Question about safet regarding reiki

Is there any sort of module that would block out energy’s from reiki transmissions? I know I asked before some time ago , I need to know if it’s safe or if it would drain my energy while using subs.

Like is there some sort of cocoon shield or anything that blocks energy from others or environment.

I’d really need to know because I receive regular reiki healing sessions both online and in real life hands on

I believe username SaintSovereign, as well as several users, gave answers to a similar question here.

Username @BeautifulSoulGoddess is, I believe, a reiki practitioner. She may have an opinion on the subject.

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My personal experience has been that Source energies won’t be effected at all.
Actually, energy work can help subs as long as it’s for your “highest and greatest good”.

Hi there @ferdinandreitet I do not believe any of the subs or modules have any harmful impact or drain your energetic body in fact there are modules that help align your energetic field and increase the energy flow(auric overdriver, energetic development XI). After listening to my custom which has some energy and aura modules in it i noticed the feeling i get in my hand when starting a reiki session was intensified (vibration,tingling sensation.)Also remember reiki comes from Universal source so it’s abundant and unlimited. Now your aura on the other hand is what needs protection that is what can be invaded at times from toxic or parasitic energies(definitely not in subclubs products)which is where the drain would come from. Maybe ask your reiki practioner if they offer services for this I always cleanse & shield my clients aura during a reiki session it’s very important. You can also do an exercise when you wake up every morning breath in deeply as you breath out imagine a golden shield building around you keep doing it until you feel your completely covered and at peace.There are plenty of aura modules as well that I’m sure could help strengthen your aura or give off a certain energy I hope this helps and I hope I understood your question correctly. Peace and blessings :blush:

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