Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Ohhh shit, I’ve got to get my deadlift over 400lbs, which was my PRx3 :muscle:

WantedQZP’s physical shifting… I really want to try it out.

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I guess your creative side (music, cinema) fuel your business imagination (you and @FIRE). But as I know from professional experience and just by watching the world around us how challenging it can be to always innovate, I guess you have some creative process to always come out with new stuff for SubClub. :smirk:

When you put stuff in the pipeline, do you know already how you will do it or you plan then you put the effort to find a way, maybe adjusting your goals? :thinking:

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When you take one week of leave to go on holiday and run Wanted, your boss won’t recognize his own staff when you come back to the office.


Im ready for RICH and Wanted . This going to be fun
please give me Minds Eye and my stack will be perfect

Sometimes we plan it, sometimes we don’t. We have overarching goals, then we created a process to reach those goals. However, the process is fluid – we change it up when we need to take a different path, which allows us to pivot when necessary. Stay ahead of the curve.

We also have no problem ditching technologies that don’t fit our needs. If Zero Point failed miserably, we’d just toss it and go with another build. If Qv2 REALLY had a problem (instead of a manufactured crisis by certain agents), we would’ve pivoted. At the end of the day, it’s about the customer’s results, hence why we offer free upgrades. Makes no sense (unless we’re just being greedy) to charge you over and over for an upgrade that we may pivot from. That’s also why I laugh at the copycats who think we use free upgrades as ONLY a marketing point. They’re hurting themselves financially, since I can guarantee they don’t have a robust testing platform and internal software like we do. We’ve been playing the long game – no need to turn a huge profit for at least five years, focus everything on testing and building an incredible product.

Their titles still requires 16 hours of exposure for results.
Zero Point needs 15 minutes.

Good luck, copycats.


@SaintSovereign Did you or @Fire see yourselves where you’re at now back in mid 2018?


Not at all. We started the company because we wanted to explore this field without any limitations imposed on us. We really didn’t have any financial goals, just an idea / plan on how we could create the most powerful and effective subliminals available anywhere. If we did well financially, cool. If not, cool also. It was literally just a passion project that’s primed to create a cultural zeitgeist.


I occasionally think about all the crazy conversations we have had over the last three plus years


This is some anime-level power progression.

The listening time has been cut to be 64x faster.


This means drastic change in the script !! After this change will we still have the number of script pages ?! Or this ends with QZP


It blows my mind that this is possible


anything is possible these days with the proper technology and knowledge.

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I ducked outta instinct cuz shots fired.


@Fire am hoping that your scripting some productivity subs like QL OR Renaissance man

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cr cr cr :rofl: :joy:

I just decided I am running Limitless ZP and RICH ZP when available. I will wait to see what else is available if I decide to add a third ZP


I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned it, but I for one am looking forward to seeing what the experience of the Until the End of Time Primer is like.


Do we know what’s in that primer? :open_mouth:

There is no primer

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