Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Well that explains a lot! It makes sense with my experience and with my desire to drop Wanted for Emperor.

The decision has been made.


I’ll still take this moment to say that Wanted has been a game-changer in my long-term relationship (8 years and a kid). It hasn’t overtly expressed as hot/cold game-playing… but a subtle dose of playfulness/boldness/light-heartedness in all those “micro exchanges” that make up the day.


I’ve experienced a similar enhancement with wanted in my relationship of 4 years. It got her into starting seductress, and she wants me to try out primal seduction as part of my stack now as well.


Yes, this is exactly what I’m talking about. While Wanted follows the archetype of the “coquette,” it expresses differently in everyone due to the way we wrote the script. People just can’t wrap their minds around just how much language shapes reality, and just how deeply integrated into the mind that language goes. I spent 12 years and $100k on multiple degrees studying the power of language, and learning about things like modes of communication, forms, etc. When we say that ZP expresses differently depending on the person, we mean it. We’re no longer using static affirmations. We have a whole new model altogether, one that allows the person to interpret the script in the best way they know how.

In this situation, you clearly gelled with the script in a way that worked for you and enhanced your relationship. Some people may express the script in the most literal way possible and cause issues. There aren’t too many titles that can have this effect, but any time you’re running a seduction sub or something like that while in an active relationship, there can be issues.


I read somewhere that , Maidu Tribe only know 3 colors since their language recognizes only 3 colors.
So even though they ‘see’ everything , they only recognize 3 colors.


For a really good take on how language shapes our own personal realities, check out the short story “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang. It’s the short story that was the basis for that film “The Arrival”.

The film was damn good, in my opinion. But it left out stuff in the story that further expands on the idea.


Very much so. It hinted at, but left out the stuff about language shaping our reality so much that the aliens engaged in non-linear thought and could see across time and space simply because their language was “non-linear.” Once the protagonist began to decipher their language, she too (in the movie) began to see across time and space.


There’s a part in the story that talks about how the refraction of light when putting objects in water actually violates what we “know” about time and the speed of light, too.

I forget the name of the principle mentioned. But basically it was that the light would need to know stuff about the medium it’s going into before actually reaching it…which would imply the information traveling faster than the speed of light.

Now I gotta go read it again haha.

I did love the stuff about how deciphering and internalizing the aliens’ linguistic structures made her start seeing the “future”


that’s a nice idea for a sub don’t you think :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think I’ve already suggested time-related subs over 5 times now :rofl:


I think we need to engage in a bit more research before tinkering with the fabric of spacetime. :wink:


This made me laugh out literal loud. Interrupted the wife’s reading. She reads fiction every day. I’ve got her reading “Vertical Run” by Joseph Garber.


There was this idea I once had, back when I was researching about time, the 4th dimension, and time travel.
Theoretically, it would be possible to send the consciousness backward in time (and possibly forward), but it would be more like your “active consciousness” would just switch place.

Like the idea is, your current consciousness, with all its memories, skills, knowledge, and all, can go back (or forward) to another you’s body, while the current one just keep on living as a time remnant.
The only downside to that “theory”, was that it was a one way ticket kind of a thing :sweat_smile::joy:


This was mainly the concept in the show “Quantum Leap.” The novels touched on it a lot more.

The original idea of the QL accelerator was to send you to different points in your own timeline to observe events. It was meant to be a sort of “swap” effect where you swap with the past version of you, who then is in your present-day body while you’re in the past-day body. The present-day body would be kept in a nondescript room they have called the “Waiting Room.”

GAWD I miss that show.


Well I always say this to my geek friends;

Fantasy is just undiscovered science

Though what you said makes sense too (realistically), however, if we figure out a way to achieve that with subs, then we would probably need some kinda “autopilot” for the present day body, or a return mechanism.

It could also be used by people to heal traumas, or travel across parallel realities :thinking: I mean, I know for a fact that there’s a “me” out there in a parallel universe who probably chose a completely different path of life with his studies and work field, that he’s most probably some sort of a quantum physics scientist :rofl:


Summoning @Meng123 to archive this for wanted and what it does.

Recently was reading the convoluted universe by Dolores cannon where time is literally directly explained. Along with other dimensions.

By aliens (you know regressive hypnosis to channel other beings)

Fascinating for anyone with an open mind.

But I realized I need to run limitless first to understand this book haha

Still, gonna re-watch arrival with what you guys just mentioned. Didn’t compute the first time :sunglasses:

Time is not the 4th dimension. It’s not even a thing throughout the whole universe. Just a bunch of species use time as we do. Most don’t.

You are everything at all times. You can go to any time to you wish and relive it. The past is just visualizations drenched with emotions. Or maybe I didn’t grasp the concept at all :wink: :wink:

It’s tough for us to understand to live without time because we built everything around it.

But ZP definitely helped me to live in the NOW where I realized I forgot time A LOT. It basically didn’t exist for me.
Especially with the time dilations happening I truly question its validity.


Waiting for Sub Club to safely modify the space-time continuum


Have you done this in practice? Do you know anyone who has?

So here’s what I know (might be wrong)

The closest we can currently get to as humans is regressive hypnosis. But that’s pretty much searching through your subconscious and reliving different times.

Friend of me has done it. He said it’s somewhat dangerous because you might lose the sense of reality (think Inception). I still want to do it at some point.

Technically our soul can use imprints to be reincarnated at a different time on Earth. These are found in the Akasha records. You might have heard of this. This, however, we can’t really know if anyone done it. Then again, we are all infinite souls living in these temporary bodies on Earth. In that sense, time does not exist, does it?

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Time—as we have conceived it—is not accurate or absolute.

It’s not that there’s no time. It’s that we’re wrong about what it is and how it works.

This is a subtle, but significant, qualification that prevents us from simply replacing one erroneous concept with a different equally erroneous concept.

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