Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

What are your thoughts of a ZP utility sub that is centered on mosaic deus and pragya and just boosting the stack? One ZP-sub to boost all non-ZP-subs, so to speak.


The tech will keep being developed. It’s too early to ask this kind of question, guys. Be patient.


Exactly me . And I get up this thread to be certain that they are testing wanted and not a spiritual sub.

Well, as Saint mentioned, the testers fall in love with their soul, while still getting results on the idea of Wanted.

Win-win on all fronts if you ask me!


Amazing results! It’s a joy to read these reports. Question, are these tests also being performed on people with no previous subliminal experience?

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Basically the participants signed up for it. Acceptance is partly based on how well the person documented their results in the past, and their journaling etc… I’m guessing no, but I could be wrong.

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Most of the testers are experienced, since that’s the data we need to improve the product. Then, we’ll hold a public test to get experiences from everyone else, which we incorporate into the final product.


By any chance, are there going to be any new testers anytime soon?


This is correct. We also try to find testers who haven’t gotten the best results, since we definitely want to get that information to improve the product.


Just some idea I thought worth mentioning. Creating one support ZP sub might be lighter workload wise, then the rest of the library.

But yes, patience is good.


This is the way.


What will the public test look like? Will it just show up in our downloads with “please report results” message, or will it be by application and mandatory reporting, just open to anyone?


They will put Wanted MK? Into everyone’s downloads who bought Wanted. This is how they did a public test of Love Bomb prototype.


Hey @SaintSovereign,

I am attending a party on 02.10. After that event, I need to go back to QL and study again for another exam.

May I try Wanted Zero Point only for that one date?


That would be too generous. Since it is a completely new build, they should charge something. Perhaps offer it at a discount instead of full price.

I’m still not clear though if they plan to test its stackability with Qv2 before a public test. I doubt people would want to switch exclusively to ZP unless their entire stack (or equivalent) is available there. Wanted ZP sounds like a mega subliminal in itself though.


They give free updates every time they do a new build for the main subliminals


It’s a new build that hasn’t been perfected. Hence the test. I’m not sure as I haven’t been a part of any tests but seeing as it’s “experimental”…

I don’t think one could call it an official build.

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They do, but this time they had to re-write the whole script in a different way. That’s a lot of effort. Not to mention the amount of research that must have gone into it over the past few months/years. This build sounds like a game changer, unless if it’s just a marketing hype and I doubt that’s the case.

Also by now they are a little more established in this market.


I was thinking the same thing. I hope they don’t charge people who already have Wanted, but it’s possible, given what you’ve said above…
This is almost like going from Q to ultima or vice versa. For that kind of change they did charge… if memory serves me right.

We shall see what they decide. Their upgrade from (pre-Q tech) to Q involved a rewrite of every single subliminal at the time and it was a free upgrade. Of course, things can change.