Q Module Pack #6: AETHERIA - Available Now!

What does it mean that Module Pack releases are now literally my favorite thing to watch on the Internet.

I was getting ready for my morning meeting and saw that a new pack had been released. Said, ‘I’m definitely not looking at this until my meeting is done!’

Meeting ended. I said, ‘Of course, I want to wait until I’m eating lunch to enjoy this!’ So, I went and made lunch. And now I’m eating and getting ready to dig into this new pack of modules.

KNOWING, mind you,. that I don’t have room to accommodate additional modules yet. I don’t care.

I’m already invested. I want to know what happens next!

And so, without further ado…



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no words, man.

no words.


Shall we say, you feel a sense of wonder? :stuck_out_tongue:

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We shall.

(So it’s working already?!)


Does Call of Honor and Light of Humility Modules can work together without conflict?

Call of Honor module is about pride
Light of Humility module is about humility


Haha! Am sure it is. Because this module pack 6 is wonderful

PS: 6 is my lucky number

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Once again my custom plan gets tweaked. This is why I’ve been holding off!

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When I read the descriptions of those 2, I immediately thought that they would work very well together. Pride that helps us become honorable and dignified in Call of Honor and humilty that helps us learn and grow with Light of Humility


Thank you for the clarification bro. Gonna put those 2 in my renaissance man custom draft.


That’s awesome! Got myself Story Teller and Song of Joy just now for a new Ultimate Artist custom.


I agree with @Lion. These would work excellently together.

Think of anyone who is truly effective over a long period of time, and you’ll find both of these qualities.

Go Hard and Recognize Your Limitations

Play to Win and Learn from Loss

Plant the Flag and Pass the Torch

and so on

Most of us are better at one than the other. But life demands of us both.


will sex mastery ultima core end up on the q store soon?

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I’m waiting for Solace anyway, but I had 20 modules nailed down.

Now, three have to go and make room for The Wonder, Song of Joy & Story Teller.

Aetheria is by far my favorite Module Pack.


So the code of honour will work on the solar plexus chakra i think.

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Gemini, huh?

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Great module pack. For some reason this pack resonates with me more than the others. Thank you for the more in depth descriptions on the differences between modules too. Much appreciated. I know this has been a hard week for the SC family. My condolences.


Correct :sunglasses:

Which is why Primal will be my next sub after Khan as greatly recommended by @friday.


@Fire - have two questions on 3 of the modules in this pack:

  1. Story Teller and Song of Joy are tagged as social/skills modules and hence useful when using the spoken word. Can their functionality extend to the written word too?

  2. Wanderer helps to “experience the freedom of exploring other cultures, methods and ideas – and synthesizing them for your own benefit”. This is tagged as spirtuality/skills. So does it help us understand different cultures, methods and ideas on a cognitive level too or is it only to advance spiritually?


The Wonder stands out in particular for me… I think we are definitely getting closer to the time of Halcyon v2 :smiley: