The Renaissance Khan Journal

Day 15 - RebirthU + KhanQ ST1 + RICH Solace
9 Days on stack so far.

Back on the stack! Was looking forward to it!

However, not much changed today. Still feeling like yesterday, other than that no changes noticeable today. I guess this is a natural process. Am I slowly getting used to it? Seems to be too soon.

Real life was teaching today, though.
Was visiting my local barber, working from home, when he had the IRS come over, discussing if they take some of his furniture and car because he can’t pay the debts.

Reminded me about gratitude again.
I am actually living a good life although I keep trying to maximize it. Also a reminder to be present and enjoy the current moment instead of chasing goals in the future. Enjoy the process!
And how important it is to escape this slavery.

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Day 16 - RebirthU + KhanQ ST1 + BLU
10 Days on stack so far.

Whacky dreams anytime I am on Khan!
Tonight it almost was nightmare like, with a truly ugly spider which I killed. I cannot quite recall what the context was, and I didn’t wake up sweating or anything. But it was not a pleasant dream, that’s for sure.

I am not afraid of spiders, so I guess this is a metaphor.

I am also already questioning choices in my life. I thought this comes with ST2?
Interesting development!

I added BLU to switch every other day with RICH. I think it’s a good addition (also because I ran it already). But don’t want to maximize the stack, so I exchange it every other day.

I also will add a Rest day midweek, because I DO notice the fatigue after the stack setting in. Recon is much less, probably due to Rebirth.

Sexual energy is WAY up. I can fuck all day.
Currently using this to work on my business. Sexual transmutation is POWERFUL!

Day 17 - Rest Day
10 Days on stack so far.

Today I was cleaning house.

I had the absolute URGE to do things I was postponing for too long.
I NEED mental clarity and this also means things around me, I.e. tasks need to be DONE.

Total Breakdown is definitely doing it’s thing.
I feel better every day while sometimes also feeling fucked up because I remember old shit.
But generally it’s being cleared, I can feel that. Feels fantastic!

Day 18 - RebirthU + KhanQ ST1 + RICH Solace
11 Days on stack so far.

I realized that with so many rest days, I will run this a bit longer to be ON Khan for AT LEAST 30 days. Rather more. Maybe 60. I shouldn’t skip ST1 too soon.

About an hour after running the stack, I usually feel a fatigue setting in. Definitely looking forward to Qv2 and how this operates.
Could also be the Ultimas, hard to say. But it’s not like crazy.

Anyway, about the day.
My days are pretty similar currently throughout the week.
I wake up and work on my business, Lunch with the family, work some more and relax the rest of the day.

It’s hard for me to decipher what Khan is currently doing other than healing and working through shit.
The business is doing great, but I also run RICH, so idk which is doing what.
Either way, if the results are good, who cares, right?

  • The biggest thing I do notice is the IDGAF mental model coming back WAY stronger than before.
  • I have HUGE plans for my empire. Way bigger than they were before running Khan.
  • I am completely effortless in virtually everything I do. It might not work out immediately, but I am not second guessing or questioning my abilities. I just do things.
  • Social anxiety is almost completely gone. In the past, before I started a coaching call I had a quick hesitation I had to burst consciously. Now this is WAY less.
  • I still CANNOT BE ASKED to work for my lingering corporate job I still have (and need). This is tough and I need to overcome this by force. But it makes sense considering a Khan runs his own empire and isn’t working for other people!
  • Limiting beliefs are vanishing. Anything I start, add to my business or want to do, I don’t question at all if it might work or not. I like the idea, I try it. Fantastic feeling!
  • Sexually is also tough for me to notice, because this was already great before. I’d say the biggest changes are in the immersion. I don’t think about what I want to do, what I could like, what she could like. I go with the flow and enjoy the act. Which as a result, made both of us enjoy it even more.
  • I am, however, horny all the time.
  • I do, however, notice that there is a draw to “variety” I.e. other women. Long-term goal with this is to get the wife to bring in new partners for fun.
  • I am definitely more open and social towards my family and other people. If in the past it annoyed me that I couldn’t work on my goals rn, now I just enjoy the moment and plan to catch up on another date. This might be the biggest difference to the Emperor-Sub?

