Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Hoping all is ok with @SaintSovereign


Thought so especially because terminus is considered experimental and it might not be the easiest to kinda, put all that into the standard format

its a lot of input supposedly and I can feel that
doubt it’s good for usual listening :smiley: esp when starting out
but I do love it

thanks mate

Quiet day or night

You really want to get overwhelmed with Qv2. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

One thing I know about Qv2 is it really kicks my butt and I’m forced to redefine the use of my stack because of it and I run only one loop of RebirthU and RM a day (+the old Q of the Alchemist and Stark),

You, guys, should really listen to our holy sage from time to time. :slight_smile:

I didn’t do that and I got overwhelmed with one loop of RM (+2xStark, 2xthe Alchemist, 1xRebirthU) like a little piglet with two litters of vodka.

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Only Dragon Reborn. Very curious given what I have experienced so far. Three and a half months later I am coming close to being almost nothing like I was prior. I at times feeling like a completely different person


Haha,i did that too.3 loops of both my customs and 1 loop rm sent me straight into recon.gonna take it slow with testing qv2

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Gonna drop down to just 1 custom for qv2.this stuff is really strong. Im burning out on just 2 uv2 ultimas

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Given how powerful Qv2 seems to be, a DR version of Qv2 will be keeping us busy.

I am looking forward to it.

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Starting to wonder if Saint and the rest of the SC team are okay.


You and me both


Is the ultrasonic emperor qv2 file in the download files the correct one?

when i look into details of the file , it says created in 13 january 2019. and the file name is Emperor v2.

That’s the incorrect one.

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Do you think it would be ok running my custom Emperor Q alongside the emperor Q2. Will their be incompatibility issues.

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant

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hope everything’s alright

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great question

There was a lot of rubbish to clear out then. I do see major changes but me still feels like me. :slight_smile:

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Some of you lot are like needy kids :joy: , the bosses are `hard at work rolling out the upgrades for all the Q products so i’d expect them to be absent from these forums …take a chill pill and be patient :hourglass_flowing_sand:


When they are quiet it means they are busying doing stuff in the background. Keep in mind they are a small team (Saint, Fire and a developer).