My Newbie ultrastack deep dive (Khan, Mogul, Quantum Limitless, + more)

Day 1 fuck it! I now know exactly what to play I got Khan 100% as my main, playing at night during my sleep. As for the second main I just bought Ecstasy of Gold which I will play during the day.

As far as Ultimas during the day:

  1. it depends on my activity but I plan on playing Libertine only before social events, dates my only social activity is usually a date every weekend and I am a male model so I go to the agency once a week usually for my modelling & acting classes. So I don’t need to play it daily as theres no point.
  2. When and while I am working which is daily I plan on playing Mogul masked version before and during work
  3. Before and during my morning workout, I plan on listening to Legacy once… just testing

I found about 3 days in a row was all I could handle of Libertine. As of now, I plan on just playing it as needed.

Start with 1 or 2 loops. Also some people have good results playing subliminals during sleep. Other people feel … not so good the next day. Now, I only play them when awake. You might find you do just fine though.

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Day 1 update/review its weird because I played 4X loops of libertine and I feel completely fine like I can’t tell much of a difference tbh.

I did ecstasy of gold when I woke up 1x loop and then libertine Ultima 1x (and 3 more times throughout the day as I was hanging out with this girl)

What I noticed was:

I was able to feel and sense the girl’s energy much better!! Like I can actually feel emotions, I had this playful presence as I was talking and I could sense my energy just beaming wherever I went…

What was really important though, I was able to emotionally sense whether a girl was right for me or not, as the girl I was hanging out with had major mental health issues, was seeing this guy and usually I would be very upset about, however this time I was actually glad and accepted that we were just incompatible but it doesnt mean we could be friends… usually I never do this.

Another thing… much more aware of my own conscious thoughts… like It’s like im observing my feelings as thoughts… its crazy.

Now… tmrw… Valentine’s Day… Idk how to feel about this… probably playing khan in my sleep tonight so I’m gonna have alot of realizations…


Day 2 update I started looping Khan last night…

Holy shit. The emotions… its surfacing on an insane level like I’ve never experienced before… I feel terrible right now, I searched up the term … Its called “Reconciliation” holy shit man I’ve never felt this before… It feels like I’m on this constant meditative mode and like crying at sudden realizations and thoughts that come to surface. It’s mainly my fears and my desires I’ve ignored and delved deep down…


Try fewer loops, more rest days, and listening when awake. Allow sleep and dreaming to process the subliminals. I just realized 1 loop lasted me for 6 days. These subliminals can be very strong.


By strong what do you mean?

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Very good question.

I find I need fewer loops per day with Q and Ultima. 1 loop per day seems to be good for me. I notice results much faster than with previous formats. I also notice I can listen to 1 loop of an Ultima and its effects might last for 3 or more days. Those of some examples.

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thats amazing man it seems like your mind is quite receptive to subliminals.

As for myself I think I need much more exposure like 2-3 loops to feel the effects and get it to kick in… maybe its my hearing as for the ultrasonic I literally cannot pick up on a single change haha.

I’m still in the experimentation stage to find what happens

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Day 3 update - Started looping Khan + QL + EOG last night… noticed I woke up super super groggy, still forced myself to go to the gym…

Started The Legacy first thing in the morning… WOW. Felt like I was just wide awake and alert, instantly eliminated that groggy feeling and got me hyped up to complete my workout and seize the day. This is definitely going to be added to my stack as I get my morning workout done at 430AM usually.

As for the new QL Stack that is added… I think QL ST 1 isnt really well suited for me considering my health and hormones are impeccable, I take supps and I eat extremely healthy (not alot of sugars, no caffeine, no fast food) and I drink plenty of water, my ability to create new neurons and learn is great, so I don’t think it will be much effective, what really drew me to QL was ST3, being able to tap into Focus more is super important for me as I am a full time University Student and I run a marketing agency so I need that ability to focus as It helps me be more effective throughout my day.

I skipped straight to QL ST 2 … I sense its effects working for sure, but I notice I’m sleeping a bit longer than usual… like 10-12 hrs and I still feel groggy… like wtf. Should I maybe try ST 3 and go straight there? Or replace it with Limitless instead? I guess I can bear the grogginess but I feel like I may need to sleep earlier than 10pm which is normally the time I sleep… or just sleep at normal time and withstand that by playing the legacy?

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All three subs are very dense titles so you will end up feeling tired and hence sleep a lot

Maybe just start with Khan. If you want to add learning and wealth goals, you could replace QL and EOG by their lighter equivalents like Limitess and Mogul. Or by their ultima equivalents like Limitless Executive Ultima and RICH Ultima. I personally recommend running Khan with the said ultimas


I agree with @Lion there. Your stack is very dense for being new to subliminals. You might just end up stonewalling in the end and then wondering why you don’t notice any changes.


Your enthusiasm and ambition are admirable. I would still encourage you to start with stage 1 of QL, give it 30 days, then go to stage 2, etc… Now if you really feel ambitious, you could just go to stage 4.

Yeah I can’t do this for 4 months… I’m a student rn and I took last year off which fucked me up mentally iim terms of focus and enjoyment of learning… It usually takes me about 30 mins to tap into flow state, thats definitely something I need to change

I know with Khan, it is definitely a long term 4 month program for me as I am literally gonna take each stage for 30 days straight

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Yeah I think its best to stack Khan with the ultimas instead. Thanks for the tip!!


