Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I’m curious to know, does listening to mantras interfere with SubClub scripts?

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It may help if they’re aligned with the topic/ideas of the sub. Just a guess on my part since I don’t do mantras

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Can confirm. Regen has brought up some heavy shit, but it still feels much lighter to work through it than on Qv2.

For me, it’s like bursts of feeling shit, followed by bliss.
A rollercoaster!

However, it’s still insane how noticable that change is. I can literally tell like yesterday I was just walking out of the bathroom store and suddenly felt irritated/triggered. I was like, “Ahhh, Regen is at it again!”


The recon on ZP is much nicer than on Qv2 IMHO. With Qv2 and before, sometimes I would get a “panic attack” type of feeling coming on especially if I listened too much. With ZP, I’ve never gotten this and the results seem much faster and more pronounced.

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I think I’m finally getting noticeable recon on ZP…because I’ve settled with a smaller stack then before…and it’s kinda tightly focused. more so anyway.

look at me. Happy to be feeling recon.

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They already did the same with Executive for business reasons:

I made a valid point but SaintSovereign made it clear that they are not interested in it. I am definitely not going to start an argument now. Drop it


Is it possible that dreams are so funny that you wake up laughing ?

This happened today this morning to me .

Yesterday 12 hours before the sleep I played 2 loops Limitless ZP.


,:rofl::rofl::smiley: Interesting I didn’t hear about that before . But a general rule if your intelligence is increasing , you will be having tons of fun . Because you’re not close minded . What is in your stack beside limitless?!

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Limitless based Qv2 custom :joy:

which contains Mind’s Eye core.

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@Tobyone does your aura of love make those around you happy ?


Usually that is the case, although some times there’s a disconnect when people are to much in their facades. But if I open up people and just smile they often crack up.

But as today I visited the big city, and almost everyone are zooned out, just walking in their own bubble. It made me realize how when you live in a big and hectic city, you are bombarded with stimulus everywhere, so after a while people shut off.

I get so high up and in the blue when I arrive in the city, but after a while you almost have no choice but to assimilate your surroundings energy sadly.

I protect my energy at all cost now a days.


One of the things I’ve learnt these past couple of years. I even reposted a thing on Instagram that said ‘My energy is expensive, ain’t giving that out for free anymore’. Hit me hard.

Emperor is ensuring I protect my energy.


This is how I feel on WZP, except the word “energy” gets replaced with “attention” :rofl:


How do you do that?

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By setting boundaries and not feeling bad about it.


I see. Thank you.

Good question :slight_smile: to me it has a lot to do with limiting exposure to things that I know from experience drags me down.

Lately a good recharger has been nature, quietness and just being completely comfortable with being alone, which comes naturally when you cast away your shadow sides that wants to be validated. The inner child.

More, chose your friends and where you hang with them, and what gives the most fuel is doing what you love doing most in the world.

Also developing a sense of that everything is what it is, nurture your own temple and accept that all kinds of energies exists, and develop compassion, never force, if so, stop and look within, never blame, you are a part of all things.

I see everything as a stage where souls come to play and learn, it’s a sharade. Nothing happens by accident. In one life you are the oppressor and the next you are the oppressed, until you finally transcend past these stages. Look in to models like spiral dynamics to better understand why we are different, but ultimately realize that we all come back to the center sooner or later…

When you keep your vibration high, you can be exposed to heavy things without being dragged down, but don’t stay there, move on and find peace within.

You have come a long way when you can be happy for no reason at all. And be kind to yourself and learn to forgive regardless of what.


Interesting. Thank you for elaborating.

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Guys, does anyone feel like a sub (or subs) you’re using is telling them “you don’t need me anymore” :thinking:?

I seem to be going through that with a particular sub, but then when I consciously say “okay I’ll stop it”, I get scolded at by my subconscious for even thinking about it :sweat:

Perhaps you can run it less? Like ones a week or something.

I have something similair with emperor, where although i enjoy the effects, my insight is just telling me that i should shift, just not a good fit. Similair to what you had with spartan.

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