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I love this idea. Maybe it could also include the No Porn and Masturbation title idea that SaintSovereign was thinking about making in ZP.

Also to work on PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction)


I think that’d be really cool if they did this. Something similar to Diamond like Inner Gasoline w NoPoMa and Inner Gasoline wo NoPoMa


He did say in the q store description that they’re a great pair so I’m sure it would be considered.

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The Enlargement Tech !!!


Gasoline v1 – Brahmacharisfor those on an indefinite Monk Mode

Gasoline v2 – Rebootersfor those who wish to return Thicker, Longer, Stronger

… wait, that was in a shampoo ad!




I can’t say no to this lol

And I wouldn’t mind it if they used the energy of Inner Gasoline to do some Height Inducing too. Gotta get that enlargement to be proportional for both the “senior” and “junior” :grin:


@Lion so you want transmute sexual energy to height inducing ? how tall are you ?

Thats clever kudos.


Am between 5’10 and 5’11. I know it’s tall enough but I wouldn’t mind gaining a few inches there either.


Thats good height actually unless your in the Netherlands, Latvia or Serbia in these countries many of the women will tower over you and you will be enveloped by a dark shadow LOL.


You and I are the exact opposite on that. I’m just under six feet myself and at one point I thought it might be cool to be 6’7" or whatever but I am ok with not being taller. Seems like it would be a headache when clothes shopping which I dislike to begin with. Also being an introvert it would make me stand out most likely. For some weird reason I like the idea of taking up less space


Would love to envelop these giantesses with a tall frame of my own :grin:

That’s nice.

For me though, I would like to maximize my physical attributes to cover all bases.

Also, I love towering over people. Especially women.


You guys are lucky, I am only 5’7 (170cm) :frowning:


im 173-174 cm :slight_smile: so dont feel alone,

i want to get taller later still not sure if subs “Really” can make you taller

i think it folds in the same category that if you wanted to change your eye color to red it wont work with the help subs

so who knows :cowboy_hat_face:

either ways i kinda i like my height :slight_smile:

I can play a dwarf in the next Tolkien’s movie :slight_smile:

James your a giant amongst men in fact the tallest men are generally more succesful in life so you already have a head start you lucky bugger :slight_smile:

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You will make a very tall dwarf. Perhaps a dwarf in the Dutch version of Lord of the Rings.


@James Your very tall however i am curious do you do weights ? if you did gym you can bulk up and you will like dangerous motherfucker.

@Deadpool i am 5 ft 8 inches so dont worry brother size is not always everything.

Perhaps wanted can increase your height ?

You will be my older and taller dwarf brother :slight_smile:

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Dutch dwarf brothers who start a star basketball team :slight_smile:


Has anyone here used the Height Inducer module with success?