JCast Dragon Reborn Stage 1

Just an observation but I have always known that wasting time is not productive but I can’t help but notice how much time people waste on trivial stupid shit. Makes me value my time and how I spend it that much more


I’ve just apologized to @Apollo for being a bit impolite since I alluded to his indecisiveness. Fortunately, it doesn’t annoy me, it makes me want to let them do what they want since I don’t feel I should interfere… I feel I’m withdrawing to the shadow to take back my post as an Observer (my psychological sub-profile) and be less of Mediator (my dominant psychological profile).

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I get it and I’m sure that at some point as I progress through Dragon Reborn I will feel the same . Not my place to say anything and now that I think about it more it’s not exactly mature . I have been rereading this article and it has really helped me become more aware of how I am wasting my emotional energy

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Haha this has irked me a lot over the last few days. How people have complained that they haven’t been able to do X/Y/Z this year (mostly referring to bars/parties and stuff like that) and then in their personal time spend it watching shows, going on social media and a lot of other junk that hasn’t helped them push the needle forward

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I wouldn’t agree with no.2 and no.3 in that article. But I’m not really eager to elaborate on that. Please, forgive me. My definition of maturity is clear but I think everybody has their own and we sometimes redefine it. Right now, to me Mature = Authentic + Composed + Generous + Motivated + Courageous, in short.

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Day 29 Stage One - Running a loop of Limitless Executive at the moment to get myself ready and willing to do what I need to do today and hopefully gain a bit of insight on how to do things quicker as to not have it take too much time. Still debating running the ADHD focus related stack I came up with last night as I very much want to make significant changes in my life and I want to have the focus and mindset to accomplish that. For anyone who didn’t see what the stack is

Dragon Reborn Stage One
Quantum Limitless Stage One
Limitless Executive Ultima

Follow the listening instructions recommended by @SaintSovereign and @Fire

@Malkuth did a thread regarding this stack which you can read here

To clarify what he said in the thread I have not run this myself but I am starting today. I have run Dragon Reborn Stage One for almost a month and I have had outstanding results with Beyond Limitless Ultima and Executive Ultima either by themselves or run in a stack . Later this morning I will begin getting the two loops each of Dragon Reborn and Quantum Limitless Stage One knocked out.
If you were to ask @DarkPhilosopher he would tell you I became quite the sarcastic existential nihilist while running Beyond Limitless Ultima. It felt like the push I was receiving in cognitive abilities triggered critical thinking a bit beyond how I was prior. It felt as if once I realized how completely meaningless everything is I began being able to let go of so much that was weighing me down and Dragon Reborn Stage One in so many ways has accelerated that process.

Those two expand on what I said about how completely meaningless everything is

I have been incredibly quiet regarding my reluctance to run Quantum Limitless because I was more than a bit afraid of seeing things and reality for how they really are. Not be able to engage in the so apparent wilfull aloof indifference so many people I know seem to exist in.


Thanks for that clarification. I’ll try to find a moment to make the wording more accurate later.

I think it does seem like a good idea. Quantum Rebalance (stage 1).


@James Everything is meaningless, however, you provided a meaning. :wink:


Currently running a loop of Quantum Limitless Stage One. I have already run a loop of Limitless Executive Ultima and a loop of Dragon Reborn Stage One. New profile is my Norwegian Forest Cat. Seems appropriate as I am a huge fan of Norwegian Black Metal. Installed a couple of apps on my phone to begin with learning coding. Another reason why I chose to run Quantum Limitless and Limitless Executive as well.


I’ve seen many people here on the forum say they are going to learn coding. Why is that?

Care to elaborate more on why you chose coding? What is the goal?

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I love problem solving and I would like to potentially change careers and make more money

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Now we are getting into a topic I’m highly interested in :wink:

Are you business oriented? I mean, would you like to run your own business? Or do you want to have a career.

I’m basically unemployable. I’ve worked my fair share of second (shitty) jobs and done well in them. But I just can’t stand the idea of working for someone else. Temporarily yes, if needed. But long term, hell no.


I wouldn’t say I’m business oriented as much as I crave freedom. It probably seems a conflict of interest to want freedom but also change careers. I am not a fan of having to feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells to avoid triggering the often fluctuating moods of a 70 year old toddler. I don’t enjoy having my time wasted and disrespected especially for so little return.



The bosses tend to be idiots :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s the freedom for me too. I hate work. I absolutely loathe it.

My definition of work is having to do something that is boring. I get bored extremely fast.

Now, with my own business, I get to learn new stuff daily and once it turns into a chore I hire someone else to do it. Problem solved.

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You and me both.

Awesome! You and I are the same. You might just be an entrepreneur. That’s the reason why I’m building my own business online. That’s also the reason why Emperor is my go-to sub. I want to do my own thing.


@Hoppa The changes in my thinking from running Dragon Reborn has made me very aware of how I don’t want to be and I see that only becoming more obvious as I progress with Dragon Reborn and through the next three stages

I’m in the same boat. In addition to the fact that I hate going to a job where I have to report to guys that I know are beneath me (in terms of value). I wouldn’t even talk to those guys if we didn’t work at the same place.


@James I guess one of the attractions of coding for you is that you can do it alone, as you are highly introverted.

That’s the reason why I learned copywriting and other internet marketing skills.

And I’m pretty good at that. I mean, I’m selling over 100k just over FB every month now. But it started to feel like work for me, so I hired people to do the grunt work. Now I’m more interested in building systems.


That’s hilarious that you mention that. It used to bug the shit out of me at this job I had how everyone would do shit together outside of work but for whatever reason I was never invited. Come to find it I wasn’t invited because I was the only married person on the team. What that had to do with anything I have no idea. After a bit it didn’t bother me any more because I realized I didn’t really want to hang out with them anyway. I have always been someone who didn’t understand the point of company parties.
Some of the jobs I’ve had there were people who have known each other for years or decades or grew up together.

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