Manifestation Custom

Now that I’ve been throwing myself into manifestation and spirituality I’m down to make a Manifestation Custom to help with my journey as a goal of mine is to be able to manifest things better and want this custom to aid in that. I’ve learnt a lot about manifestation using my current stack below which will be the base cores.

Alchemist Stage 4 (I’m currently on Stage 2, finishing in a week)
Sage Immortal
Minds Eye
Limit Destroyer U

I’ve had a little look around the Q store the past couple of days and have literally thrown pretty much all of the Manifestation modules in there but I’d like to craft this one carefully. I’ll probably end up going through each manifestation module/other module and cutting/adding based off this thread and whether my intuition says its a good feel/fit.

I think my main thoughts are using mainly the base cores, manifestation modules and possibly result enhancers.

I’d love for input please.


What’s the full custom look like? What’s the reason for adding limit destroyer?

It currently looks like this with just the bases and most of the manifestations modules I felt good with thrown in so far. Little thought to it besides the bases really as of right now, but I’ll be going over descriptions for again several thousand times for sure.


It looks good so far. I’d just add in more energy work modules.

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Fortune’s Favorite


Way Of ROI? So that you always know the actions to take that will lead to the best manifestations…?

Definitely worth considering Mosaic, DEUS, and Naturalizer.

And MOST of all… intuition enhancer… because if you have a manifestation custom, you’ll be given profound insights that you need to hear and then act on (which is why I also recommended way of roi).

Maybe even throwing Wisdom Personified might be good too!

Just some suggestions :slight_smile:

I was just thinking about what a manifestation Q program would look like, and whether mind’s eye really was or wasn’t the most direct version of that.

So it’s VERY cool to see someone focus on making a 100% manifestation focused custom only a few days later

Watching this thread to see how it unfolds :slight_smile:


Any in particular? Will look into it myself but want to see what I might possibly miss.

I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be running my MSQv2/LoveBirdQv2 with this but those modules are in these, I may run one of them with this however. Thanks for the input!

This would help a bunch!

I have the 2 formers in my other custom, I just don’t run it as the cores individual are taking up all the spaces. I’ll have to check out Naturalizer.

These are great suggestions! Thank you!

If you’re down for helping me build this I’d love to work with you on it for your future reference too, or in case SC make one even though they’d know better than I.

I did read your post and posted I’d be making one of these haha, it actually made my thread happen.

Thank you for clarifying, and I understand your reasoning.

I would add Yggdrasil for sure.

For how long do you plan to run this custom?

If your only purpose is manifestation and not “spiritual development/meditation/etc.” and you don’t plan to run the custom for a very long time, I’m not sure that you need Sage (and maybe even Mind’s Eye).

That being said, I actually believe that you would experience WAY better results in terms of manifestation if your main goal was spiritual development and manifestation was “just” viewed as a very cool biproduct.

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Energetic development XI
The Architect
Inner gasoline

Possible cores
As Above
So Below

The better developed your energy body/system, the higher/more energies you can hold, the faster manifestations come.

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Yes! These together with Fusion Optimized and Metamorphosis will be awesome

You mentioned that Yggdrasil was in another custom. I recommend putting it in this one as well. If you’re interested in manifestation, then double down on the manifestation subs! No reason to NOT include it just because it’s already somewhere else. You may not even RUN that custom, and by adding in yggdrasil to both customs, you would be making it take up 1/20th of the space in your stack as opposed to 1/40th.

So, I would just focus on the modules that help your goal the most, and yggdrasil is definitely at the very TOP of that list. By adding it in both times, you’ll just get more yggdrasil results, faster , easier, and more effectively.

That’s all I’ve really got to say about this now, but I’m happy to help out. Let me know if you end up with too many modules and want help narrowing it down.

This thread is already pretty golden, now you just gotta build!

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I couldn’t agree more - Yggdrasil should be nr. 1 on your list

I’m not entirely sure what you want to manifest (apologize if it is mentioned in a previous post), but if it is new opportunities in a broader perspective (like new career path) you could also look into Wayfinder and maybe Mystery.

True. Depending on what you want to manifest, one or two modules specific to that “category” to point the custom in the right direction might be helpful. Obvious options include relationship, money, emotions/happiness, all of which have their own categories in the q store. But maybe it’s something else and you can find a module for that as well

I’m planning it on running for a long while.

My focus is on manifestation and spirituality. I do have a focus on what I want for my manifestation, which is a specific person as of current, but I want it to aid in bringing my manifestations quicker and allowing me to use them to the best of my ability whilst knowing everything I can about the topic.

I want to go deeper into spirituality for sure, with meditation/SATS and all that kinds of stuff. I’m not as deep into it as others are, including those on here, but manifestation is definitely my focus as of right now.

Even though the specific person is my focus right now, it’s not the only thing I intend on manifesting.

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Thank you! Will check these out for sure.

Thank you for the input, will definitely add these to my list.

I agree with you, will add it in most definitely, I probably will use that custom as it’s a great one and the only reason I’m not is because of this stack taking up the space. My plan was to always make this custom and run it side by side.

However, it will be added regardless.

In regards to too many modules, I think I was on 14 before I asked for help so this may place me just over.

It’s my understanding that a key part to manifesting is getting rid of doubt and negative limiting beliefs buried in the subconscious. Wouldn’t limit Destroyer be a good option for this?


I have limit destroyer in there there for sure. I still haven’t made this yet.

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