Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Yes. :slight_smile:

And this prototype isn’t Wanted or Diamond. But, we don’t know if 20 minutes is long enough to get meaningful results, so let’s temper expectations a bit.


YOOOO this is the first time i see a comment from you since this whole QZP thing :exploding_head:
guess things are about to get extra serious since you finally stepped into the light :smirk:


Honestly anything from you and fire is worth the listen be it 15 minutes or even one hour or more. Y’all have this technology down :grin:


For real I saw him replying and was of the same mind :grin:


@Fire I keep seeing you from times to time in this thread “Replying…”. The message never appeared. I don’t know what you guys are up to in the background, but I can’t wait for the announcement! :smiley:

@SaintSovereign 30 minutes is already twice as short than the hour long. In term of practicability for people who can’t stay in the same room for 1 hour (be it jobs demand, busy days or just people moving around) it is still a lot easier to run 30 minutes.


@SaintSovereign @Fire

serious question; do you believe this tech could push the absolute limits of reality shifting?

like insanely push it to the point of supernatural stuff, like super abilities, gene addition/removal (to heal or change features drastically like eye color), sending your consciousness back or forward in time, etc…



Definitely. And this would cut back on ear fatigue!


credits : @GoldenTiger


Just wanted to shoot out possible ideas of what or how the new technology may be like. Just my own thoughts or hopes nothing from Saint or Fire confirmed.

  1. Can stack like five to six subs together
  2. 15 minutes for regular titles and 30 minutes for multi stage programs that are now all included into one listen.
  3. Listen once a week

Lets remember Saint and Fire are probably making multiple QZP titles or planning them out in some aspect lol.


I’m still obsessed about the potential of “starting from point zero” to make change in someone.

Sometime you can spend year making money, dating girls or having stuff that you didn’t had growing up. You always have those insecurity coming up from time to time, which can seriously take some time and energy to manage…! Now, imagine if you you don’t need to slowly work from the outside by “proving yourself” for the 1000th time that you deserve to meet a woman that attract you very much… Just by running QZP, this new reality is part of you, and taking action is a lot easier, manifestation is a lot easier… Everything gets easier!


But what if even after the reality change, you’re still not confident enough to “carry” that lifestyle :thinking:

It’s like taking an untrained individual and throwing him into a war battlefield, his subjective reality changed, but where’s the training :sweat_smile:


Maybe it’s like how Neo had learned a different language and even knew martial arts in the matrix :thinking:


Reality is an effect of the mind. Not the cause. If reality is changed, it’s because you changed first


I get your point, but usually if it’s skills you need, you still need to do the work to acquire that skill. Business, you have to work in business. Dating, you have to go to dates. Learning, you have to practice learning.

Eventually, if you have the confidence that “this is you” and you can recognise yourself in “doing your business stuff”, or “dating the girl of your dream”, or “learning a new skill”. Even if you fail, you won’t say “ah, this ain’t for me”. You won’t quit, because you can see yourself being or doing it.

I don’t know if ZP works exactly like this, but basically this is the importance of self identity. People who are good at something and are confident usually have failed a lot (or a lot of success)… Experience!


I saw very vividly in my dream @SaintSovereign announcing in this particular thread that “after very careful consideration” (exact words I saw in my dream"), they had decided on testing Ascended Mogul.


Yea, reality is like a mirror that reflects what you imagine.

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So we can conclude that Q basically helps with skills to help you build your reality, while ZP changes your reality so that you can gain the skills as you explore :thinking:

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