Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

First off it’s been a while. Wishing a happy holidays to everyone one here at subclub.

@SaintSovereign or @fire or anyone else who has the answers, sorry if this has been answered but will all these ZP preview titles be for public testing (released with usage instructions)? If so will the preview be free? And will users only be able to use ZP titles they already bought earlier versions of?

Example: I bought RICH Ultima a while ago so will that grant me access to RICH ZP in my main store account December 1st, or is there an application process? If this is already been answered then guide me to where I can find it, when you can. Thanks.

Yes if you already bought the title you’ll get the free ZP upgrade.
Also the prices will be increased by $15 on 1st December, so if you want a specific ZP title now is the time to get it at a cheaper price.


What does this mean?

Appreciate the tip. Looks like I’ll be testing RICH ZP, on the first. Perfect since I just started a new sales job, which also happens to be the highest paying corporate job I’ve ever held.

@SubDreamer which do you plan to try first?


I don’t have the normal Sage or Ultima version in my stack currently and may run the Ultima version now as I have a place in my stack free - until the ZP version comes out anyhow.

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Oh ok.

According to SaintSovereign, Sage Immortal is excellent for this.

If you combine Sage Immortal with anything, it will help you find even more esoteric and rare sources related to the other title you are running.

For example, if you run Spartan and Sage Immortal, you might run into diets or exercise regimes you haven’t considered.

If you stack Sage Immortal and RICH, you will find secret sources of wealth


…after trying to hype you up about Sage Immortal, am feeling hyped now. And want to run Sage Immortal too.


I wonder what happens if you combine Sage Immortal with Limitless

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Almost true.


Same for me!

Chosen fixed that in just 3 loops haha


Someone will give you a limitless supply of Limitless pills :wink:


Now this is the answer to the question I’ve been pondering. The fact that the build alone has an effect on the entirety of your being as it relates to self growth is immense.


If you have the same kind of Rich, then it should be in your download area around Dec. 1st. If not, then a day or so later.

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Would be interesting to see how chosen mixes with Khan. One of these days you can go back to Khan and see how they work together…


Throw in Renaissance man in that stack and you have “a star is born”.

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:joy: That was my main question too. In fact, it was the main reason that I applied to join the trial in spite of it being with WANTED. It was the ZP of it all. I am just completely fascinated every time Saint and Fire develop a new Build Option.

If there’s one thing that was demonstrated by my experience, it’s that Zero Point as a build definitely confers significant effects independent of the particular title being run.

While I wasn’t becoming the WANTED man (I’m both married and work in a field in which flirtations and dalliances are inappropriate), I did find myself experiencing internal alignment and a steady stream of insights. (Also composed 4 short musical sketches during the trial. I think I’ll post those in my journal since they’re the most direct expression of my experience.)


Has anywone had the opportunity to stack Chosen and Wanted during the test?

This is fascinating!

Also fascinating, seems the subconscious still keep traces of what it’s been exposed even if we don’t remember it!

QZP’s identity change seems to just open the door for manifestation pathway. Changing your emotions, your beliefs and all… Which allow life and yourself to unfold differently.

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Lol had I not been getting steady results from my custom I would have been all in with the zp testing as well.

Looking forward to the musical ideas!

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Why not to run both and then decide what to leave out? We cannot even estimate what Sage ZP can do. You will want to find out, right? :wink:

You will truely become a King a leader !!..a man with his own kingdom.

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Thats it white tiger imagine after ZP your subconscious would be unlocked to fight like bruce lee watch and awe and wonder. Soon Saint will unleash this power upon us.

Why become a millionaire thats boring yawn…how about becoming a billionaire ? with rich you will unlock your financial potential money will come out of thin air. You will have so much money you will have to hide it in the walls like Pablo Escobar.