Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Hahaha, I always remember that when I am cleaning the brushes :rofl:

Not yet in my downloads section…

Well this gave me the nudge to finally jump on Mind’s Eye! But now… a dilemma… lol

How would one go about deciding whether to run Mind’s Eye Qv2 or T2?

For brief context: I’ve been running subs (primarily Alchemist, Khan, DR) over the past year. For the most part, everything’s been epically smooth with minimal recon.

The goal with Mind’s Eye is to help with lucid dreaming, visioning new products/marketing in my biz, and practicing reality creation methods (ie. Vadim Zeland, Fred Dodson, etc.)

Much love and thanks for all the incredible value. I’m quiet round’ these parts, but I’ve gotten a ton out of browsing these boards (and of course from the subs).

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I’d go with QV2. It’s the new core. Even at Terminus, MET^2 is still the QV1 core


Appreciate it!

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Definitely Qv2. The T2 version was a prototype and questionable at that.


It does not appear on my downloads.

Check again, it’s definitely linked properly.

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Ascension Qv2 ready to go in about 10.


I seem to be the odd man out, I’m struggling to get into these v2 versions. I tried the v2 versions of AM, Emperor and Stark (all masked), and all left me feeling vaguely annoyed and disinterested. I’m not sure why, maybe they’re just too smooth for my taste. Maybe it’s just a matter of getting used to the new core.

I’m still waiting for my v2 custom rebuild, but I’ll give the new core a proper test run when that arrives.


Ascension and pcc is out :star_struck:

Still not seeing the PCC Qv2 in my downloads.

AND…never mind. It just landed

How did you get to that conclusion?

This could be one of the fastest acting subs right now.

I downloaded ASc and PCC. Thanks!

What sub could be used to protect the effects from subliminals used by marketers in ads, i think from what i seen big pharma put subs in there pill ads.


PCC or QL4. Both are Lie Detectors.


DR, which explicitly says that it works on making one immune to the programming of society


It does? I must have missed that part

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