Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Honestly I could write you an essay or even a report trying to explain it (even my review was almost 900 words :sweat_smile:), but the major thing you’ll get from ZP is the self realizations you get.

You WILL find your deepest, truest self.
I didn’t mention this but when I first started the test, I started with Diamond ZP, yet my first experience was how social I felt, here’s a little excerpt;

this was just Day 2 btw


:grin: Just that is enough saying a lot thanks man, looking forward to running them. Next thing is figuring out which ones to run first now :joy:


Wow wow wow! First, congratulation on your results! Very interesting!

Second. It seems that Wanted alphaness is increased? Its good because it is something that could be tweaked. When I ran Wanted I felt that alpha component could be more pronounced.


it is a real beast !


Hell, yeah. Self-realization… deep insights… wow, like honey to my eyes (ears)! :relaxed:


I’ll tell you something, and this kinda goes for everyone:

Be honest with what you really want.
Like try to self reflect before making the decision, because while the main ZP script will bring out your authentic self, you still need to decide which direction you think is the best for you.

Like some people want to try WANTED so badly, and if you’re one of them, then ask yourself, why?

If you want a girlfriend, why not PS?
If you want better sex, why not Diamond?

External results will be different of course, but if you want to be at high flow, then you need to be honest about what you truly think is the best sub for you.

Which is what happened with me and I realize that I didn’t really care about girls’ attraction towards me from WANTED ZP, as much as I liked the recognition from ALZP, the attention might seem similar, but it’s not, and my true self likes to get attention because of who I am, not how I look.


Somebody help me
I am addressing girls witj wrong name
I am damn serious, I actually have to recall their name from my memory, point is so many conversations, I really have to push myself to recall right name … and I am so damn afraid I will mess this up . Lol

Wanted ZPS .


hop on Limitless ZP when it’s out :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Wow, you just kinda cleared up some of my hesitation over deciding what to run. Also that thing you said about being liked for who you are vs how you look like resonated with me man.


Beautiful invictus



We seek the external all the time, but I had MASSIVE internal changes EASILY without recon (almost).
This is another key thing.
Plus, the external is just an extension of the internal! So internal shifts are actually more important.

You just ARE the new person immediately. Not much shit to go through, you just become the script-

Truly insane how powerful this is.


Will Picard ZP have the full sex mastery script ? Does it resemble emperor ?

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Dude, I’m itching for Khan QZP. Wtf.

I have noticed that what the subliminal does to you is try to bind itself with you, the length between the binding taking place is what causes reconciliation as the script conflicts with your beliefs.

One of the ways to become incredibly powerful is to have “no openings” which can only be attained by perfect self belief. When I first ran Khan, I sort of got that, now it’s 50/50 with reconciliation as I have to think twice before speaking to make sure it properly aligns with the script.

Khan QZP will let me know if I truly want the Khan lifestyle or not.

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I’m particularly excited for the spiritual subliminals to come out in QZP - fingers crossed one comes out during the Preview. Eagerly awaiting Sage Immortal and Alchemist, maybe I’ll reach enlightenment in a week :pray:


yeah I have so high hopes for Alchemist as well.

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Saint mentioned that Fire written 19 (or something) ZP titles. I wonder: they are rewritten & updated titles or brand new or mixed?


You should try Teamfight Tactics Duo. It’s so much fun and very tactical.

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This male enhancement in Diamond is permanet right, how much it can be, 1cm, more? I do not want to end up like some pornstar :slight_smile:

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40 cm more. It’s a third leg enhancement. XD.


Just use conscious guidance when you use it. I’m sure your subconscious knows the exact size you wanna be

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