Day 3 update continued … Kay so I tried meditating today with Rebirth… LLOL NEVER AGAIN. Shit put me straight to bed. It was 8 am, just feel incredible after breakfast and bam started to meditate thinking it might help me with my session? nope. LOL. Yeah so I guess I’m not gonna loop rebirth when awake.

But… when I woke up I felt extremely refreshed and rejuvenated… I’ll try maybe stacking it with Khan + EOG when im asleep… keep in mind Khan ST1 and EOG ST1 is running

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Week 1: Day 4-9 okay so I’ve still been running the subs, life been pretty hectic to say the least, so I forgot to update. I’m thinking of just going by Weekly updates instead. I think thats the format I want to do instead.

Anyways, lets get started. I wanted to update on some of the biggest differences I noticed this week:

I’ve been running:

Night Loop:
Quantum Limitless ST2 + Khan ST1 + Rebirth + Ecstasy of Gold ST1

I know its alot, but I’ve been able to handle it and I notice that this loop fills in the gaps very very well… QL ST2 has been amazing for just helping with my core memory functions… I chose Rebirth as it helped me alot with balancing out Khan’s ST1… I notice im getting little to no reconciliation as ive been feeling the last time I was just exclusively on Khan. And Ecstasy of Gold has been amazing for making me aware of my limiting beliefs in business and reassuring me. Everyday I feel like im getting better and better and more confident in my ability to generate wealth so its been amazing.

Noticeable differences

  1. Dreams… I used to never dream until I started running subs… like my dreams have been crazy I think I should start keeping a dream journal honestly.

  2. Much Calmer waking up…I noticed I feel much more calm waking up… I don’t know how to explain this…

  3. glued to the bed I noticed I wanna keep sleeping… seriously lmao does anyone else have this feeling and strong urge to keep sleeping? I mean ive been sleeping alot… but this urge is soooo strong.

  4. randomly waking up at night at odd hours I noticed I keep waking up at hours in the middle of night and when I wake up im oddly super alert and energized… its like I have to force myself to sleep again

Day Loop:
The Legacy (2x loop when wakeup + 2x loop before working) + Mogul (x1 loop) + QL ST3 (all day im working)

Again my biggest reason for taking the Subs is productivity and increased motivation and discipline in regards to my business… Thats why I’m running Khan + EOG (wealth and biz limiting beliefs killer) + QL (super smart robot mode)… So for my day stack I obviously can’t run those major subs but I can for sure run Mogul + ST3 which I feel like can help me unlock that flow state. And Legacy is like a magic pill. I love it.

Noticeable Differences

  1. SUPER MOTIVATED & HYPED All I Need is to hear The Legacy and its like the terminator… I’m ON. Devs @Fire @SaintSovereign … great great fucking job with that sub… It gets me so hyped and kind of in this meditative state… I wonder if theres similar subs to legacy?

  2. Laser Focused? so far today maybe its the caffeine along with the ST3 loop but I definitely noticed I got into flow state today which I haven’t felt in such a long time… I think I may need to run this for a bit longer to truly get the full amazing benefits to it.

  3. Oddly enough no reconciliation… I feel great yeah I’ve noticed a relatively stable energy levels throughout my day and its been amazing.


I think sleep and especially dreaming is important to let the subliminals do their work. I’ve also needed more sleep, and I wake up after dreams, and I have to focus on going back to sleep.

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Week 2: Man. I feel fucking great. No reconciliation… More in my element… Just pure positive vibes all around the board.

I’ve been running:

Night Loop:
Quantum Limitless ST2 + Khan ST1 + Rebirth + Ecstasy of Gold ST1

Just has been such an amazing stack to listen to fall asleep. Like I absolutely love the masked version as it helps me fall asleep so fast as the rain soothes me. I’ve been feeling EoG’s results the most this week… maybe its because I’m running mogul… but I run a marketing agency and ive felt like more certain of my ability to deliver and perform and I’m more slowly trusting my ability to succeed and I recognize that success can take a long time but im ready for it.

Noticeable differences

  1. Much more calm and certain I think this is the mix of Khan + EoG + Rebirth kicking it but I feel so much more confident. Like naturally confident and trusting of God and my ability to realize my dreams
  2. Back in love with my business …this is EoG maybe kicking in but I feel more at my element working… I love it. I feel like an empire builder.
  3. glued to the bed… still… I fucking love sleep for some reason

Day Loop: Keep in mind. Have not been consistent
The Legacy (2x loop when wakeup + 2x loop before working) + Mogul (x1 loop) + QL ST3 (all day im working)

I admit… haven’t been consistent with the Legacy and subs

Noticeable Differences

  1. Back to old bad habits got back to drinking caffeine after quitting it for like 3 months…
  2. Lack of clear focus so far today maybe its the caffeine along with the ST3 loop but I definitely noticed I got into flow state today which I haven’t felt in such a long time… I think I may need to run this for a bit longer to truly get the full amazing benefits to it.

Lesson? Be more consistent no matter what with day subs…


I am convinced sleep is one of the best things to help the subliminals do their thing.

I found reading your progress to be joyful! Thank you. I am happy for your results!

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Yeah I absolutely love the subs… been such a game changer for me you have no idea

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