Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Well technically, EF isn’t like the others.
What I mean is that you can literally do any of the stages you want right now as your Qv2 of choice, and it will still function as a good sub.

I had a journal here where I stack the OG WANTED Qv2 with EF st3 (was Qv1 though, as a post workout booster) and I made some of the best gains without the use of any supplements or drugs.


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Princess Elsa Liked your post .


Hahahahahhaha now this made me laugh way more than it should have :joy:


wow that’s incredible. imagine the gains you’ll be making on the ZP versions of each. I didn’t know the order of the stages didn’t have to be followed on Emperor Fitness. but I will probably still follow it as I’ve never been exposed to it before.


I’m sure it is @Thanos, multistage have been split that way to make it easier to grow through it. Usually multistager are massive compared to other titles. They might have more goals, or just hit the same goal through different means.

For me, there is a good chance I eventually run EOG+Khan and another sub when I’ll feel my life “balanced” lets say. Each stage will follow each other, so 21-45 days of stage 1, 21-45 days of stage 2, etc.

Combining multi stage and single stage would be great to build more profound results over the long term and still progress over other goald with smaller, single stage subs :wink:


Well the stage 1 is mainly for healing, many people need it (in terms of fitness) because of the issues they might have in the gym (like feeling insecure or small), as well as mastery of the workouts and sports.

Stage 2: basically fat loss.
Stage 3: muscle gains.
Stage 4: everything combined.

So you can see that you might not need them all, however, having access to them can give you a stack when you’re bulking (st3), cutting (st2), or focusing on powerlifting/compound movements (st1).

In my opinion, if you’re a serious lifter, it can be the best purchase you can make, along with Spartan.


If you’re stacking Khan and Wanted and the title of your journal doesn’t contain the word “Khanted” in there somewhere, I will not like any of your posts :rofl:


Or Wahnted


Fortunatly, I’m not not :wink:

Since Khan is a multistager and not yet in ZP, I wanted to experience ZP’s inner healing at full potential to heal my sexual insecurities!

After that, I’ll be very very tempted to try out Khan ZP because OH MY GOD, the man I was on Khan was who I felt I was, it was my version of Alphaness! So, I want to live that experience in ZP!


I want to make this clear.

If someone is acting in a negative way to you, please flag the post.

No vigilantism of “if someone is hostile to me, I’ll going to defend myself”, meaning they will be hostile back.

This isn’t about passivity, or being “manly”, or needing someone to handle your business. This is about respect and maintaining a certain environment on this forum.

@Fractal_Explorer got it right.

It’s one thing to enforce a community standard by giving a reminder or two to someone. However, some times the best way to enforce community standards is to just flag a post and then ignore the poster for the time being at least.

I do believe in second chances, and third chances, and fourth chances, and TBH I hope these people who post negative items on this forum can greatly benefit from ZP.

This is nothing noble about “defending yourself” by being disrespectful and risking a ban. It’s not a sign of specialness, or nobility, or martyrdom, or “standing up for what you believe”. It’s just disrespectful.

Let’s now get back to business. This thread is about Zero Point.


You really missed an opportunity there to call it The Wahn


I’ve been running Wanted on Day 1, then rest day, then Chosen/RICH on the following. The only reason I’m interested in Wanted is the hair growth testimonial in this thread…forgot who it was, sorry. So I’ve only run Wanted twice in this cycle and I’ll be damned if I don’t already see some growth. And I’ve been bald on my crown for a long time. We’ll see if it continues. I’ll have to keep track with some pics.


That’s awesome man. Good luck with it. So far I’ve just been trying to use some energy work to fix mine, I should clear whatever this block I’m feeling is and just get on wanted zp.

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It was from @Sub.Zero


I’d be interested in what energy work you are trying, but only if you are willing to share. 20 years ago I tried Rogaine for a few months and it left me red, uncomfortably itchy and irritated and so I haven’t really tried anything since.

Thank you, @Brandon.

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There was a bug who came to visit my home once.

It pretendrd to be a dragon.

I ignored it.

It tried to roar like a dragon

I ignored it

It tried to breathe fire

I ignored it

The little bug left

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Reading what you said here, so in theory we could stack EF Stage 1 and EF Stage 3 ZP with Wanted? sounds like The Super Soldier Serum stack until Project HERO launches.

It’ll stay that way. Zero Point is a game changer for the entire subliminal industry, and it’s got people going nuts right now. It’ll settle down.