Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Chosen stacks exceptionally well with any of the other alpha, entrepreneurial and social titles. Honestly, it’ll stack well with anything, but toss it in with something like StarkQ or HoM and see what happens. :wink:


Great choice. I was thinking of the same thing during the test: To stack Chosen with Alch+Sage in a custom - The Guru

Really curious about this.
With all the sex manifestations in Q/V2, in ZP it will be :exploding_head:
Does it have physical shifting also?

I do wonder, the WANTED in the preview, is that with or without physical shifting? @SaintSovereign

@SaintSovereign My Bday is the 5 Dec can I get some Astral projection Qzp trip at that time :crossed_fingers: :grin:

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Are there any new insights regarding interoperability between customs and Zero Point after you now successfully merged ZP with Q to QZP?

For example, when I want to cure Premature Ejaculation, what would be the best stack?

#1 Diamond QZP alone

#2 Diamond QZP stacked with a focused Diamond Qv2 custom + modules: PE, ASPS: Reproductive System etc.

When I am running a personal power custom as my main custom, would option #2 be too dense?

Where?? :open_mouth:


I’m actually running both of those subs…

Can I run something like: StarkQ, House of Medici, Chosen ZP and RICH ZP?

Because that stack is really speaking to me right now and i think it syncs up really well

When you find out your sub is selected.


Wow the forum is overloaded. Can’t wait to test drive Rich!

Actually looking forward to reading the updated sales pages

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Primal Seduction doesn’t. Well, maybe a bit, but not a lot. Remember, ZP is about focus.


Emperor too?

Maybe it will give Stark that masculine edge people seem to think it is missing.

Too many. :frowning:
We’re limited to three.

Go with Chosen, as HoM has A LOT of wealth manifestation already in it.


Together no. But you can rotate one of them. Run one of them for a month, then stop it for a month, then run the other. 4 is too many.

So switch House of Medici with Chosen?

Would that make Regeneration ZP stronger than Dragon Reborn QV2 for the time being?
Also would RICH ZP and Regeneration ZP help with wealth ceiling issues?


Like literally rn I’m thinking of removing RICH cause I really really like the coherence StarkQ and House of Medici and Chosen have together

This one. I’m not sure if you’ll even need the custom, as Diamond QZP covers pretty much all of that. The version with Male Enhancement has even more scripting on PE and it has… well, male enhancement.


with physical shifting