Is there a Q-module or title that increases likeability?

The goal is for business and personal life - one often needs to make their point, influence others, participate, and not stay silent. At the same time, they need to not be blunt, win allies and friends, be well-liked and respected.

This balance is at times tricky for me and I noticed my ascension-based custom (with Natural winner, Carpe Diem, Sultan, Productivity) combines with my personality to make me opinionated and want to always “win” a point. Is there anything I can add to be more “likable”? Could this be from Natural winner working with my nature?

I’ve definitely seen leaders in present and past companies who combine aggressiveness, respect and are well-liked/loved/respected at the same time.

PS: I’m already using Stark and find it’s not quite doing the trick for me in this respect.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

I believe Dare Devil is what you are looking for

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I like the Daredevil idea by @mecharc

I would throw in the Approachability Aura or even Transcendental Connection.


Thanks @mecharc . With Daredevil, my concern is w.r.t business contexts. I don’t want to be too chatty when driving or participating in a meeting and instead speaking appropriately with all levels.

Have you used it in business contexts? What has been your specific experiences?

PS: I’ve used social king to good effect in social contexts (getting a beer out with friends). It worked pretty well!

Bro, if you have a wealth module like mogul / ASC mogul etc, with your persuasion skills and influencing skills will be off the charts. This was advised to me by saint… I’ve just put it into my stack …2nd day.


no its not from Natural Winner module.
that is expression of insecurity, that desire to always win when your making points is subconsciously you trying to get validation and prove to others that you’re smarter

people who know their self worth have no desire to prove to anything to anyone because they r self validated

i doubt that your stack is making you insecure,
what’s more likely is that its bringing your insecurity to the surface for you to confront through some reconciliation

your post further confirms that issue of insecurity because you want to “increase likeability” lol here is the paradox,
people who are likeable and charismatic, they don’t Try to be likable or ever think “how can i make people like me more” they don’t care
they are themselves, secure and magnetic, they are authentic expression and that in itself is what makes you likeable

no module will magically make you likable, similarly how no module will magically make you more attractive to women
these are positive side effects of deeper change in character, you need to let go of insecurities, more confidence, more secure, freedom to express yourself without fear of judgement, thats what makes you magnetic, charismatic and naturally persuasive…
and all products are tools that will help you grow with these core things

don’t focus on side effects, focus on your core foundation, grow into a beast from inside out bro you will become transformed into a different animal

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Don’t overthink this – if you don’t want this to happen, it won’t. Subliminals don’t control you, they suggest ideas and “nudge.” You can easily consciously guide any title. But I agree with the others, Daredevil and True Social was built for this. Pair em with an alpha title (like Ascension) and you’re good to go.


:slight_smile: Thank you for your input.

It could be in part from some insecurity. But there’s a broader context - in industries/businesses where one has to compete and be persuasive/win others on board in meetings - not just through clarity and effectiveness of thought, but also with other less tangible factors, almost everyone in the room is trying to “win”.

I used “win” in the simple sense but meant it as more than just trying to always win personal arguments (I’m fine with losing battles :)).

Hope this clarifies the context. I’d originally typed out my question in a rush and realize I may not have framed it accurately.

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Thanks @SaintSovereign for confirming that Daredevil/True Social has considered business contexts as well.

Follow-up question for you - Does PCC have scripting to influence and win others on-board (I presume it does through being strategic), but does it aim to help win people over to your side from a personal likeability aspect as well?

If a custom is on the table, Dragon Tongue, Torchbearer, Leader of Men… all good options as well.


Have you tried Medici? :thinking:

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Definitely leaning towards modifying my Ascension customer and adding Dragon Tongue, and Leader of Men!

No. Considered it many times but I’m trying to avoid Shiny Object Syndrome :slight_smile: My current stack is 2 customs on alternate nights at 1x a loop ultrasonic -

a. Ascension Based + Phys Change + Wealth modules and
b. Stark, PS, AM, Lion IV, some wealth and results enhancers.

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Yes, but Daredevil may be better suited depending on the use case. PCC is based on the 48 Laws of Power, so it’s more for preventing manipulation or using manipulation to get ahead. The latter won’t inspire people to follow you out of respect. In a business context, I would rely on Daredevil or True Social to get ahead.

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What context would be best for PCC in your opinion then?

High stakes situations where you know people are trying to manipulate you and others, even if the manipulation is subtle. It also fits well in a 9-5 work stack (those working a regular day job). Ascension + Daredevil + PCC? Yeah, that’s a killer for getting ahead at your daily job.


Sounds like a great sub for a relationship with a woman. :slight_smile:

To be more serious, it sounds like a great tool for climbing the social ladder where the competition is fierce and people are forced to play the game or… game over.

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Next time, when you’re a Big Brother Contestant…

Those + Dragon Tongue & Spotlight - in a Custom. :smile:

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I agree with PCC, I also have a 9-5 job. During manager meetings instinctively you’ll see how the power play is going on. With that information it’s up to you how you want play the game with them :slight_smile:


There is a law of power saying use people’s need in believing in sth to move crowds.
When you wrote powerful focus on charisma, what did you really mean then?