Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

It’s just cold mate, it’s not that small :wink:


I’m still confused as to what Primer ZP is

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Probably more like some inner sex anxiety healing in the background tho
Psychological plays a lot with erections stuff

For me personnaly Diamonds give me my heaviest woods ever in the morning waking up from the listening
The day after is more normal, and tend to be more about just a slight bigger resting size

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Yes, that is true.

Temperature also hahaha it’s like - 10°C here, my balls will go into hiding if I go outside :cold_face:


I remember experiencing something similar with Diamond Ultima back then:

It went away just few days later. Maybe it is like when you are using charcoal or curcuma for brushing your teeth. They darken your teeth so after you brushed you get the subjective impression that they got whiter even if there is no objective difference because your reference point changed. Same with Diamond maybe because your are now getting used to a bigger size, you are now getting the subjective impression that your manhood got smaller when the scripting isn’t kicking in currently. But it is just back to your baseline.


I suspect it’s ZPs version of the “Standard Script” in other builds. Or scripting to “set the stage” to prepare the subconscious for what’s to come.

Like “Pay attention. There’s a fire hose worth of info coming your way. Once you have it, here’s what we want you to do with it “


Dang it, he got there first!

Exactly what its name implies I believe. It greases the groove, paves the way, so that any sub afterwards but especially ZP subs will have an easier time being processed.

Primer is part of every ZP sub, although during the test there was a separate sub for it for those in one of the testing groups. In the end, the difference between having a separate primer or an integrated one was negligible, but having it integrated was far more convenient.

Which is why I voiced my curiosity before about how this would work with custom ZP’s. Where would the primer module fit in?


Well obviously ahahahaha bruh

Like no joke even my erections during the day are way lighter I feel like I have some real meat going on, it’s not anymore some pack of artery & veins but litteral meat :joy:

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I guess Primer is the main chest of “trade secrets”. It is…very unusual and mystic :slight_smile:

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Only people running primal seduction Iron Tyrone can pull this off


RICK Ultima is not to be denied or forgotten.


You mean Rick ZP for now? :slight_smile:


Thanks to ZP, my mental chatter is pretty much absent.
I get to choose what line of thinking (or work) I want to focus on.
There is simply nothing else going on.




Out of over 22,000 posts that you’ve read, you only found 55 worth liking.

How many likes should your 76 posts have gotten for you to have felt appreciated around here?




Also people here prefer hearing about pizza manifestation than my actual serious journal with as cool manifestation if not better :sob: :joy:

So I kinda feel him ahahahahah jk

Pizza manifestation post : aha bro look pizza zp likes likes likes

Life being cool to me :


Too late, I already need to roll it up like a firehouse, otherwise it just scrapes a path behind me…


Personally for me, the listening setup makes a significant difference in overload, headaches, etc.

ZP with
– Earphones: My listening capacity is reduced to below guidelines, and recon can go through the roof.
– Speakers: I can experiment way over suggested loops, and still get only the benefits.

I may be unique, I don’t know. But I got this with Qv1 and Qv2 as well.




There are just too many new journals. People haven’t gotten around to yours yet.



Maybe lol, now I’ll go evoke some divine spirits to get likes on a subforum :no_mouth:
Just to make sure
We never know

jk jk ofc

or am I ?