Main Discussion Thread - Q

Imagine how much more quickly a subliminal like these would have worked when we were younger! I started becoming aware of some social stuff, particularly as they relate to the past (perceived past I should say), when I was in early high school. Would’ve been interesting

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yes. as a 47 year old man with the temerity to run a module like Emperor Fitness Height Inducer, I can really appreciate your point. :rofl:

It’d be another thing entirely to run that module while your body’s still actively growing taller.

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Exactly. Physical subs would have a more profound impact. Especially regarding fat because the number of our fat cells is fixed after adolescence. Well, if a teen got ripped using Emperor Fitness with low body fat, that would be beneficial for resistance to fat gain for life.

Well at 18 year old you would like to ask money to your parents to pay the custom subs ? Dad can you give me 400 bucks to enhance my penis ? :rofl:


That’s true. Most of these things weren’t financially feasible at the time.

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I did propose a Late Bloomers sub a while back.


“Well, son, go out there and start mowing the lawn. I’d estimate that at about 1/2 an inch per year. By the time, you’re 22 or so, you should have a penis that’s the talk of the town!”

“Thanks, Dad!”

“I’m glad we had this talk, son.”


Though having it as a free upgrade would definitely blow away the competition :exploding_head:


Competition has been dead since the birth of Q.


I can agree with that!

IMHO competition was dead since Emperor… since Khan… EoG… Alchemist… QL… and then Q :smiley:

Indeed, it’s not the same as choosing which card and pay for it without asking.

With your statement I can sadly relate to.
(Mind you, I never told what’s inside it) :sweat_smile:

E, K, E, QL were class apart but it was still comparable to the stuff by good competitors… Q has objectively destroyed competition.

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Yes that’s true. This whole idea of subs being so powerful that a few loops (or even ONE with Terminus) a day is sufficient and rest days are needed just shifted the listening paradigm.


Is there anybody who had the procedure for our e-mail when the process complete is done but the link is not sent?

I remember I have something about it on the forum, but can’t find it anymore.

I have personally noticed that when you combine a Core with several modules in a Custom, which manifests into diminished results of that actual Core.

Making total sense, as the amount of suggestions related to each Core gets decreased massively. So depending on the amount of modules you choose to add to ‘enhance’ the Core, the actual output of it will be diminished accordingly.

I am proposing to have some kind of customization, having the ability to choose how pronounced your Cores & Modules become related to each other. And of course, over the long run a Core will have more and more effect over your life, yet the overal execution and output of a Custom will strictly depend on the actual inner-connection between suggestions of scripts and the repetitiveness of them.

The total culmination of those suggestions will create the Archetypal blueprint of your Custom. Each suggestion will charge you a variable amount of energy to become processed & executed, giving certain effects to the listener.

@friday and me have came to this conclusion just a few minutes ago.


Till then, I guess it really might be good to run the main programs from the Shop alongside the same custom cores from the Store :+1:t2:

How about adding healing to your core to make the ride smoother and enjoy life even more :wink:

I’m cure if a core of a program is available in the Q stire does that mean certain moduls are no longer part of that? For example Khan St 1 and I Am

Wow this realization was so profound for me

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