Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

The floodgates have opened, gentlemen. Ran a loop of RICH this morning before my interview for a top 2 company in their respective line of business. Had a great phone screen a couple days ago after running RICH. This was like the first legit interview though with a decision maker. After the initial formal, “tell me about yourself” convo, hiring manager immediately goes “look, there’s no doubt in my mind that you are qualified for this position. @i_am is qualified for this position, that’s not even a question so let’s even move on from any questions regarding you being qualified … yada yada yada *goes into next relevant topic”.

As this was happening, it was like a very surreal, extremely in the moment, feeling… like a mixture of “I don’t believe this is happening” and “I already knew this would happen because I’m using cheat codes”. It almost didn’t feel real. Literally like I was in a scripted movie. Hard to explain. Had a feeling like, whatever I want or desire I can make it happen in this reality. This job was my favorite I’ve interviewed and I believe the best opportunity for me. The structure of the day-to-day and overall responsibilities, trainings, etc. were EXACTLY like my last job although completely different industries (this is a way better industry). Unlike, my last job, this company is actually a leader in its space instead of an unknown small fry trying to take a piece of the pie. Got invited to the next steps. This job is already mine, I can feel it, and I was telling myself that beforehand.

Compare this to my interviews with companies from a couple weeks ago. I just started DR ST1 and decided to run a loop right before those interviews. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know lol… As you can imagine, I have not heard back at all from those companies. Those positions were not even as good. I’m still running DR ST1 as my main program… in fact, I ran a loop last night. But RICH an hour or two before was definitely the right move.

TLDR: 5 minutes in first interview, hiring manager goes “yup, you’re qualified”


My mom gave me $1500 yesterday too, didn’t mention that. I’m traveling a little soon and she was like, “here, for your trip”


I know I’m super late to this party, but I finally decided to go for it… just bought RICH.

Let’s do this!


Now this I can’t wait to see. You’ve already got all of the action and the paths to manifestation in place.

Should basically be a runway for the program to take off.

Enjoy the flight!


I did 1 loop last night, just finishing a 2nd loop now. I’ve already gotten some results… and that’s an understatement.

I heard the mail carrier put something in our mailbox late yesterday afternoon, but didn’t check it until after dinner, after listening to RICH.

Hmm, an envelope from my favorite people (tax-related)… opened it up, and my jaw hit the front porch. They re-calculated a tax refund from 2019… it was a check for several thousand dollars. :astonished:


I had to look in my wallet again this morning to make sure I hadn’t dreamed that… but nope, there it was.

If anyone hasn’t bought RICH yet, you need to do 2 things… get your head examined (lol jk!) and BUY THIS FREAKING SUB.


p.s. Anyone who has read even a few of my posts will (hopefully) know I don’t make sh*t up and I’m not in the habit of pulling people’s legs or trolling. This happened.
I am, of course, aware that the envelope was already in the mailbox before I bought RICH, but the timing and the sheer surprise of the event… right after RICH… was quite the coincidence. Regardless, this will be in my stack rotation for a while. :money_mouth_face:


Yea RICH is awesome. I’ve done no wealth titles whatsoever. Healing just through DR. Attributable results are above $10,000 now.


@BLACKICE that is so cool. I may run R.I.C.H later today. I have been running healing subs which I would say R.I.C.H does fit into

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I believe you. I had a similar result with a tax return. Not as big as yours.

Online tax return software estimated $700 CAD for 2020 year but I got about $1800.

RICH is great.


Hm, hey everyone

does RICH have any scripting that makes you more open to spending money to make more life-enhancements to your life? Sorta thinking there’s some abundance mentality stuff regarding money that makes you more comfortable with spending the money required to upgrading your environment.

New purchases since RICH

Ultra-wide 34 inch Monitor
motorized standing desk (opted for the larger size too)
Keychron mechanical keyboard
resistance bands set with supplements (making health a priority too)

for some reason i’m getting the urge to buy a plant for my standup desk too (no idea what this is about lmao), like a money tree or jade plant.

I also have some nootropics in the cart right now LOL.

