Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I did my listening at both times afternoon or in the morning but with no changes at all. Nor increased energy nor being tired.


It’s really amazing that more inspirations are being drawn to me. It’s happening unpredictably but also very regularly and consistently.

Zero Point

I’m also finding an enhanced power to intentions.

Zero Point seems to have a similar effect to The Merger of Worlds module.


Does anyone feel they are developing an intuitive feeling of how many loops to run and when ?. Its almost like my brain says “Dont listen to any loops today” or “you can listen to one loop tonight”


Wow, such a civil conversation and on-topic as well. It could bring tears to the eyes. Compared to yesterday, when the amount of flags almost broke the Internet.

My listening schedule is completely messed up, still trying to figure it out. I’m thinking a ZP RICH day and an AM Q2 day. But honestly, I’m getting a bit confused by the whole thing. Too much going on I guess.

@James you were doing a wealth stack right? What are you on nowadays?


@DarkPhilosopher always good to hear from you my old friend :slight_smile:

Perhaps you can share your challenges with us all and we can guide you.

Exactly my past experience :wink:

How do you know me so well? :smiley:

I was feeling really bad in the morning alot of emotional troubles, I heard 2 Loops of Regeneration XP back to back.

A metric Ton of realisations surfacing, I feel alot calmer.

Regeneration was a sub I undervalued till today.


Do you have any plans on releasing Aegis: Covid-19 in ZP?

Asking for a friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Sub.Zero How long were you bald before wanted did its magic ? how is your hair so far is it thicker now ?

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I’ve been an inhabitant of this world for almost 40 years and I’ve seen a lot of stuff like that going on in here. Apart from that, empaths read people naturally and on the fly and I’ve seen a lot of personalities of this kind. Of course, I didn’t refer to you at all, mate. We all have our own story, our own burden to carry. We only choose the way we tell our story to ourselves and the way we carry our burden.

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Dude don’t run Regeneration XP. It’s not getting security patches these days similar to Windows XP :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside, Regeneration is a life saver. Especially when stacked with Elixir…XP


I’m waiting on Regeneration 11 so I can finally retire Regeneration ME Edition.

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I frankly would recommend Regeneration Linux. More stable and not virus prone at all.

Talking about Regeneration ME, that Mind’s Eye ME was something eh? What about DIAMOND w/ me ME and DIAMOND w/o me ME. Oh me oh my.


OK i broke the protocol please do NOT do what I did it was an experiment to see how it would effect me. I ran wanted, chosen and paragon one loop each and I feel even more amazing. It feels like running limitless but the effect is much much more powerful. I feel myself compelled to sit down and read and digest information for hours !!.

Gonna take a days break…

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When you say you broke the protocol, what does that mean? I think you’re referring to running 3 titles in one day, right?

Are you saying that you need to take a break because of recon that may be coming? Or from getting excited enough to run that much?

It eases the channel from intention to fruition.

I’m typing this like it’s news, but actually it’s exactly what @SaintSovereign described. It’s just that it’s one thing to read it and another thing entirely to experience it.

The 5.5-day water fast that I did two weeks ago? That was supposed to just be a 1/2 day experiment to see what it would feel like. I wasn’t planning to actually do one until January 2022. On top of that, the one in January was supposed to be a 3-day fast. Next thing I know, it’s the morning of day 6 and I’m like, ‘uhh…I think we’d better stop now.’.

It gives new meaning to the expression: “一言爲定”. Something like [‘say no more, it’s done.’]

And it seems to keep happening in little ways. I intend something, and it’s already happening so easily. Like you’re just planning to run a subliminal, and then a result already manifests.

When I was 20 years old, I tried to do a project using Dance Movement Therapy to explore the “mind-body relationship”. In the years since, I’ve worked on other angles on that same theme. But today that original project came back to me as I saw a young man in his early twenties doing something similar. I’m starting to notice a kind of ZP ‘charge’. Like ‘pay attention to this, it’s related to what you were requesting’.

Just interesting flows of stuff.


It’s like there is scripting that compels the “rule breakers” to confess their crimes xD

Why even mention it? I mean, there will come a time for testing.

People can’t even run through a 26 day cycle without messing around… Where’s the patience?


@Sage_Ninjistic correct i ran 3 ZP titles in one day and i feel terrific i am absorbing information like a sponge, Chatter in my brain is zero !!. No recon experienced :slight_smile:

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@Hoppa just wanted to highlight my findings to the community :slight_smile:



It’s just that we know that SC is keeping the power levels of the subs down for exactly this reason. We can’t follow even simple rules.

Then again, I think the testing needs to be more methodical. First you figure out the baseline. Then you see how the different listening patterns affect you.

Only the official testers have done that. Just listening for a couple of days certainly doesn’t do it.

Oh well. It just annoys me because I want access to the more powerful stuff :wink: So, 100% selfish reason for me.