Marriage Stack recommendations

Thank You @RVconsultant

@Malkuth Thanks buddy. I have HoM but I’m considering running that with Khan in January. I’ll make a new journal when I do. Emperor is really good, but I don’t know. I’m already too serious as it is. I think I should go with DR, perhaps I’ll see my subs in a new light, or even unlock my potential to absorb them.

@James Happy anniversary to you and your wife brother! Your results. Man. Inspiring. You’re inspiring.

@adamjones my apologies, I hope I did not derail your thread too much. You have amazing advice here, I hope whatever you choose works well for you. I have Libertine, but I have not used it yet to give an informed opinion. The main Libertine thread however is filled with amazing results, and based on that, I think it will only prove beneficial to you. V2 seems to foster even more connection.

If it’s alpha (Ascension) and sexual that you’re interested in, I purchased PS with this purpose in mind.

That’s the very thing that drove me towards Emperor and away from more social subs. I’m almost a bit too sociable. I want that seriousness and gravitas that Emperor provides.

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Thanks guys… I kinda just took a step and let the advice role in…

Thanks again, there is some gold advice laid out above…

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Thank you very much

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