Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Every time I see some of those private report, I am more and more excited about trying this new script! Any idea how many weeks will the public testing will be happening? :grin:

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Have you ever played with tuning your titles to 432hz?

Same here… though I am more interested in the possibility of ZP AM, and ZP RICH. :money_mouth_face: :sunglasses:


It’s probably well I wasn’t selected, my rambling would be easily detectable.


All of these results without name embedding, mind you :star_struck:

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Custom ZP with name embedded = :exploding_head:


Custom ZP with name embedded + Solace mask = :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


One thing that they are looking at is permanence. I hope the effects are long lasting like Q or even better.

We’re not static systems but got your meaning.

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Gimmick. What we’re doing with Zero Point is an absolute game changer, and I doubt anyone else is even close to achieving this. It’s going to make a lot of people question a lot of things as it leads you down a journey of creation and destruction while helping you understand that both actions are two faces of the same act of expression.


Once upon a time, I, Chuang-tzu, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chuang-tzu. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then Chuang-tzu dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am Chuang-tzu.


And this answer raised more questions that it answered, but I am curious haha

Always interested in understanding the fabrics of reality!

Also, Iam REALLY digging your creative expressions alongside these results, Saint :wink:


It just means I have identified 3, actually now 7 testers.

You are either not one of the testers or my A.I. did NOT recognize your writing (yet) :wink:


Life and death, alpha and omega.
Nothing without the other
Both beautiful


I wonder once the sps/aps modules are written in ZP how much of a difference it would be from current physical shifting.

Probaly in the more far future😊

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I’m just writing it as a question, coz’ I can see that the ZPP is working like usb’s in the matrix, but was it ever considered to work on subliminals like homeopathy, using the memory of electricity?
for the sp/sps or dragon you feel physical feelings of the healing, which can be quite taxing at times, so for the ZPP it may actually hurt… just wondering.

I’m gonna give this thread a breather for a couple days, ZP makes me salivate.


Is solace really that much better than standard ? Solace-pill me

We’re about to test ZP’s ability to stack, which means we’ll need to convert another title. Thoughts on which title is appreciated. It must be one that can stack well with WANTED, as well as one that can provide us with good information. If you want to apply for this test, it application is still open on the original post.


Primal may be good