Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

maaaaan I gotta buy this sub. Or build a wealth custom with it as a module…

Has anyone used RICH standalone and then as a module in a sub? Thoughts?

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I ran the Ultima about 3 x
got strong sense of success and decadence, freedom, and then drive to make money, then really angry, and then super recon -each time -

Very similar pattern with RICH as a module in my custom, then about 10 days ago it smoothed out, I can’t say what’s RICH for sure in the custom, but I definitely feel like I’m living into a future of zero care or concerns about money, while thinking about money in a totally new way, like what do I want to do to make money, I’m in motion on these ideas both in terms of steps not to ‘develop income streams’ but to put out into the world what’s needed, have a blast, and make tons of money doing it-(that’s how my mind has started thinking about it) my ideas are crystal clear now-where as before everything was diffuse-up in the air and all over the place. I’m also spending money on myself that will have an indirect ROI through growth and networking, the kind of money I was terrified to spend before 2 weeks ago. No big manifestations yet, but have had several instances of fantastic deals and price reductions given to me.


Look upon this post, @Malkuth

Nay; look upon it and bookmark it!



That’s awesome! Looks good. :+1:

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The meaning is subjective.

Nice seeing the number 4 all the time haha

This felt synchronous :sweat_smile:


Why not BLU? Too much Ultima?

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We now share the same destiny ahaha

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BLU, right. I forgot the U. Just edited now. Thanks!


Happened again.

The exact same manifestation keeps happening with RICH. This is the fourth time, I think.

For the past month, I have not been playing the standalone RICH Ultima. Instead, at the end of March, I ordered an experimental Ultima B custom that contains RICH as one of the important modules. It took a bit longer for it to start having easily observed effects. Sometimes I’ve only made time for 1 loop a day for 3 or 4 days a week. (My primary emphasis is on my core stack.) Recently, I’ve had time to play it for 2 loops in a row. Did that a couple of times last week, and then again on Monday afternoon.

And here come more effects.

So, I was at a (face to face) meeting on Tuesday, and after the meeting ended, someone who I’ve known for 5 or 6 years pulled me to the side to discuss some matters. After we’d discussed the main points, he said, 'I was wondering if you might be able to work with me [doing the same type of supervison/consultation requested by those other people in the above examples]. He’s never requested anything like this before.

I’m not going to be doing it, due to the professional ethics of conflicting multiple roles/relationships, but it’s amazing to see the exact same manifestation from yet another person.

I’m looking forward to creating Pathways for other manifestations to come to me. And this is also a good sign that my experimental Ultima custom is having its effect.



You’re definitely being #blest :pray:t3:

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It’s pretty cool. I’m not actually taking the job. But it seems like confirmation that this custom Ultima is working. Took a little while to get warmed up.


It also seems very strange to me that the exact same manifestation keeps coming. Just from different people.

I think I had just now my first proof of Ultimas working for me.

I’ve been listening to RICH Solace version for 2-3 days now.

I just went to a Subway where I’ve never been to. Just as I was finishing my meal, somebody said to me: Hey man, I owe you 50 euros.

I look up, it’s a player who I used to coach. He uses the products my factory makes and I gave him some just before the Covid started. He was supposed to pay me at practice but we haven’t had any since last spring.

Edit: And yes, he gave me that 50€.


Another RICH testimonial glad to hear the results

Might as well post this. Got another RICH manifestation yesterday. USD10.

Local transit authority sent me a text to say ‘collect this credit for linking your smartphone to your ticketing account’.

Collected it and thought ‘RICH strikes again!’


What do we think of running RICH as your only wealth sub?

It also has scripting about money limiting beliefs etc, but since it’s mostly focused around manifestation, would it make more sense to run EoG for long-term effects and RICH really just to bridge gaps or maximize other subs?

I entertained the idea of running RICH as a major in place of DR once I’m done with ST4. The stack would be Rich, Stark, Khan.

I’m learning towards EOG as I have both, but this is a potential option in the future.

After ST1 of Khan is done, I will be running exactly that stack.

But I was indeed thinking of EoG instead of RICH, although it’s another major multistager. Could slow results.

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I consider the healing of EoG stage 1 to be crucial. Maybe just run that first, no need to run the whole EoG through. After all, it is for long term wealth.

But the negatice beliefs will prevent you from getting the ball rolling. So clear those out first with Stage1.