Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

See above.


Not yet. Most likely a few weeks at the minimum. We were hoping to start applications and go live tomorrow or Saturday, but today was a bust due to issues out of our control.


Hmm…there’s an odd pattern here I’ve noticed with tests and features lately. A curse, if you will. Let us forum members manifest the fix to this!

@SaintSovereign couldn’t applications open up well before the build itself is ready? Assuming that the application creation itself doesn’t take long.

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If you decided to apply it to some short script programs (like the Ultimas) it would be great if it was RICH or Paragon.

To be honest i got so use to being bald i am ok with it however if hair grew back it would be icing on the cake. I would still keep my hair short though.


Same for me. I did not expect anything like that and I take it as a cherry on the cake :slight_smile:


Testing sounds tempting but i do not want to break my current listening routine.

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That’s the spirit! :slight_smile:

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May I be stupid here?
I think there’s Zero point in testing this ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What’s the point in this?

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zero.(post must be at least 10 characters)

Pointless to be honest…

I have zero interest in such comments :slight_smile:


Not today, guys. No need to fight. Unless the joke’s going over my head. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah Saint best not to get too involved as it’s a very…circular argument :wink:

Yeah, Let’s try and stay on point shall we.

Point taken.

He was saying that we trust SC so much that if they release a new Z line of products, we will buy them all – even if we’re told that it’s an untested, experimental technology.

Hence, zero point … as in … no need to be testing it. :smiley:

Obviously, it was a joke. We know the founders don’t work that way. :+1:t2:


Application coming tomorrow. Test starts Sunday or Monday. Test will last at least 3 weeks, most likely 30 days.

Testers will be split equally between ZPS and ZPPF. We’ll decide which you’ll get based on your application.

You’ll have to stop your stack, unfortunately — at least at first. We may allow stacking later in the test once we know what ZP can do.

While the physical shifting aspect of WANTED is still maintained in this version, we have enhanced the manifestation / aura scripting. We’ll need data on this also. We understand that we have a global audience who are currently living under varying mandates due to local health orders, so we’re not going to penalize anyone for being unable to test this. That being said, we are going to prioritize a few slots for those who are already going out in public on the regular and feel safe doing so.

Listening pattern will vary depending on the version you get. For ZPS, your pattern will be very similar as the New Listening Instructions for Qv2. ZPPF has a different pattern where you’ll alternate between two different files. @Fire is still working on the calculations on that, so it’ll be done before the test starts.

On another note… I don’t want to get overly excited because Zero Point is such a radically different build in regards to both scripting and the build itself, but I believe we’ve begun to crack the code here. It’s by far the most ambitious build we’ve developed. Even the process of developing this has been so different than anything else we’ve ever done, with us working day and night in what felt like a divinely inspired, mentally intense, creative fervor. There were arguments, debates and even a few slammed doors and hung up phones.

We questioned so many of the fundamental concepts we’ve used in past builds and created an idea so unique that we can guarantee no one else has tried this.

We don’t know if we’ll get it completely right on the first time, but I KNOW we’re on to something incredible.

So, I know I’m going to sound a bit hypocritical after saying all that, but let’s temper expectations. We know we’re on the cusp of something great, but we don’t know if we’re there yet.

Stay tuned.


If this test is really successful will that make way for different tests with other subs like AM or emperor or stark?

Just wondering because i would love to be a tester but wanted isn’t in my wheel house of things i want to run but i would love to be a test subject for ZP.


@Floridianninja - my guess is that if the ZP test for WANTED succeeds, it will be implemented for other titles (but not all titles because I remember it being said that at the moment ZP seems to be a build that will only work with some titles).

But most probably AM, if it doesn’t get a ZP test, it will at least get an official ZP version since they had decided that they were going to choose between AM and WANTED for experimentation.

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