Of course all of this is useful for me and my business, but wondering if this showed up in your life as well while running RICH v2

Feels really good. A lot of the stuff I havent upgraded since college (years ago) and were sorta ‘off my radar screen’ but now I’m like “dude, it’s time to look the part, you treat your clients better than you treat yourself” lol

Anyhow, just rambling.


My dad gave me an 18k loan to pay off debts lol

While i still have to pay it back i still consider it a manifestion from RICH and debt annihilator in one of my customs


I think you’re on to something here.

I was considering my spending habits this morning, and noticed how deeply ingrained my scarcity mentality around money has been for so long that’s led to me living frugally and heavily researching options before purchasing almost anything.

But the other day, I did spend some money on new gear for training. I hadn’t bought new workout gear in years.

There’s a number of things on my “want to buy” list right now that would improve things related to my goals, and it’s annoying me that I haven’t just pulled the trigger and gotten on with it.

So yea, I think RICH is working some of its magic and helping me shift into a more abundant state of mind.

If you believe you’ll be able to acquire more wealth, then there’s no reason to fear spending it for the right reasons, right?


Spot on!

It’s always essential tools too. Essential purchases.

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I’ve noticed my thinking has shifted a bit, to make me more comfortable with the idea of spending larger amounts of money (and assuming I have ample money to spend on these larger things), but my actual spending doesn’t seem to have changed. Lots of Amazon packages arrive, but that’s pretty typical.

Looking at the last couple weeks of my orders, nothing stands out as unusual except perhaps some mushroom & adaptogen coffee, which turned out to be kind of terrible… I’ll stick with Four Sigmatic from now on instead of trying a different brand that’s cheaper.

I’ve been thinking a lot about building a new team, and that might be directly attributable to RICH. I’ve got a dozen or so tabs open right now looking at VA resumes, and I can hire 6 people overseas for what I was paying my previous assistant. Not that I need 6 people right now, but that’s not the point.



I’ve been running R.I.C.H. at least once daily in the car when doing my Uber Eats, Instacart and DoorDash work. Yesterday, I finally bought a Costco membership again (had one years and years ago but thought the annual thing was “too expensive”).

I realized it’s basically $5/month and if I fuel up my car there, I’ save $2 per tank over what I was spending at Fred Meyer. Totally worth it for that alone. So I did it. I figured that’s a combination of R.I.C.H. Ultima and BILLionaire V3 (it has R.I.C.H. in it too as a Q module). And BV3 has Debt Annihilator and other wealth goodies. So yeah this shit works.


For about a week and some change I’ve been going back and forth with customer service of a supplement company about a discount code not working.

Earlier today, I thought about just pulling the trigger and buying the damn supps full price since I wanted to try them anyway.

I happened to open my email account for another reason and found a 30% off coupon from this company running a “Today Only” special.

Ended up saving about the same amount I would’ve if the original code I’d received had worked. :sunglasses:


Took a couple week break from ultimas and just listened to HOM every now and then

Then I decided to listen to this one and literally hours later I finally get my tax return from last year which for whatever reason I still hadn’t gotten

Also in the process of looking for a new job and have some decent options right now. Still have to get through more interviews before I decide.

I think I’ll just focus on HOM and this for a while


How have the interviews been going?

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Got a lot of no’s but I’m not feeling bad about it because I still have so many more interviews left and I’ve improved my resume and interview process recently by talking with a recruiter.

Also doing well trading so at least I have some source of income. House of Medici helps out with that.

I’ve decided to add Ascended Mogul to the stack since that helps with getting work.


Great! I’m happy for you!


No idea if this is R.I.C.H. or not. Yesterday while I was out and about, I ran Primal Seduction Q, Ascended Mogul, R.I.C.H. V2, and the sub I made myself to help amp my efficiency going Uber Eats and Instacart.

Yesterday was decently profitable. Today, I only did a loop of Sex Mastery QV2. Got surprise sex from the wife.

Does the manifestation in R.I.C.H. aid in sexual manifestation when stacked with sex-themed subliminals?