Love and healing subs for an a$$hole?

Hi gang,

I am a fvcking a$$hole who gets frustrated and irritated at the most inane sh1t. This in turn allows me to be very impatient and unfulfilled. My fuse is very short and I take it out on innocent bystanders, like the one’s who love me the most or are genuinely trying to help. Even the fine folks here at the Club, who in no way deserved my bs.

I purchased Love Bomb to help with this, and man I gotta say this sh!t is legit. The thing is, as good as it feels, I can’t run it 24/7.

Do any of you fine folks have any suggestions on anything to stack with Love Bomb to further heal these issues?

I don’t wanna turn into a doormat, however…

Any ideas? Or if you have an idea but need more information regarding my behavior or whatever, please feel free to reach out and ask!

Thank you deeply for any input.

EDIT: Cleaned it up a bit.


No need for that unless it’s what you really want

Honestly purchase Regeneration and you will get Regeneration ZP and run that.
I wasn’t an asshole or contemplating any existential identity crisis like yourself but running Dragon Reborn helped me more than anything. Unfortunately not everyone has the funds so for the time being I am recommending Regeneration. If something else becomes available I will let you know
Come to think of it you could purchase Chosen and with it you will receive the Chosen From Within experimental which has the Regeneration I mentioned as well as Love Bomb. Both fit nicely into what you’re looking for and the introspection you will go through will help you tremendously
Chosen From Within will also help with emotional regulation and to detach from the frustration and annoyance you feel. It’s helped me and I can be a miserable f***


Chosen from Within is a great pair with Love bomb. Dragon Reborn for a complete makeover. Use Ascension or whichever Alpha Program that doesn’t make you aggressive in an unhealthy manner so that you may have an internal frame to keep you calm and cool

If you’re addicted to Pr0n, then quit it and your life will improve. Same case for Coffee, or at least reduce it and switch to Green Tea and keep caffeine for the emergency cases.

Start up some mindfulness practice like meditation, and/or something else to blow off steam and give your mind some time to relax.


Yeah don’t do that. Worst advice ever. That’s more likely to cause rage

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If @SaintSovereign releases this other version of Chosen he mentioned earlier that would probably help out a lot as well.


Thank you for your attention and suggestions @James and @Phoermes , I certainly appreciate it.

I like my masculinity and don’t want to lose it, is what I was trying to say there, sorry about the un pc-ness. Actually sorry-not-sorry. PC isn’t my thing, never will be.

Thank you both for the detailed answers to my question! I will strongly consider your suggestions as they do sound like effective tools, many thanks my friends!


You’re welcome. I like my masculinity as well so I get it

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Can you either give me quick rundown on how Dagon Reborn made the biggest difference for you? Or maybe point me towards a journal of yours while running it (if available)?


Read my reviews on the sales page

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Check out JCast Dragon Reborn Stage 1, JCast Journey, Dragon Reborn , Quantum Limitless, & Paragon Complete.


@James and @Phoermes

Do you guys think Chosen from within and Dragon would be too much to stack together with a side of Love Bomb? Or unnecessary to stack and run solo?

Not at all. Just follow the listening instructions. Not sure you would need extra Love Bomb but it’s up to you

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I can’t thank you enough for spending time with me on this @James

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You’re welcome. I am willing to help


How’s that the worst advice ever? I’m sure we could come up with worse things

Can rarely tell if you’re being sarcastic :sigh:

Take it easy and don’t over do it, then you should be good to go

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You could also look into Sanguine Ultima.

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Use any alpha sub
Use ascension

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This definitely sounds like something chosen will help with. It will still make you aggressive towards those that do something that goes agaisnt your morals, but also makes you more empathic, positive and a bunch of other shit.

Sanguine maya lso help to stop you from getting so easily frustrated and irritated.

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