But most importantly I notice that I have been putting layers over myself to appeal to a certain group or ideas where even I thought it works out for me (and it did), but I don’t like to be that person.

I am now fully revolving back, by which I mean, I will finally find who I truly am and WANT to be.


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Day 19 - RebirthU + KhanQ ST1 + BLU
12 Days on stack so far.

I read through @TheBoxingScientist s old Khan Journey and I do notice similar things.
While I am generally horny all day, my libido is WAY down. Or off.
It’s weird.
I just cannot be asked to touch boobs.

I guess it’s the emotional turmoil in my subconscious working through shit.
Right now, I don’t have any weird dreams or any crazy feelings. It’s a feeling of boredom or irrelevancy.

I mean it’s called Total Breakdown after all.

Next week, I am gonna try to listen to masked while sleeping. Just to experiment. After that, I am thinking of adding a whole Rest-week. We’ll see how it goes.

I still work on my business as always, and notice things like generally feeling more confident, footed in a real belief that I am King (or Khan) of my life and I truly don’t care what anyone thinks of me.

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It must be due to subs. Otherwise, I couldn't explain where this suddenly comes from.

Is Khan ST1 unraveling my true self?

Because all of a sudden I have this DEEP URGE to get into higher consciousness, read about it, quantum physics, all of it.

I said before after a week of Beyond Limitless Ultima I had a shift in my visual perception. I saw the world, REALITY, suddenly different.

Now I was always interested in the higher consciousness thing, but I just thought it’s my mind being curious and jumping from one idea to the other (which in the past was detrimental to my business success).

I added BLU to the stack again, exchanging it with RICH, but randomly I came across @Hermit 's fantastic journal here: Consciousness Exploration - Project Disclosure 2020

Fantastic young man, would like to shake hands at some point!

The writings are soothing and I am really drawn towards delving more into other realms.

In recent years I developed this view that the reality I see is just an extension of my mind. I thoroughly believe that matter doesn’t exist as we think. Matter is just a dense state of energy. And how my mind is set up DIRECTLY shapes the reality I perceive.

I do notice this again, now where I am in ST1 of Khan and Chaos is coming back into my life, marriage, and my son is going crazy recently. My mind is creating this reality. My consciousness, because I am playing this game on Earth shapes the outcomes dependent on my inner state. Or higher state.

How does one describe reality? If it is things I perceive through my senses, than they can easily be tricked, can’t they?

I never shared these thoughts with anyone, because I know what they label me (not that I care, but it’s a waste of energy).

On my blog/business I teach people to escape the slavery we call our corporate world. But it’s a conscious endeavour since most people are truly not ready to fully unplug. I have yet to talk about higher consciousness, although I have so much stuff to fill a book.
Maybe soon humans will be ready for it. Or everything I say is bullshit. Who cares?

I believe in that reality. I have FAITH that this is true.

Personally, I don’t believe in a deity, I like Robert Anton Wilsons approach on Religion, that each time some high consciousness being (Jesus, Mohammed, etc) created a new Religion, the next step towards higher consciousness was achieved.

With Corona (which I think the outrage is used to control people, and the virus itself is a joke) many people woke up. Literally. They saw the methods of control, and are now trying to get out, while others are so inured in the system, they fight to protect it.

Anyone noticed a bunch of references in this post? Yes, from the Movie The Matrix from 1999! Guys were way ahead of their time.

Just a brain-dump right here.
Was a lot, I know.


You are a Lightworker, I’m glad you are awakening and I assure you it’ll be a glorious ride, an adventurous journey to say the least!

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Been rethinking the stack.

Mostly because it’s too powerful for me right now. Lots of recon and fatigue/neck pain.

