x 1
Aegis Initiative : C19


-So both procedures went well. No swelling or aches. The first time I did this eye procedure a year ago, it ached for an hour and the eyes were swollen for a day. My Chad Terminus custom definitely giving me extra benefits. And regarding my eyes healing, it will take some months to improve.

-Reached back home to my city today. No cough or symptoms of Covid despite travelling by air thanks to Aegis Initiative: C19

-Have decided to not focus on my health issues in my journal any more for 2 reasons. One, for privacy issues. Two, cause I don’t feel the need to highlight the negative anymore and give my attention to it. Next time, I will do the best I can to take care of my health and trust everything to be alright. Fortunately, my mindset is more relaxed concerning my health, which is a good thing. As compared to before when it used to trouble my mind a lot.

-That leads to my next point which is that I have to refocus my attention on my writing goals now. With my health handled for the moment, I will shift my attention to purpose and wealth.

-Will be removing Aegis Initiative: C19 from my stack since am not traveling for a while.


Thats one of the titles I always say later to… hows your experience with it?

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@anon2351792 - I enjoy using it cause of how much it helps me stay level-headed and masculine. Since I don’t have any alpha subliminal in my current stack, am using Godlike Masculinity to give me that manly boost. I don’t worry as much when I play it. It also makes my voice deeper and more self-disciplined when I set my mind to do tasks.


WEEK 4: Saturday Night
Godlike Masculinity x 2
Ultimate Author Terminus x 1
Chad Terminus x 1
Aegis Initiative : C19


-With the release of the Ultima upgrades along with that chap named Diego talking about our journals being a “joke”, it personally got me thinking whether I need to focus more on healing first before attempting to make money and attain success.

-Loads of people are reporting excellent benefits from Rebirth Ultima with respect to emotional healing, that am seriously considering purchasing that.

-Also, with the release of The Executive Ultima, am wondering whether getting Emperor will turn me into an action machine.

-Or maybe run Khan ST1 to ST4 standalone all over again.

-With all those points above, I will pause for a while before I consider my next move. Need to think a bit since am personally not satisfied with the way things are going. Even though am seeing some improvements here and there, I need more and am thoroughly unsatisfied with my lack of action taking. Need to rectify all this.

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Yes, Diego’s posting seemed to have two positive impacts ironically. 1 was that it had me see where I doubt my own value and results-a kind of skepticism–I believe this was partially his intention, whether Machiavellian or simply as a result of his own self effacement, but in any case-I saw where I was still unnecessarily doubting my own small improvements and was self critical about it, and it actually had me come to peace with that. As Saint said-( paraphrasing multiple posts over time )having a change in an internal issue or belief is still highly valuable to an individual, and acknowledging that sets the ground for larger and larger changes

The second positive benefit was seeing where I could have a healthier standard for accomplishment, that would be even more objectively measurable- in light of this is had me strongly considering cutting down stack size. I have a lot to address.but one thing at a time simply may be better. I have certainly gotten results, but am going way slower than if I had a more consistently streamlined stack. The balance is addressing everything need for a particular goal while keeping it small enough that transformation can happen fast enough.

It seems to work well with anything, and makes assimilating sub changes easier.

It certainly will, if you have very specific goals in mind this is really powerful.

while I think its great to recognize where you are dissatisfied and make appropriate changes, and only you know where you are selling yourself short with regards to the action you are taking and/or not taking. I do want to reflect that in the last month, you managed to set up and get vital work done for you current and long term well being, and that is no small feat, or lack of action.

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Thanks for the encouragement, @Azriel. Yes, I agree with you especially regarding returning to a smaller stack, maybe even one title, to restart it all.

As much as am grateful for the results I got, I too feel I can do better.

When I started my journey here with SubClub, I started with too much stacking. I think this is natural though and is one way we learn how to appreciate taking things one at a time (or in this case, one title at a time). Learn from our experience and all that.

Will pause my stack for a couple of days to plan my next move. I guess, we can learn from everyone whether it is from the members of this forum or a troll who was just passing through.


@Lion anything you could say about the Divine Will module in your Custom?

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@Hermit - sorry, man. Not used it enough to make out its effects

Regarding your eyes.

@Lion have you ever checked your calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc levels?

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Interesting. Do they affect Eye health?

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Yes, I am currently researching this topic and it seems like that a mineral balance, especially between those minerals, could have an great effect on eye health.

If you like to experiment, I would suggest you to get a mineral analysis of your hair.

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