New Stack Advice/Thoughts?

@enigma12 Yes gonna journal! I’ve actually been doing wanted, ps, and Stark for the past 21 days. It’s been insane and I’ve journaled it. So Wanted + Ps is certainly a deadly combo, but both require focus and a lot of energy.


@Vesper love the idea, except I already have this custom and can’t afford another one atm…

The real question is this, does my rational make sense? I’m hoping the two titles are synergistic enough with the custom as to feel like running only 2 titles.

Ohhh in which case, keep Wanted in your plan but remove Primal Seduction. There’s no point of having Primal Seduction if it’s in your custom (It’s basically like running two loops of PS if you do). For you, Wanted + custom would be perfect, minimal recon and shouldn’t be any overload if you do two loops a week.


Custom looks great and I’m excited to see your new journal. Since your using Height Inducer and Male enhancement, make sure you write down all your stats before starting. Sometimes you don’t notice the changes until you actively look for them.


Awesome, look forward to following! Really curious to see how the physical shifting goes

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@Dark good idea, honestly I didn’t even think about it, but that is the obvious data I need to include. If I can stick with it for 6 months as planned, I should see a change.

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@enigma12 me too! Specifically height induction.

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By the way an idea i had with physical changes also. I wonder if we ran AC as a booster(which helps manifesting abilities) with the stack and then visualized before bed the feeling of having that physical change, if that could enhance results even better


@enigma12 that’s a great idea. I’ve run AC as a booster a few times and it tends to reduce recon for me. Maybe I could, like you said, run it specifically for physical shifting. Big one is height inducing, it’s the one that I have the most resistance to.


It might not even take 2 weeks before you notice a change, especially with a ZP custom. The changes just sneak up on you and you don’t really notice them if you don’t log them correctly, I still do a double-take when I realize how much I’ve grown in the last 2 months and just a few days ago I found out that I’m due for some bigger condoms, which I could have noticed sooner if I had been properly tracking my growth.

@enigma12 I’ve been running AC ever since its release I can definitely say that it helps with physical shifting, at least in the sense that I can get my mind to focus on specific aspects.


Okay, @Dark here’s my idea. What if I measure at the start of the journal, then at the end of every cycle. So once every 26 days. That way I have some time to notice larger changes??? Also, have you grown taller? If so, how much?

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I think that’s a great way of doing things. I went from around 180 cm to 184.5, from March 22nd to today. Using Emperor, Wanted and a Custom containing Emperor.

Aside from Emperor and I.Q. and Cognitive Booster my custom didn’t have any physical shifting

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@Dark okay, that’s pretty sweet. I mean, the subs have worked for everything else, if it’s possible possible me to get taller, these subs will find a way.

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“Sneak up on you” is basically my ZP motto lol. I can see why some users get in the mindset of “it could have happened without the sub, or feel the sub isnt working” Even with dragon which im running now i was thinking results were semi slowed down, then i reflected from just a month ago how bad my mental state was and now im like wait hold up, im literally a new person. Definitely important to track down even the smallest of details as you go, so you can look back and see what changed.


@enigma12 that’s been my experience with social stuff. Social skills have been part of my goal for the last 2 cycles and I’ve found myself in several social situations that would have never happened in the past and I didn’t realize the change until later.

@Dark the new journal will start next Tuesday, I’ll tag ya.


Tag me also if u dont mind, would love to follow it !

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Why not go for Emperor’s Voice instead? Voice Master seems more suited towards singing as a standalone.

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Will do!

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Voice Master because I have some vocal anatomy issues that make it challenging for people to hear me and or understand me when I speak and also because I’m an ex singer. :slight_smile:

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