I also read by @RVconsultant that Ultimas are so powerful it’s sometimes better to only run them twice a week.
Maybe my SubC is just so receptive that I can’t run a lot of subs. I know others run Qv2 6 times a day, that would prolly kill me lol (kidding).

So, next week imma test listening to masked at night.
And the following stack:
Mo: 1x RebirthU, 1x KhanQ ST1, 1x RICH Solace
Tu: 1x KhanQ ST1
Wed: 1x KhanQ ST1, 1x BLU
Thu: 1x KhanQ ST1
Fr: 1x KhanQ ST1, RICH Solace

Maybe I even drop the RICH on Monday, we’ll see.
And/or use the BLU Supercharger instead of the Ultima.

All masked with Earphones at night.

Always experimenting!

That’s funny because people call me a Dark Lord because I tell them the unapologetic truths and dark reality of a corrupt society. But I see where you’re coming from!

Day 21 - Rest Day
12 Days on Stack so far.

As mentioned, I will change the stack a bit. Anytime I am on rest days I get a ton of results, so this means I should probably increase em a bit :wink:

Total Breakdown is truly a fantastic program. Every day I feel it working, I notice a weight clearing off of me. It’s hard to describe. I would say it feels like a wall around my mind and heart getting beat down.

I am socially more open, charismatic, and more dominant. Not like crazy, but noticeable.

I absolutely DO NOT care what anyone thinks of me. I am way more open with things I wasn’t before (with the wife for example) because I couldn’t be bothered what she thinks of it/me.

Completely outcome independent. Be it with her, other people or my business. I do the thinks I want and know they will work out. I am not bothered if it doesn’t work out right now, or not. Enjoy the process.

I should add that I had myself set up in this direction quite well before I started subs. Still, the change is DEFINITLEY noticeable.

Looking WELL forward to Stage 2, although currently I cannot say when I will end Total Breakdown. I am aiming for at least 30 days on Khan (not counting Rest days) so this might add up to another 3 weeks. Depends, if I don’t feel anything new, I might switch sooner.

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Day 22 - Rest Day
12 Days on Stack so far.

After two rest days, I notice mood going up again. As well as a general feeling. Results are starting to set in from Khan.
More and more I start to feel like a blank slate. It’s not like I lose my identity or personality (although some of that leaves) but it’s more a general FREE feeling of clarity and not labelling myself in any way.


This week I will try subs at night. Masked with Earphones, although I noticed running the LIFE app that the effect from the Superchargers is not THAT crazy as with listening via my Headphones.

Idk if this is due to the Earphones or because of recon. I definitely need to reduce exposure, because I was feeling a bit lethargic on Friday (after 4 days on subs).
I could also try brute-forcing more exposure to get over recon lol
I read for some this works as well.

Idk, for now I am reducing subs. We’ll see how it goes at night.

Day 23 - KhanQ ST1 only
13 Days on stack so far

Last night was the first night where I listened while sleeping.
I am used to “noise” while sleeping because in the past I ran affirmations at night.

I only ran Khan because I wanted to test the waters and because I have this gut feeling that 2 Ultima V2’s are really taxing on me.

Tonight I’ll run KhanQV2 and RICH Solace to see what’s what.

Generally the sleep at first felt less deep when I woke up, but I was very energetic all day. I also feel like I get better results this way because I am not fatigued in the morning.

About last night:
Had a dream that definitely worked through something from the past. Sadly I cannot recall the details, but I DO know it was something that bothered me personally.

Still having issues taking action for ST1.
I do, however, meditate a lot more. That seems to help.

What is also noticeable is less anger or irritation. It still lingers a bit sometimes, but nothing I couldn’t handle.
Also the TRUE belief that nobody can give me shit. It’s not like a “boss” kind of aura where I am above everyone, I just enjoy the power which seems to come effortless. As it’s said in the copy.

Khan definitely makes me WAY more social and aiming for pleasure. I am enjoying working on my business/empire, but I also enjoy not doing so and doing other things. Plus, I am way more open towards people.

