Main Dev. Thread - 12

@Yazooneh You made @DarkPhilosopher cry. He’s sensitive

i am harambe

Hold on there JCast! You don’t want a mod edit again :wink:


this thread will go down anyway tbh, when 12 is out they make a new one no? why go onto the main discussion thread to read 500 comments of dudes trying to figure out what sub this is?

so I’m just having a bit of fun

SaintSovereign will release 12 at 11:59:59 PM, thereby technically keeping true to the statement that 12 will be released today.

We’re in the endgame now. :wink:


^I manifested this

Right. Which means in another 15 mins I guess!

Not sure what you had in mind here

Uh oh, in Endgame, they killed off Stark… :scream:




This has not gotten me an inch closer to knowing what 12 is about but I like saying WOAH


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the only hint that stuck in my head was

“you didnt know you need it until you got it”

either luck

or superhero sub.

I’d guessed Project Hero days ago, but then got distracted by the wedding clue stuff, so not sure what to think now. Either way I guess we’ll all find out soon enough!

if you go to the top of the page where they show posters

@GoldenTiger has 69 posts and is the leading poster

white tigers are near extinction, 69 shows sexual activity

this can only mean that the white tigers are sleeping with eachother and they are only 2 in each enclosure.

marriage was used as a hint for a long time, is this a love/finding the partner sub?


We did it!

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No, I’m still here! :smirk: Alive and well my friends! I’m just doing a statistic homework!

Only because I kept hammering how right I was hahaha

I’m guessing none of you lot saw the obvious message in this latest post.

All you have to do is count the number of S’s. Don’t even waste your time replying if you don’t already do that for everything Saint posts. But Saint Sovereign has how many S’s? Yes. 2. And that’s also how many pairs of S’s he so elegantly placed in the message for anyone paying attention.

2 = Too = Tu-

When did he say it was coming? ‘To-night’. Hmm… might we be getting warmer?


But your mouth is still hanging open in astonishment, so, Night = Na

(yes, we know. It is the chemical symbol for Sodium)

Clear now?

Tu- + Na.

Tuna (which is often what? Salty/Sodium)

The new program is Tuna.


That’s all you need to know.


I knew Malkuth was an alchemist, but this is…