PLEASE READ: New Roadmap and Product Portal [Trial]

Please upvote the following module in the roadmap by clicking on the link below:

Module: Aura of Healing

Generate an aura of healing of the body, mind and heart of people you come in contact with. Be a source of peace and health to your loved ones and use conscious guidance to be the solace of those who are in your thoughts and prayers.


@SaintSovereign is there any chance we will ever see a mysticism title to become a mystic?

With all the qualities that come with it.

Compassion, love for humanity…


Please add in the roadmap, my friend. I will upvote it too.


@Lion, thank you.

Is there a link toward this road map?

I will feel a little more into this and make an enlarged, more comprehensive request for this Mysticism title.

It would be helpful if the initiatory post in this Thread had such a link, that is if I did not miss it but so far I have looked, I have not seen it.

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The link is in the summary section under popular links.

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Thanks @Palpatine.

I’d like to request one for the Magi or Mystic but not sure which path would draw more attention, and the scripting would be somewhat different.

I will come back to this at the right time with some creative inspiration but that won’t be until after 26 september most probably.

I’m 1000% on board with Joker ZP! I’m a pretty funny guy, though I’d like to have people’s stomachs hurting whenever I joke. I’d easily drop $50 for that sub lol no joke :wink:


@JaySolo, I now feel that it would be cooler to have an expansive module for that purpose. To find joy in ourselves and expand it outwards, and being naturally humorous because of it.

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Upvote this module here:


Love it!

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Upvote here:


The option for “sub Cores” something in between Modules and Cores. More like an extension.

Renaissance Man, Chosen, Chosen the Way of Nature, Ultimate Artist, etc — while all being beautiful and complete Core Archetypes in their own right. It would be helpful if within the Q-store their is are options available as a “Core Extension” for example getting a Custom with Renaissance Man, but adding the business Sub Core in order as an extension for Renaissance Man which would then help you expand that scripting and give it a focus towards business.

Something like the wealth scripting from Stark, which is Ah-maaazing. All of it, the inner circle stuff to attract the right partners, contractors, gurus, and whatever else, the ideas, etc

A full-fledged, but compact Sub Core Business extension to expand any Core run alongside it and give it a focus to earn wealth with it, even if that means carrier wise — full choice.

Just an idea.

More optimisation means less scripting that the user does not desire. More focus on what is truly important and necessary to achieve the desired goals.

In the future, perhaps full customisation? I feel that is a beautiful objective to work towards, but maybe taking it step by step.

We often find in the CORE archetypes scripts we love and adore, other things we’d rather throw out.


Did the Comedian Program ever make the roadmap?

I don’t see it on the roadmap website.

@Lion would you vote for it?

You gotta ADD it before anyone can vote for it

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I would.

A couple of suggestions for the roadmap:

  • An additional status: “Integrated [into a related product]” would make sense. (“Sleep Master”, “Paragon Sleep Chamber” & “Lifecharger: Good Night Kiss” e. g. are closely related and could probably be folded into one.)

  • Tags or sub-categories would be good, so ideas on the same topic or with a similar goal could be better discussed & developed together.

  • A list/voting page of all Q modules for expansion into a full program would be great. (True Sell ZP is just marvelous.)

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I suggest we have a driving subliminal module/product that homes our reflexes when it comes to driving on and off road.

Sounds like I should stay off the road when you’re on it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl: :joy:

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