PLEASE READ: New Roadmap and Product Portal [Trial]

Or something like from Aegis Survival where we just intuitively are in the flow and we just automatically take the right actions as necessary. I’ve experienced this myself when driving. Also, maybe a harmonizer effect, where you’re just more likely to be in the ideal driving situations automatically. Maybe rather than avoiding the bad or in addition to, you’re just kind of the lbfh harmonizer effect.

The roadmap has been updated! We’ve went through everyone’s ideas and assigned a category to them. You should’ve received an email about the status of your idea. Please do not be dismayed if you see us set a status of “Not Now,” it doesn’t mean your idea was bad, we simply feel we can’t execute right now.

We encourage you to visit the “Under Consideration” section of the roadmap and vote on the ideas you like, since we’ll be convening soon to decide which ideas are going into implementation in Q1/Q2 2023. You can view those ideas here: Product and Module Requests | Subliminal Club

There are some amazing ideas out there, and you all are very talented at coming up with them. I really enjoyed reading them. Please continue to submit your thoughts (even if it takes us awhile to respond, since we DO always look) and thanks again!


I am looking forward to Anti-aging Product.

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A lot of physical shifting and healing products on the roadmap under consideration right now so am hyped.


Do not be too hyped, we gotta keep it at a moderate level :slight_smile:


Nay let’s break hype limit :sunglasses::coffee:


Also, I forgot to mention I am also eagerly waiting for Name-embedded Major Titles.


As we all are!!!


Let’s say it out loud, we are waiting for everything. ZP3 etc. :slight_smile:


Yeahh , i am just glad you are better @SaintSovereign :muscle::+1::pray:

Would love to experiment on the MMA fighter suggestion :grin::grin:

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How many suggestions and ideas am I allowed to come up with on the Roadmap before it becomes obnoxious? :thinking:

Asking for a friend, of course :sweat_smile:


You may give an unlimited number of them. So that I will feel less obnoxious compared to you.

Thanks for asking on my behalf :grin:



My suggestions shall blot out the sun!

Of course! Always for a friend! :grin:


So we’ve had a lot of spirituality/self development subs recently, I’m hoping we go back to something o.g soon. Specifically some type of alpha/seduction sub, that has an equal emphasis on wealth. I know we have the option to stack however for me I like to be able to have that option for stacking boosters or skill based titles.

I love emperor, and think it does in a way include all of those elements, however there is is such a serious element to it. Like I make massive progress in my business, health, and can still attract women fine, but the discipline factor really takes a lot of enjoyment out of running the sub. I find my self cutting out so many of the things that I enjoy and although I can socialize just fun, I miss that fun spark I feel on the seduction titles or daredevil.

What I am envisioning is the feeling of wanted, that looseness to life feeling of complete confidence and actually enjoying women rather than feeling there a waste of time. Complete non challenge swagger. Keeping all the elements of physical shifting because I think it also works phenomenally as a gym/excercise sub. My one downside with wanted is that I tend to focus too much on fun, and tend to let my finances fall to the way side. I guess what I’m hoping to see some day is really some hybrid between wanted, and ecstasy of gold, the completely relaxed, fun, CEO or sales person who enjoys life, gets all the women, while effortlessly making bank in a Non stressful way. :joy:.


Excellent idea, @Niles. Do put this up on the roadmap.

I could do it too if you pick a name for this title. Will give due credit of course.


Have you considered a custom? This definitely fits the bill for tailoring a sub to your needs


Have had probably 10 customs at this point, honestly I always felt that I got better results through the main cores for some reason. May give it one more shot with zp V2


Yeah I feel you. I’ve been through a few customs myself. It does have a lot of variability and it’s not always a guarantee how you’re gonna respond to the modules you choose.


I’ve looked around but haven’t found any - Is there a way or an overview to see all the suggestions one has made on the Roadmap-site? :smiley:

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Method A:

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Method B
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