Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Let’s go for 5k



true oh so true true

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My 2c on this:

Excluding the enjoyment I get out of creating things for “work” purposes… I love woodworking. Making things for fun brings me a lot of joy. I also like driving fast (well, the acceleration at least) but I don’t do that anymore… somehow I avoided ever getting caught despite doing nearly twice the speed limit on many occasions (on empty highways or country roads with good visibility, never in populated areas). But… the speed thing is a result of a sympathetic/parasympathetic imbalance which I’ve yet to fully fix… Another example is alcohol… I don’t want to drink for the taste of the alchcol, I want to drink to get drunk. But that’s not responsible or healthy, therefore I don’t drink (very infrequently I might, but once or twice a year at most, if that.)

Fingers crossed for a ZP title that finally delivers inner peace :sweat_smile:


What is your definition of inner peace?

I remember you talking to me about peace when I was using sage with my custom, which was over 2 months ago now if I recall correctly.

I’ll tell you something I have come to accept, the more you chase something, the less likely you’ll be satisfied with it. You probably have the ability to feel peace at any moment, but your need for inner peace (whatever that might mean to you) is actually making you feel less satisfied with the peace you feel.

It’s like chasing money, the more you chase after making money, the less satisfied you’ll be with it, because when you reach a monetary goal, you’ll realize that something is still missing, so you’d chase after more money, just to end up unsatisfied with it again.

Just like I always tell people in my life, I’ll tell you my number one rule in life;
Expect less, you’ll be happier


You could front the money for that and call it a “Scholarship” or something.

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Definitely will be🙂

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Since ultima are being phased out am wondering if it will matter when using a ZP ultima with a major and ultima core in it ( sex mastery ultima + daredevil ?

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I’ve found it a bit difficult to put into words, but I’ll try (yeah yeah, I hear ya Yoda…)

At any given moment I want to feel that it’s ok to be there, doing whatever it is that I’m doing, without a gnawing sense of anxiety that there is something else that might be more important. Often that manifests as frustration that I’m stuck doing one thing when I want to (or feel I ought to) be doing something else. I don’t mean that I’d rather be reading a book than washing dishes, it’s more for situations when I’m not really doing anything, or I’m doing something non-productive and I think about things that I could be doing that need to be done… if it’s work related that often leads to some anxiety, for example feeling that I’m burning money right now whereas I could be generating money if I was at my desk.

Today at lunch I put my daughter down for her nap, and sat with her while she fell asleep. I caught myself thinking about all the household chores that needed to be done whenever the weather is nice enough to be outside doing them… then I stopped myself and became very aware that my daughter is growing up fast… and I don’t want to ever look back and have more memories of working at my desk and raking leaves than snuggling with an adorable little toddler every chance I could get.
Yet I feel restless, all the time.

I want to feel, at any given moment, “this is where I want to be” and not have any thoughts or worries about being somewhere else, doing something else, or more importantly… have thoughts about the present moment going away.

I want to just be.


I see what you mean.

You feel anxious because your brain keeps telling you “you could be doing that instead of this” and it’s a type of overthinking.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but your issue doesn’t seem to be about peace, but more about not being able to be present in the moment without feeling like you could be doing something else that could be more beneficial to you, right?

“The big Long”

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That’s part of it, another part is that my brain jumps to worst-case scenarios far too often.

A rather extreme example is a song that I sing to my daughter when I put her to bed at night… it’s a simple one I made up for her when she was first born. On several occasions, the a$$hole part of my brain said “hey, imagine if she died and you sang this at her funeral… how would that feel?” And I nearly started sobbing, without any reason aside from that horrible thought… it took a week after each time before that song didn’t make me feel intensely sad again. And it’s a very cheerful and silly song, which makes her either laugh or, lately… blow a raspberry at me because it’s so silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Comes down to… I don’t feel safe, so I get antsy and think I should always be doing something to make myself safer (working to make more money, crossing tasks off todo list, whatever) but the result is I generally don’t have “fun”, and I find it very difficult to relax unless it’s a distraction… being engrossed in a novel, building something, etc.

I understand enough of neurophysiology to know that I’ve got a overactive amygdala and a dysregulation in parts of my midbrain and a sympathetic/parasympathetic imbalance (a malfunctioning or otherwise underactive vagus), and perhaps some mineral imbalances to boot.

I’m working on it though… and I know that some SC product - maybe DR, maybe something else - will play a big part in it. The promise of ZP has only strengthened that belief.


I understand you bro.

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I see now what your main issue is, you overthink way too much that it spirals out of control and the only way you get back to “normal” is by distracting yourself or drowning in work.

Also about the neurophysiology part of it, I think Limitless ZP could help with that, but it would be better for you to commit to stage one of QL for quite some time (like 3-4 months), reason being is;
The older you get, the more time it would take for things to restore the brain to it’s optimal levels.

Now I don’t know about the other subs that would be out in ZP preview, but either Paragon ZP or Limitless ZP, with QL st1 and your custom should be a good stack, then when QL is upgraded to ZP, you can try the stage 1 there.
You could also wait to see what the Picard ZP sales page would have, it might have something you want.
Sanguine is another option too.

Edit: I went through your stack journal and saw that it already has QL :sweat_smile: but like I said, it needs more exposure.

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Just as a reminder to all, on Saturday the testers are going to start a washout. Both Saint and Fire are going to take note of the effects. I suspect that it’s going to be at least a week before the preview starts… assuming a typical washout is a week.


Couls be faster than that if nothing happens or some sort of mini bloom happens.

If people are normal, or don’t feel different for the first 48h…Maybe 72hrs, there are good chances nothing will happen.

From my experience, and maybe some other members can input on this, reconciliations during a washout usually starts between 24-72hrs of stopping the usage of subliminals.

I’m clearly biased here as I really want to try out Wanted QZP and also, the new scripting because of the innate healing and crazy properties ZP contains.


Yes a washout is a week


Definitely a big component of it! Not just overthinking, but overthinking with a negativity and fear-based bias. It also only gets me to “normal” for a while, unfortunately. I had 16-channel qEEG brain mapping done 2 years ago and the beta was off the charts, with almost no alpha to be found. I’ve since become decently adept at meditation so I would assume my alpha levels come up, at least periodically, but I don’t make time to meditate regularly anymore so… dumbass me, I suppose.

I’ve had QL since it was first released, and have only ever run ST1. I’ve got at least 4 months of it in my stack and will continue for a while longer. QL ZP will be amazing, I’m eagerly awaiting that.


Gentlemen, no politics, please. We all have our feelings about what’s going on the world today, myself included, and conversations about these things online almost always turn nasty. SubClub is and shall remain politically neutral.


Woah 4 months on st1 :thinking:

Then maybe move on to st2 and see how it goes from there.
Or maybe DR could be the best choice for you, but I’d tell you to wait till both are upgraded to ZP before you make the switch.

Some people will not see what happened today as a happy ending, others may agree. Either way, it’s an inflammatory case to even discuss, so let’s just drop it.