This might be the biggest difference to Emperor? Which I am thinking of trying at some point as well.

Gladly the boredom is leaving which was so strong, it almost felt like easy stonewalling. Because I was feeling nothing. Finally it’s coming back. Curious to see what QV2 does tonight!

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A New Reality - What am I?

Day 24 - KhanQV2 ST1 and RICH Solace
14 Days on stack so far

Tonight I listened to one loop of KhanQV2, 15 minute silence, and then RICH Solace.

I am fascinated by QV2.

Last night was bad in the sense that my son woke us up early and kept us sort-of-awake all night. I slept 3-ish hours.

YET, Khan QV2 is STILL working!

Here’s what I noticed:

  • On KhanQ I always ran into recon which manifested in anger and short temper.
    Qv2, nothing. Even though I am tired af, I feel good, powerful and strong. And that on ST1!
  • While meditating I had a visualization of me fishing in the ocean. I caught a big fish. The rod was pulling hard. In fact, so hard it pulled me into the water. In the darkness I saw a killer-whale on my rod pulling me deeper.
    At first, I thought this is a nightmare thing, but in reality I developed a calmness towards the deep ocean. I always had anxiety towards that. I feel fine with it now…
  • And the best thing: SHIFT IN REALITY
    Now this might also be a lingering effect from BLU or because I am currently reading The Power of Awareness, but this morning I had a huge shift.

I realized my consciousness. Everything around me is a product of my inner balance. There is a lot of Chaos right now because I am on Stage1. Lots of stuff being worked through, etc.
Still, if I consciously set my mind up positively, the people around me act differently.

Neville Goddard put it well, your mind is like a magnetized metal. The metal stays the same, no matter what polarity it is magnetized with. But the electrons surrounding it react differently, depending on the setup.
Your mind and consciousness are the same. It is always YOU. It is “I AM.” But the things you attract into your life depend on how you set yourself and your mind up.

  • I am at a loss of words to describe this, but it feels like the Khan in me is surfacing more and more. And it feels real. It’s not faked or acted. I truly believe I deserve much better than what I currently have.
  • My wife acts differently around me. She seems almost intimidated. This morning, due to lack of sleep she came in somewhat pissed (at the situation, not me), but her mood immediately changed. Usually, she would be angry at this for a while.

And this is just this morning with shitty sleep. I wonder what QV2 will do when I get proper sleep!
It DEFINITELY is much easier on recon and implements WAY faster!


I’m glad to hear that Khan Qv2 is so much more effective :smiley: I can’t believe this is just ST1, imagine KhanQ ST4!


Hyper interesting I devoured every passage of this journal!
I am currently on khan Qv2 St1/iron throne Qv2/Muaythai mastery.
All this has convinced me to stay longer on St1 and I thank you for that, I share the same opinion on several topics stated.
When we start we want to make several loops but in view of the results with time off I will reorganize everything.
thank you again


Welcome WolfGhost! I see that you joined about 4 days ago. Is that when you started this stack? Is it your first time running SC subs? If so, you may want to thin out your stack a bit… otherwise you may experience overload or even stonewalling. Just a suggestion.

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I only started"recently " and with the new technology, less loops seem to be more.

For most people at least.

Yet, running different targeted subs is not too bad imo. I. E. One for wealth, one for women, one for spirit etc.

However, experiment. Everyone is different.

Thank you Gilligan! Yes you are right and I agree, that’s why I’m discreetly observing the reactions of those with the same subs to adjust.
Otherwise yes first experience after a failure (I bought khan at [MOD EDIT], scam but refunded). I was listening to sapien medicine before that nothing else.

[DarkPhilosopher: Even so, best not to advertise them, only leads to confusion. Thanks for understanding!]

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One loop Khan Qv2 is that powerful???!!! Nice.

Less reconciliation on Qv2 is a big plus.


The one thing that I miss with Khan QV2 are the raging boners in the morning. Am I the only one?

Good luck.