LimitlessQ: Is this Reconciliation?

The situation is quite-a-bit difficult to articulate, I hope you all bear with me.

After my Study session today, I am sensing a sense of doubt in my intellectual capabilites.

I am having these limiting thoughts and a noticeable loss in confidence,
all of which is leading me to the Failure-to-launch syndrome.

basically I feel very dumb, retarded and stupid for no apparent reason,
and frankly I have nothing to blame for it except reconciliation from LQ
(I have never faced reconciliation from LQ till now)

QLQ and LQ users, your input will be very much appreciated.


PS: Was having Instrusive Thoughts which got me worried and anxious. It all went away when I started Disecting them instead of trying to avoid them.

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How about you look at things this way?

In order to learn what you want, you may have to unlearn what you have previously learnt.

Your operating system is being formatted and running in safe mode while the new OS is being installed.

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how long has this been happening?

half a day.

I have many theories on why this may be happening.
But give I’d give it a day, or until after your next sub break before any worry or concern. I
often I find the opposite effect a sub is supposed to have as a transition into a deepening of better results. This is a ride we are on, and while the elevation overall continues a bit of a roller coast ride is inevitable when were edging our own human potential.

QLQ user here. I believe I can relate… there are times when I’m studying/learning something new I tend to feel frustrated if I’m not getting it immediately… I feel like a “slow learner”… which is something in the past I have to deal with, my colleagues or friends to tend to make fun of me, whenever I don’t get something as simple a they say “common sense”.

Fast forward, I have to double the amount of study time whenever I’m learning something, hard work… yes… but it did pay off afterwards :slight_smile:

Upon starting my QL journey this year, I can say it gave that push and confidence to continue what I’m doing and had delivered extraordinary things on my workplace :slight_smile:

Needless to say, it still hunts me from time to time. Which I conclude, it’s not about my cognitive skills but more of I need healing… emotional healing…

This is the reason why I’m planning my QL on hold… and focus on healing for this month :slight_smile:


@Ikigai- Same.

I wasn’t good with learning through rote learning
(the traditional form of learning in my country’s education sytem where ISTJs thrive).
It greatly affected my confidence and perspective towards learning aswell.

I continued to the practice it for years until I was conviniently convinced that I was indeed a “slow learner”.(blame society)

Its only recent that I understood how memory works and the power of learning with my own natural learning style.
(Blame QLQ)

Apparantly now I am a SuperLearner- A learner finally free of the bag of bullshit.
(blame Jim Kwik)


You can dedicate this month to QLQ-ST1 and continue on your QLQ journey.
QLQ ST1 is specifically based on learning related healing(eliminating all negetives from the equation).

Here is this line ripped straight off the sales page to sell you on this idea:-

QLQ ST1 will free you from limiting beliefs and emotional trauma,
remove and release any creative blocks you might have,
as well as pave the way for the development of rapid and easy understanding.

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I didn’t reply earlier because @Rapsta had already posted the Aftermath.

Very rarely, but this does happen on Limitless.
Locating the original reference to it will be hard, but I do remember posting this…


Agree with the rote learning. Hated it, it was really difficult to me.

I learned the SuperLearner techniques from Udemy of Jonathan Levi and Silviu Marisk.

For the Memory Palace, Anthony Metivier.

Yes, I believe Jim Kwik also mentioned that schools should not only teach academics but also on “how to learn effectively”. I still have yet started my Kwik training, have to schedule it.

I was also thinking to include QL ST1 on my healing subs but decided to just use Khan ST1 and Elixir for 30days, inspired by @Lion.

Maybe after the 30days, I will include QL ST1 or just goes straight to QL ST4 since I have done the 30days of each in the past. Depends on the result I get after the Khan Q1 and Elixir combo.


I just read limitless by Jim Kwik…
Rrally good book!
Shifted my mindset…
Learning how to learn is the basis of this book
Great methods