PLEASE READ: New Listening Pattern

Is there a big difference skipping the two rest days in a row?Cause i usually cant listen on weekends so its more convenient


The difference of an Ultima as a booster vs major title was clear to with the AAP because it was less listening times.

But with this new pattern, I’m unsure what differentiates an Ultima as a Booster vs as a Major Title? Because you listen to everything once, so if you listen to an Ultima as a booster, wouldn’t it have as much weight as an Ultima as a Major Title just from listening to it once every second day?


You’re right that this wasn’t explicitly mentioned, but from context it’s clear that to run an Ultima as a major title, you’ll still need to be playing several loops.

So, we can see the underlying assumption there. But yes, it will still be good to get the official stamp.


Meaning you listen to the Ultimas as boosters in the morning, then your major titles some other time during the day?

I’m curious to know what you’ve learned from your testing regarding the best times to listen to subs for such outcomes. EG best time to listen to the major titles (possibly before bed?)

That absolutely doesn’t apply to me haha

Ultima’s send me into recon for 2 straight days. I focus on Q only, which is it is LOVELY that the Ultima titles can be turned into Q via customs! :slight_smile:

(I wanted to add this because people might have similar experiences)

Anyone, thanks for the new recommendations to clear things up!


For Solace, same recommendation?

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I dont know if I get it correctly

does it mean there will be no rest day then ?

say if I am running three Q tittles and one Ultima as a booster

then the listening schedule will be

title A B and C
the next day only Ultima

no rest day in between ?


I’m getting more where I’m running R.I.C.H. as a major and using Q titles to “steer” R.I.C.H. somewhat. Like I run R.I.C.H. and my BILLionaire V3 custom together. Basically just running them in a 50/50 split or sometimes I’ll run R.I.C.H., BILLionaire V3 and Primal Seduction.

Any reason you can think of this wouldn’t work out well long-term? (I really like how quickly R.I.C.H. manifests lately haha)


Hey @Sebastian_Po

The essence of what Saint’s saying is: Boosters are light. So you don’t need rest from them the way you do from major programs.

A rest day with a booster is still a rest day.

(of course then some person will come and say, “I ran 24 different Ultimas in one day as boosters! Saint said I don’t need to take a break!” To that person: You are special. Take 10 rest days.)


I agree with this post. One loop a day, then the next day’s rest.

When I extended the loop, there were too many reconciliation.

On the other hand, a single loop feels enough for a day, and it gives me a lot of strength on my day off, but I didn’t think I needed more than two days of holidays.

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OK,I see…here is another question then…does it mean I could run Ultima every day even on the active listening day…since it is light ?

Those who can, can. Those who can’t, can’t. :slight_smile:

Try it.
If it gives you expected benefits only, you can.
If you end up with undesired effects, you can’t.



muhahahahhah :sunglasses:

what do you mean here saint?

i thought even ultimas can be permenat if you run them long enough?

i run Limit destroyer ultima 1 loop each day with my stack, will that not provide permnant results and programming? or it will be just temporary like you mentioned
or do you mean i have to increese loops in order to achieve that long term programming,

if you can explain please

cause i read @Fire 's post

dont know if its still true or not

What Simon said.

But also, remember that you’ll be using it as a booster.

A booster is an Ultima that you use to facilitate optimal performance before a relevant situation.

Will you be having that relevant situation every day?

If your answer is yes, then I’d just add

  1. You hopefully are also running a major as a long-term contributor to that situation, since it’s a constant and important priority in your life


  1. Probably a good idea to do a total washout periodically anyway, even though Ultimas are lighter


Shining the Bat Signal again. I think the question @Budewr is asking has been addressed a bunch of times. Just checking if you can work your Archivist’s magic.

I must confess that since Uv2 Ultima has become out of question for me. Even with the previous technological versions, it was fairly taxing, I used it on occasion, but now it’s just overwhelming for me – I’m glad Ultima’s can be used in Qv2 Custom.

Libertine is the one Ultima I adore to use when going out or Love Bomb. Interestingly both are Aura-oriented, something that must process and execute without resistance if you are not taking action on the objective unlike Executive or Limitless Executive, R.I.C.H, and so forth.


He already linked the post saying ultimas are permanent.the question hes asking is a bit different.before 1 loop was a booster and 3-4 was for long term programming in uv1 which was pretty clear.Uv2 on the other hand,1 loop seems to be enough for long term programming so it seems to be blurring the line of booster/long term programming


Sometimes, members here are such fanatics of holy grails (stable stacks) … that I don’t feel like confusing them with the :bulb: idea that:

MOST Ultimas don’t have to be on your regular playlist at all.
Use them like Superchargers – only when you want to boost a certain quality.

The actual stack limit for Major Programs was always 3. All the way since 2018. :nerd_face:

The Long Term Ultima will be played just like a Q file – on every ON day.

The Booster Ultima will be played only as prep for an occasion – like Libertine on Saturdays. :face_with_monocle:


yeah,thanks for you suggestions…I will definitely take that into consideration…