I've NEVER used Subliminals. Help?

Wow. OK. As of today, I’ve discovered the world of subliminals. A friend of mine sent me here saying that of all the things he’s doing for himself, THIS is the most helpful. I’m curious. Definitely open minded. I also have no idea what’s going on here, lol.

Where should I start? I’m definitely more interested in the confidence and financial/business side of things. I’ve got a really great long term girlfriend so I’m not looking to become a master seducer or anything like that.

My biggest issues are productivity and focus, but, even though I’m easily distractible, I’m definitely a hard worked and very ambitious. I’ve already started a business and oscillate through periods of productivity and sluggishness. In my personal life, mild bipolar is probably at the root of a lot of my productivity issues… I spend some of the time depressed and some time feeling totally normal, in alternating cycles.

I think I also have a lot of issues around feeling low status, thinking that other men are “higher” than me, etc.

Maybe you guys can’t actually pick my product for me, but, if you could introduce me to this world a little more and help me figure out where to start or what to look at first, that would be extremely helpful!


Welcome to the world of subliminals and SubClub. You got the best introduction to subs here. Before doing anything though, I would encourage you to read the following pdf file. It’s a manual that serves as an introduction. Don’t worry if you don’t understand a lot of what is said in it. Over time you will get it, just like anything else

You will find a link to the pdf file here:

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I really really wish I listened to this advice when i firsy started, but noo i had to choose the hard way: Listen to Ascension Mogul first for three months. It will save you a lot of money, headache and is great training for sub club’s subliminals.

Its the advice I see over and over again yet not many listen, myself included. Much to our detriment.


Same here.

Jumped right into Khan which f’cked me up big time.
I am not exactly regretting it, but the journey would’ve definitely been smoother with Ascended Mogul first!


You’re the perfect candidate for Ascended Mogul it should cover all of your described needs and then some.

Could also take a look at The Executive for productivity. RICH for your business.

If you really wanted to develop a strong foundation first, consider Dragon Reborn. Beware, it is not a sub for the faint of heart.

I wouldn’t run DR as a first sub. Ascension or AM is a great place to start. Do that for at least six months before you start playing with other stuff.


Ascended Mogul.

Play it once daily to start off, rest on the weekend.

After you get used to it, play it twice a day, rest on weekend.

Start a journal, write down your goals to help the subliminal focus, notice where you have changed behaviour (others too) and enjoy the process.

If you feel upset, irritated or wanting to stop/change titles, take a rest day. We call this phenomenon reconciliation. It will pass in a day or two.



You got some good input here.


Thank you all for helping out!

If it were me starting out, I’d consider:

Quantum Limitless
Emperor Fitness

I would pick ONE.

After 60 days, I would consider adding another.

I would also consider adding Dragon Reborn and Elixir after 90 days. However, be warned. Elixir might be mild compared to DR. And DR is strong medicine.

Now regarding productivity, there is Limitless Executive, Beyond Limitless Ultima, and The Executive.

You have a reading list. Take a look. Post your thoughts.

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I Agree with everyone else

Ascended mogul solo for a couple of months and then go from there

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Thanks everyone! This was extremely helpful. I got Ascended Mogul, listened to it once last night, and twice today so far. I’ll be listening to 2/day for a week, and then slowly ramp up. I already feel really good. I even started feeling it listening to it for the first time last night. It made me a bit aggravated and gave me a hard time sleeping, but also made me confident and feeling powerful/productive. I have more aggression to healthily channel into my work, I’m more confident, I’m less work avoidant (less distracted), and overall I’m experiencing WAY less negative emotion than even yesterday.

I was actually in a depressive slump when I played it yesterday and it shook me right out of it.

Thanks for the help, all. I CAN’T BELIEVE how responsive and helpful this forum is. Will definitely post updates after a while. I’m writing my journal down in my notebook.


If it’s overwhelming stick to one loop for the first while it’s better


The first time was overwhelming but now listening to two loops a day seems mild.

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& everyone else who recommended Asc.Mog first…

It’s going great. Felt intense the first day but I’ve quickly adapted and it feels mild now. I’m in no rush and want to scale appropriately rather than overdo it right away.

With that being said, I don’t want to leave too much growth and potential on the table. I’ve been looking at Ultimas and they seem interesting. So I’m wondering, should I add Ultima to the loops I’m listening to already?

No, you should listen to it just AM for at least one month by itself. I would recommend 3 months though. Take action towards your goals during that time.

On any new sub you will get a boost of results followed by a plateau. This is because it is working on deeper mind patterns. This is where the real work of a subliminal begins. Stick with it. After 3 months, if you feel its necessary add only 1 more sub depending on your goals. After 3 months We would be happy to guide you to your next step based on what you are looking for.

Most important thing is taking action. It reduces reconciliation and speeds up results.

This is what I wish I would have done. Good luck!

Got it! I like this mindset and want to progress like this.

Give it two weeks to get used to the feeling of Ascended Mogul, then you can add a related Ultima (Rebirth, for when reconciliation hits, you’ll feel like shit, Executive if you want an extra kick in the ass or True Social if you want new friends).