Just Self Confidence Sub

I’ve found that Beyond Limitless has some general confidence scripting in it

If you know you know :roll_eyes:. Not to sidetrack from discussion, but a part of my Khan journey is actually being challenged by someone on PCP who has Khan level confidence without doing the work. Like legitimately has nothing in life, but thinks he is a barbarian King.

Takeaway: Khan ST1 will help with strong boundary setting. If I’ll do it with a dangerous person, I will hold my frame with anyone.

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I’ll give my support for this sub idea.

Aura, belief, balanced and positive pride, self trust and self reliance.
An all round focused confidence and self esteem sub.
Not Emperor or Stark (too dense, lots of extra stuff included), GLM (masculinity only), Ascension (status and progression) .

Sanguine and LBFH are the closest combo you can achieve now for self confidence but I would love to see such a foundational sub, especially as 16+ could listen to it.