PLEASE READ: New Roadmap and Product Portal [Trial]

Step 5 : upvote


@Lion I can’t figure out how to post it on the road map, for the name I’m thinking wanted black: total sovereignty

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No issues. Will do it for you.

Haha! Aye aye captain!

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Here you go @Niles

WANTED Black: Total Sovereignty


Why do we gotta name all titles with the same original name Black?
What about Wanted Blue or Wanted Green?


@Lion is the unnamed MVP, no question about it!
Compiling our ideas and putting them on the roadmap like that. A real hero, he is! :heart:

Also, WB:TS! Sounds ahmazing :astonished: @Niles


Thank you, @Athanaxos :pray:.

We all have different gifts and interests so it is my pleasure to do this. Just as everyone here gladly does their part in making this forum so great.

I have this feeling right now that along with tech build upgrades, we too are being upgraded. Am liking all of us here and appreciating the things each of us do for each other. And that feels so great.


I guess what I’m hoping to see some day is really some hybrid between WANTED and Ecstasy of Gold, the completely relaxed, fun, CEO or sales person who enjoys life, gets all the women, while effortlessly making bank in a non-stressful way.

Wanted: Gold :sunglasses:


Wait a minute now… isn’t that… Khan…? :thinking:

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Wanted Black :wink:

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“If you have an account with us, we’ve sent an email to [email protected] with a link to login”

Anybody else had this issue? I’m using the same email as the main Subclub page, also nothing in spam.

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Will tag @SaintSovereign, @RVconsultant

Please DM Saint too.


Thanks man :+1:


We’re using a third party service for the roadmap. Did you create an account there? Also, there’s a link that allows you to login via password.


Apologies, I’m in thank you, didn’t think I had to sign up 1st :man_facepalming:. Now I can vote :metal:


Please upvote on the roadmap:

Problem Solving Module

A module to help us overcome overthinking or being emotional when faced with any problem we face in our day to day life but instead help us be cool, calm and collected so that we can organize our thoughts and find the best solution to the issue(s) we are facing whether it be a problem of romance, wealth, status, health or anything else.

Finding solutions to our never ending problems is one of the most important skills in life to face the obstacles that are bound to happen in everyday and we need to be prepared for anything and everything.


Please upvote on the roadmap:

Freelancer module

Similar to the Job Seeker module, Freelancer helps you get high paid work in freelancing and remote working. Scripting for manifestations through freelancing websites or your office job to be converted to a remote job opportunity so that you can work from anywhere in the world.


Please upvote MONARCH on the roadmap

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@Lion . Such a MVP :raised_hands: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Please upvote on the roadmap:

Stem Cells Generator

  1. Scripting in physical healing and physical shifting titles to create stem cells so as to assist in the goals of the product.

  2. Stem cells in Paragon Complete will help with physical healing like improving organ health and repairing damaged cells. Stem cells in WANTED will help with improving looks, growing hair etc.

  3. Stem cells assist with anti-aging.

  4. A module in the Q Store to help the body generate stem cells.