Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Picard sounds so fucking tempting! I suspect it would go so well with Khan, that I’m running now.


Yes. My choices are Paragon QZP, Ultimate Artist QZP and either WANTED QZP or Picard QZP (depends on Picard sales page). Of course last minute changes are possible but mostly this.

I will run as and when the title releases or public preview releases (for example if UA QZP isn’t in the preview, I will add it to the stack later).

Am more like running a new stack as soon as the public preview starts. Not just for preview but for the long run.


It does. I want to pick up PS but I want to see what it’s all about


Man! @StateOfBeing comes the rescue even here. Haha thanks man


LOL as it is it is well known in the forum that am a sucker for Paragon.


I’m curious if Limitless ZP will be stronger than , a condensed version of Quantum Limitless , or both?


Emperor isn’t antisocial, if you stop socializing with certain people or stop doing certain actions (going out drinking, partying, etc) while running Emperor it’s because your SubC considers them a waste of time and/or a distraction from your goals… :upside_down_face:


You won’t be disappointed should you decide to go with Heartsong.


SaintSovereign has said that the multistages will remain multistages but each stage will be only 15 mins each.

And we know all single stages titles are also 15 mins including the new Limitless.

So the only real comparison is Limitless QZP vs QL ST4 QZP.

A question for the ages.

And then there is Beyond Limitless QZP and Limitless Executive QZP. Ufff

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Emperor is not against having social experiences. It’s against wasting time and this aspect of it (for me) is quite immediate and noticeable.


That’s true, what I meant was that for me it was too productive and made me less likely to have fun the way I do now, it’s something I’ll probably use after I establish myself a bit more, maybe 6 months from now.


The way I look at it is… imagine you were imprisoned by kidnappers and you found a means to dig an escape tunnel. Aside from stopping as needed to eat and sleep, would you take a break to relax from your escape attempt?

That’s how Emperor affected me in my wealth/business goals. I was devoting everything to expediting my escape… but in this case an escape from a 9-5, an escape from not being wealthy, etc. I took breaks to recharge, not just to have fun. That doesn’t fit with my life now as a father, so Emperor is shelved in favor of AM (in my custom), which feels like it has less of a hard edge to the drive, without backing too much off. I hope that makes sense.

I will definitely run Emperor again, as I feel I’ve got better control over my mindset now and will be able to direct Emperor better than I did 2 years ago. Also, huge advances in the tech, of course… I was running Ev4 and then the EQ Test.


Gawdamn. Are you digging an escape tunnel now?

Cuz that was deep.


AEM is pushing me so hard I’m digging a different tunnel with each hand. :sunglasses:


You know this had me thinking about the goals of some of us here. Escaping certain things. I wonder if zp will encourage focus on thriving vs survival if you get what I mean. Feels like I’ve been trying to escape stuff most of my life but never actually being fully in life.


Well, that gets into a bigger discussion about “toward” vs “away-from” motivations… IMHO only “toward” motivations truly succeed long term. In my case yes I did describe it as escaping from the 9-5 etc, but that was more to fit with the escape tunnel analogy. :nerd_face:
From my perspective, it was more putting everything I’ve got into reaching the bright, beautiful goal of (financial) freedom.

I understand fully, I don’t know that I ever really have fun honestly. I can get lost for a few minutes here and there, but without fail my mind snaps back to “serious” thoughts… things on my todo list, issues etc I’m worrying about, or just thoughts relating to my work projects. I understand why, they are open loops that need to be closed/finished or “something bad” (very nebulous, you see) will happen. I included some modules in my mindset custom to help me enjoy the present moment more, but I’ve not reached the inner peace yet that I want.


Hmmm you seem quite the opposite of me, I struggle with being serious more often (getting better now), like I’ve seen life as a video game for so long, that I started taking everything as a mini game in life, which did lead to success (in my own way), but i just feel like I don’t take things as seriously.

Like I’m the guy people would call to party with, but would avoid when working on projects :sweat_smile: not because I’m not competent, but because I’d end up distracting everyone and turn it into a mini party :sweat_smile:

And honestly Emperor disliked that :rofl: I did drop a whole group of friends because they seemed very “low-level”, and I know if I use emperor now, I will drop more friends, but I’m only 23, and I do want to have fun, that’s why I think that StarkQ is a much better option for me.


An Interesting fact: Exactly 74 days will pass from the day of the first ZP test to the last one. This is 1776 hours. During this time, we could play any ZP for 7104 times :smiley:


I like to joke that I’m 41 now and I’ve always been 41. lol. I was never really into games or parties, I wanted to study and learn and build a business. Different archetypes for sure!

I’m the guy people ask for tech or business advice, but parties? Nope… lol.

Definitely. Different seasons in life… when I was 23 I was much more about fun too… Now I would be deeply ashamed if I found myself so drunk I couldn’t even crawl (let alone walk), but back then? Good times, man… good times. lol.


Hahaha, at 26 I’m still partly in party mode! I like a good party, having fun, but I have a respect for the grind, I would say that since I’ve switched 25, I’m more focused on what I want to build in my life (and how I can get these goals).

I think it’s part of the transformation that men needs to go through!