Overcoming social anxiety

I’ve been using Stark for 3-4 cycles now and while I do feel that my social skills have improved, I still have this constant feeling of anxiety when I’m in social settings, and it prevents me from fully expressing myself and connecting with others.

I wonder if Stark is too much for me to handle right now, especially the whole fame aspect of Stark. Could it be making things worse for me? Do you guys think I’d be better off with something more foundational? Maybe even run a healing title?

I just want to feel comfortable in my skin wherever I go, I’m tired of living with this constant fear of other people. I want to enjoy making friends, taking with others, etc.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


Hi @Matalexander305, I noticed this also… with Stark. I think it is because of the Fame, and being in the spotlight, while overstimulation and thinking from its cognitive aspects. I do notice with lesser loops that it’s all fine.

Zero Point is strong, I ran my Custom last time a week or more ago and it’s more pronounced in its effect than when I actually ran it.

So, perhaps you can pair it with a grounding title such as Primal or Ascension while decreasing the loops on Stark.

Stark, I notice, I can do a lot of planning, strategizing, thinking, and I can go in a full-blown genius mode which makes social interactions difficult… on the other hand, I can also be charismatic, talkative, playful, etc

Pairing it with Ascension or Primal, while decreasing exposure on Stark might help in grounding you more.

Stark definitely puts you in the Spotlight as well, so you need to love yourself, and be confident in your skin or you might not like it as much.


Funny you say that, I just started running Stark with Primal.

Yeah Stark always feels “dense” to me. I think I’ll try 1 loop a week and see how it goes.

That explains a lot :sweat_smile: , maybe a bit of shadow work is needed here

It is dense but once it is embodied fully, it will no longer feel dense, you will manifest and execute the script wherever you go.

Once you are known and loved, but that special gift you bring into the world, the fame scripting will no longer cause you anxiety. It feels to me, that this is causing a bit of tension for you, perhaps you might want to actively look for those skills and talents you can make use of the bring value and innovation to people?

Once you find that gift, pursue it, and see the results which people will comment on the Fame will become an enjoyment.

Because now you are probably in fear of the attention because you do not feel worthy of it.

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Sounds like you might prefer daredevil over stark. In my experience stark feels a bit more “needy” and didnt do much for anxiety and daredevil is more about relaxing and having fun.

(This is relative to each other btw, dont take this out of context, stark is far more about having fun than something like emperor ofc, but compared to daredevil its more goal oriented)

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Not a direct advice but based on my own personal experience, Chosen made me feel the most confident and less in my head; Khan as well but it could take sometime and I still feel Chosen’s combo streamlined everything in my stack at the time.

The positivity, confidence, the internal grounding, bravery, plus being well received externally just culminates into a very pleasant all around experience.

I’m on Stark right now, and later on today I’ll be attending a function which I need to be social so I’ll get to observe if I’m more confident and less in my head than with Chosen.

Silver lining is that it’s timely cause I’ll be attending a more “intense” one the week after, something I’d rather avoid, and that would probably be the catalyst if I’ll include Chosen in my stack or make a custom.


Chosen: The Way of Nature:

  • Experience the connectedness between all things on an energetic, intuitive level, enhancing your inner life and moving it away from fear to one of personal power.
  • Cultivate a profound positive connection with nature, developing a rich sense of inner peace, calmness and love.
  • Develop your mental fortitude, become impervious to negative attacks from others.
  • Remove all mental limitations preventing you from expressing your true, natural self to the world.
  • Also stacks extremely well with Renaissance Man, Stark, Ultimate Artist and customs with a strong creative element.

Sounds like your anxiety is built around insecurity and fear of what others think about you. All of that will automatically go away when you develop a stronger foundation. Run something like Ascension or Emperor for 6 months lol. With more confidence, self worth and internal status/power your social anxiety will just disappear.


@Matalexander305 Go read Limit Destroyer 's description.

I’ m currently running my first cycle on my journal with it. Started yesterday so I can’t tell you the anwser, but go check the description and make your choice :wink:

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Emperor and/or Primal Seduction IT killed most of my social anxiety.


Voitek and Luther24 gave some very good tips

Another combo that works is

True Social
The Elixir

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