PLEASE READ: New Listening Pattern

It’s crazy how even on Quantum tech I would listen to 4 loops of a title in a day, and still be worried about under exposures. Now, on Q V2, 1 loop of 3 titles put me into a bad headache.

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What is the consensus on the Superchargers? Can we listen to them every day or are processing days FULLY without subliminal stimuli?

(Or “should be?”)

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Anyone experienced this?

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Yepp. Everyday!!! I’m late to work every other day, coz I keep hitting snooze every morning until about 5 mins before my office starting time.
My boss even told me that he doesn’t have confidence in my abilities. Lol.

As per Mogul description
“Work seniors will take notice”

Taking notice alright, but in the wrong direction. :joy::sob:


hahahha , contacted support they said give it time, 2 more weeks and see if things change for the good, or just go back the old listneing pattern, i will see how it goes

Uh, hitting the snooze button until you’re late for work has little to do with the subs. If your stack is causing fatigue (which is clearly R E C O N C I L I A T I O N), then you might wanna go to sleep an hour earlier. Use melatonin or valerian root to help. If you’re working out everyday, do you not need extra sleep and better nutrition? Same with subs. If your stack is causing issues, improve your sleeping and nutrition habits.


Can I run Limitless and Quantum Limitless St 1 in one day one loop each or are do those have too many similarities that it would be considered running two loops of the same title?


You’d get no benefit from doing this. Stack it with Beyond Limitless instead.


That Makes sense.

I was wasn’t sure what was happening, so I didn’t make any premature judgements. I was just trying to fit the pieces with someone else’s similar experience.

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The instructions mention that a title treated as a booster should be treated as s booster on all listening days. We shouldn’t alternate a Ultima between booster and major.

However, can we change the booster title as per necessary?

For example, I’ve been using limit destroyer as my booster on all days.

Today I have a party. Can I use a booster loop of Iron Throne Ultima today instead of LD? Or is that not recommended?

Nice. You must be running the Prevent Premature Adjudication module. :wink:

Yup. You can play whatever Booster you need whenever you like. But you should try not to play more than 2 boosters on any given day. Other than that, no restrictions.


Thanks bro! @Malkuth

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I didn’t know that!
My booster is Rebirth which I listen 1 loop daily before my stack almost religiously.
That means if any day I need for example I need a boost of love (Love Bomb) I can simply switch it with Rebirth for that particular day?


Yes or you can use both for that particular day only. Ultima files always make me little hyperactive.Since I don’t know your experience so for that particular day I will recommend only running a single booster(Love bomb)

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I have reduced my listening drastically from before.


  1. Paragon, Diamond, Wanted Core Custom
  2. Stark Core Custom (terminus squared)
  3. Asended Mogul
  4. Ultima Booster according to necessity

Running 1 loop of three majors in a day gave be severe reconciliation, to the point I had difficulty operating. I have done 18 loops back to back in Q format in the past without trouble, So QV2 is some serious heavy stuff.

now I have changed my strategy and it is giving me a smoother listening experience.

I Listen to PDW core custom 1ce at night on all listening days

I Alternate with AM and Stark, 1 loop on morning of all listening days.

I Listen to the booster 1 loop sometime mid day everyday.

No results to report as such.

But this pattern has been a smooth listening experience.

I would recommend beginners to start of with only 1 loop each of Maximum 2 major titles on any listening day and then Build up from there.



That’s going to work much better. And they actually keep unfolding for days after you play that one loop.

Good stuff.

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And you recommend they limit this 1 listening day to …

every 2 days …

every 3 days …

every 7 days …

or …

every 18 days!


:joy: :hugs:


Every Alternate Day

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Have you ever experimented with a listening pattern that is based on the forgetting curve / space reputation model?

Ever increasing the number of rest days between loops (to a certain max), only restarting from the beginning when you feel like you are lacking results.


Now that you’ve said this, I realized I have this same thing going on with me too. I was thinking why my attempts at waking up at 5am were failing (I always wanted to go back to bed despite sleeping 7 hours!). Definitely need to sleep an hour earlier and take a short nap in the afternoon.